Tattoos, They’ll Change Your Life

in tattoos •  5 years ago  (edited)

Before I get started I’d like to thank @foxyspirit and her post, Tattoo's Tattoo's Tattoo's!!!! And a contest did you say? for prompting me to write this.

It took me a long time to get my first tattoo. I’ll never forget the moment I found the design, it resonated with me so much it finally made me commit. It was 2013 and my wife was getting her nails done when I stumbled into a bookstore to kill time. I found myself at the magazine rack paging through a tattoo magazine and this is when I saw it. A beautiful piece of art depicting the Buddha’s Flower Sermon.

“Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.” ― Jack London

The design really resonated with me on several levels and I loved the meaning behind it. I propped the magazine open and snapped a picture of the design with my tiny iPhone 4 and it stayed there in my camera roll for years, getting buried deeper and deeper with each photo I took. Three years and two iPhones later it was still there (thanks iCloud).

2016 was one hell of an exciting year. I was lucky enough to have my novel and poetry catch fire here on Steemit. At the time I was making more than I ever had with my writing. Although it was all still too new to feel real but one thing was for sure...I could finally afford to get my tattoo! Here I was forty-five already so some people assumed this was the beginning of some kind of midlife crisis. I’ll admit it was a little out of character for me.

I bit the bullet, made the appointment with Grease and felt that addictive buzz of the needles for the very first time.

I came back the two years later to get the lotus and clock on my forearm. The two designs are connected by smoke so they flow together as a partial sleeve. Whenever I glance at my left arm I’m reminded of a few things, the blessing of that amazing year here on Steemit, the first visit to Europe during SteemFest 1 in Amsterdam, and my introduction to the world of cryptocurrency.

I got this second piece on my right shoulder in 2017, a few months before SteemFest 2 in Lisbon. This is a Buddhist mandala set on top of sacred geometry (flower of life). This one hurt like a sonnuvabitch due to its heavy lines and complexity but the end product, to me, is well worth it. When I find a design that I connect with I’ll eventually finish my right arm in a full sleeve.

Tattoos have changed my life. Each time I look at them I'm reminded of specific blessings. Each of them have deep meaning. Like the growth rings of a tree they, for the rest of my days, mark important milestones in my life.

Do people treat me differently when my tattoos are exposed? I'd be lying if I said they didn't. Although tattoos are, generally, much more accepted certain segments of our society still have issues with them. Some people treat you as though you're of a lower class or IQ when they see your tats. I find this blatant superficiality hilarious but it this doesn't bother me at all. Whenever it happens I'm grateful because these are always strangers who know nothing about me and it instantly reveals both a bit of their character and narrow mindset.

On the flip side, I've also had people assume I'm cooler and/or hipper than I really am because I have tattoos. I get called "dude" and "man" way more often than before I had ink. If they only knew how nerdy I really am. I even get called "man" and "dude" when I'm wearing my nerdiest "Chomsky Is My Homeboy" t-shirt. My life would have been oh so much easier if I could have gotten tatted up in middle school. : )

Thank you for reading,


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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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Hello Eric, how are you doing? Tattoos are art. For some people feel they cannot live without tattoos. Or will someone write the name of their partner as proof of love? You have a beautiful tattoo, man. Unfortunately I don't like tattoos because my religion forbids it. in my area as a Muslim area it would be strange for people who tattooed. So I rarely see tattooed people in my area. Enjoy your day, sir.

Hi @elianaelisma...It's very interesting that it is a written taboo in your faith. Many Christians wrangle over whether tattoos are forbidden. They cite several verses from the Old Testament; which speak more so of cuttings, akin to scarring. I have to admit that my indecisiveness about getting a tattoo has this quandary at its base. I'm of the mindset, when in doubt, don't.

Best regards.


Thank u for your comment, my friend. My regards from Indonesia.

Hi, all is well here I wish the same for you! Yes, tattoos are also taboo in Japan...they're associated with organized crime. They don't even allow people with body art to enter public saunas from what I understand.

Cool post. I can relate to your thoughts on tattoos being reminders of important milestones. I was 42 when I got my first tattoo, and it was a great experience. I was lucky enough to get my last tattoo with my son for his 18th birthday. It was kind of a bonding experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.

Thanks! Very cool that you and your son have that memory!

Well to be on the safe side, I called you dude because, well dude is just a word I use lol. :P

I really dig your tattoos and enjoyed the fact that they have such special meanings. I like the tree rings reference. I totally get it.

