Highlights of the 2018 Tax Bill

in tax •  7 years ago 

Below, I have written a high level summary of the effect of the tax bill and included a link to my reference.

Personal Income Taxes

  1. Lowered graduated tax rates beginning in 2018;
  2. Doubled the standard deduction (expires after 2025);
  3. Eliminated personal exemptions;
  4. Retained deductions for charitable contributions, retirement savings, and student loan interest;
  5. Limited deduction on mortgage interest;
  6. Limited the deduction on state and local taxes to $10,000;
  7. Expanded the deduction for medical expenses for 2017 and 2018;
  8. Repealed the Obamacare mandate (starting in 2019);
  9. Increased the child tax credit;
  10. Eliminated most itemized deductions;
  11. Created a credit for non-child dependents; and
  12. Increased the exemption for the AMT.

Estate Taxes

  1. Doubled the estate tax exemption.

Business Taxes

  1. Lowered the maximum corporate tax rate;
  2. Raised the standard deduction to 20% for pass-through businesses (expires after 2025);
  3. Limited corporations' ability to deduct interest expense to 30% of income;
  4. Allows businesses to deduct the cost of depreciable assets in year one;
  5. Stiffened the requirements on carried interest profits;
  6. Eliminated the corporate AMT;
  7. Allowed companies to repatriate income by paying a one-time tax rate of 15.5% on cash and 8% on equipment;
  8. Allowed oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge;
  9. Retained tax credits for electric vehicles and wind farms;
  10. Cut the deduction for orphan drug research from 50% to 25%; and
  11. Cut taxes on beer, wine and liquor.

In summary, the tax bill is very favorable to businesses while providing moderate relief to individual taxpayers.


Any accounting, business or tax advice contained in this communication, including attachments and enclosures, is not intended as a thorough, in-depth analysis of specific issues, nor a substitute for a formal opinion, nor is it sufficient to avoid tax-related penalties.

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Having a concise list like this makes understanding the bill much easier. Much appreciated!

No problem.