The Grand Finale!! Cassini’s Final Days! - Sep 13th, 2017

in tbufc •  7 years ago  (edited)

It’s here folks! The moment we’ve all been waiting for; Cassini’s mission is coming to an end. Will we see an explosive conclusion? Archbishop William Scoggins is here to cover it all!

William Scoggins is A REAL CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP, ordained apostolically in the Ecumenical Order of Christ, with all of the knowledge, power and authority that comes with his honored and lauded position.

He has been given special orders to "Awaken the public by any means necessary", and this authorized video series, unorthodox as it may appear, is Archbishop Scoggins carrying out his divine mission of revealing facts that have been hidden from the masses, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!

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So it sounds like when the satellite hits the surface of Saturn all of the gases and Saturn will explode into a fiery son? Sounds a little far-fetched, it would be cool though if we did have two suns. But then it be hard to get to sleep. ☀️⭐️☀️⭐️☀️⭐️☀️⭐️☀️⭐️☀️

Not a second, a third. =)

Great works, I wish you success

Great works, I wish you success
Good post I would be very thankful if you please follow and upvote me thanks.



It should be awesome ;)

Amazing and liberating to see this! Proud to have you!

The Saturn Plunge leading up to Revelations 12 The Great Sign

and there after

Revelations 16:21 ( HINT Saturn's "rings" made of ice ;) )
The Seventh Bowl of Wrath
…20Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found. 21And huge hailstones, about a hundred pounds each, rained down on them from above. And men cursed God for the plague of hail, because it was so horrendous.

Amazing revelations!

RIP Cassini