Founder of the Dutch Libertarian Party explains why TAXATION IS THEFT!

in taxation •  8 years ago 

Most people blindly, if begrudgingly, pay tax. They believe that they are receiving some form of "service" for this forced payment.

But many people haven't stopped and thought about it, and considered a few basic points.

Some points seem easy to think about, such as "Am I getting value for my money", after all we all consider this in the free market. But what is often forgotten, is "Do I even have to pay it?"

For example: "If I'm free, then I can not be forced to pay tax. Being forced to hand over my money, is theft. Right?"

So why do so many people not even ask this question?

Toine Manders explains it well.

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A stand up guy. Do the libertarians have much support there? Are they growing?

Like all countries where a libertarian party begins to grow, the establishment always attack it, because they don't want the truth to get out. But you can not stop truth, so if we keep voicing the truth, the libertarian message will be heard and support will grow. ;)