$$ How to Tax evade through a living room! $$

in tax •  7 years ago  (edited)

For those who have made huge financial gains this past month off of your Crypto-Assets, congrats!


a very productive week for us all!

I understand the temptation of wanting to take that cold hard cash into your hands. I understand wanting to bask and bathe in it.

I know you want to lay back on your pile of notes tear's of joy because... Well, you made it.

Well let me first say.. Its a good feeling and it never ever gets old.

But next I will say .. STOP!

We need to STOP and think before we do anything rash!

We have batted out of the ball park. But are yet to make the actual home-run!

We are an inch away from our touchdown!

So I am here to say two things:

  1. we don't need any unnecessary attention from big brother,

2 . you are lucky to have met me. Although I may not be a professional tax-attorney, I am most certainly a professional tax-evader.

First thing is first, we need to get all those coins stored on a raft of privacy, I recommend converting your entire folio to DASH.


Why? DASH uses an address tumbling system that scrambles your payment and receiver address's, making it impossible to be accurately tracked! Think of it as a washer machine that spills your pink shirt dye all over the entire white laundry basket staining all your other tops and.... well shit, which one was your original pink shirt again?

This is exactly why DASH is our safety raft!

Now that we have our safety raft, we need a moat!

For this we want to ask old mate Satoshi if we can borrow his living-room.


We can do this by using a website called:


This website allows you to send your Cryptography to a third party company that automatically sends these funds into you bank or card maybe even pay a bill or two along the way.

The money is transferred and covered up through an honest business esc looking source.

Here we get our three 'No's'

No harm.
No foul.
No questions.

But that's not enough.... All we have done now is create our own financial refugee crisis... with a raft and moat but no island or end-zone? We call this.. stranded.

Surely our bank will come knocking on our door asking about all these large stacks, right? This IS a possibility, in fact its a probability.

So now we need our end-zone!

Well this one is my favorite because it is right under our nose :)


Looks innocent and familiar does it not? Well its not, its a damn cover up. This little sucker is our end-zone. Our safe landing and touch down!

The Cypher-Punk refugee crisis is averted!

These are called LOAD & GO Cards, They are an anonymous banking system setup through Visa. Perfectly legal,


We will need to buy a stack of these! (very cheap).

to set up one of these you will need a mobile phone number and a secret pass-code! I can write up a whole article telling you how to create untraceable burn phones. But that is for another time. For now just borrow nan's or something. Actually come to think of it using your own shouldn't be TOO much of a hassle.

Remember a Cypher-Punk DOES NOT pay Tax by definition!

Enjoy your riches Champ! You deserve em!


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