I winced a tat when I looked at the mandala tattoo, thinking of how painful that one must have been. Did you get it done all in one sitting?

Thank you for joining the contest! I appreciate that you did and also that you shared it with us. Some very fine art you have on you and definitely worth the pain :)

You're welcome @foxyspirit and no worries about calling me dude...I don't mind at all! He did a majority of it in the first four hour sitting. I had to go back for a twenty minute touch up session to darken some areas and add more color to the center. Thanks!

That's awesome timing for such an intricate design. Well done and well done for you as well for withstanding the pain!

The one that involve the Buddha geometry looks so cool to me. It's mathematical and align with some earth proportion.

Using tattoos to make a specific blossoming time on Steemit sounds so funny to me. It's an ancient ideology from my tribe here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Owwwwwwwww....okay...I'm done with my silly spill...I personally have zero tats thus far due to your single word that always resonates with me when I 'think about' getting a tat... The word is 'addiction'.

I've heard and seen people get addicted to the needle against their skin and become humans consumed by the art. Obviously, all tattoos are not the same...but, those tastefully done with forethought, tend to be well-received.

It's interesting that I came across this post; because, I was just thinking how it seems that more and more females are wearing two-armed sleeves and overall body tattoos more than I can remember a couple decades ago. All said, some of the art draws a compliment when tastefully done; but, it seems to be a fine line between tasteful and over the top. Btw, your art is extremely well done; and, the meaning behind the work really adds to its interest.

Anyhoo, just my take. I've toyed with the idea; but, since I can't gain a decisive peace about it, will prolly remain a spectator of sorts.


Thanks @spiritualmatters! You really have to be ready for your first one. I'm sure you'll know when and if that time comes. It's definitely not a decision to be taken lightly.

These are pretty cool tattoos.
I don't have any tattoos but I find it really cool that every time you look at these tattoos they remind you of your blessing and your great memories because the tattoo actually represents something.

Happy for you @ercvancewalton for doing that because it makes you happy and that is the most important thing.

The cool factor is sooooooooo true. My students instantly think I'm a tiny bit cooler if they see my tattoos.
They usually change their minds shortly after, because there is no hiding the nerd in me. But I luxuriate in the coolness when I can.

I always seem to get a mixed response from my students when they see my tattoos. However, I like to think they think I'm a bit cooler for a while as well.

It's so funny. I, like you, reveal all doubt once I open my mouth. At least we can linger in the fringe of cool for a few seconds anyway. Lol

Excellent review, Eric and I think that having a tattoo is pretty cool, I have a scorpion painted on my forearm, which I did in my youth, but now it makes me happy!

Thanks! You should enter the contest!

Totally should enter! I have a scorpion as well but that's just cause it's my horoscope ;)

Awesome! And I like the meaning behind your tattoos, that's how it should be.. I hate people who get 'fashionable tattoos'. Or stupid ones... the other day I saw a guy with the face of Al Capone on his leg...and not some tough guy, but one that looked quite pathetic...certainly not the mafia type of guy...
I got my first tattoo in 2015 and I have three now, all very personal. And I'll get more someday...
By the way, there's still plenty of room on your right arm by the looks of it... any plans for that?

I have writings mostly. Quotes from songs I relate to - one of them is actually a misquote and I left it at that because it had more meaning to me than the original line...

Thank you! Yes, I feel bad for people who get them on a whim or to impress others because some day they'll probably have serious regret. I'm curious about what kinds of tattoos you have. I'm thinking of continuing the sacred geometry theme in some way or another. I'll know the design when I see it.

If you are up for it, join my contest. A little extra SBD could be won if you are interested ^_^

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm not surprised that you have tattoos that mean something special to you @ericvancewalton, they are absolutely beautiful works of art!
When I grew up only the ducktails had tattoos so it was quite scandalous to sport one, but of course that's all changed now! But still funny to see the reaction of some people :):)
It's summertime now so you can wear them proudly now, they're gorgeous!

Thank you @lizelle! It was the same why when I was a child. The only people with tattoos were bikers and ex-military.

@ericvancewalton, Without any doubt it is epic and why it's hold the essence of epicness because, it hold the art and story of Ancientness. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Your left arm tattoo is looking very attractive .

Nice tattoos and good post on it. You are deeply attached with yours tattoos.

That is great but I think having tatoo also have side effect to the body

These look incredible and convey a feeling damn !