RE: Taxes destroy all of us rich or poor

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Taxes destroy all of us rich or poor

in tax •  7 years ago 

The book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” explains how 6 men who controlled 1/4 of the worlds money wrote and then bribed Congress to pass the Fed.

I used to believe that, but Martin Armstrong has written three blogs which challenge this presumption:

It appears that the Fed was set up by private banks to buy corporate paper only to prevent the total collapse of the economy as had almost occurred but was prevented when J.P. Morgan bailed out the entire U.S.A. banking system.

J.P. Morgan was dragged in front of Congress and ridiculed for the great service he had done for the nation. It was this vilification of the private banks that caused the mindless mob of democracy to vote for FDR, the New Deal, and the abrogation of private Fed turning the Fed into a Marxist corruption that was forced by Congress to loan money to the government.

So please refer to my point about democracy is totalitarianism because it is a power vacuum. Most people never seem to learn this concept.

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