Tuesday Christian Curation Night Show (TCCNS) #11 Report Writing

in tccns •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone, today's show was another fantastic one with the fellow Christians. We talked about different topics that came up from each post. More people attended more new members than the last show and it as an interesting one.


Here are the posts that were presented in the show in no orderly way:

Three things I want my son to know (4/4) By @Reonlouw

Three things I want my son to know (4/4)

This is the fourth post in a series on parenting. It is not an attempt to give advice or solutions. Rather it is an attempt to highlight the importance of good parenting. And to highlight the things I think is important or at least some of them. Hopefully, it will inspire you to contribute to the conversation.
Yes, I know I have mentioned this twice already but there is going to be a third time. God spoke to His Son publicly, twice in recorded history. And He said the same thing each time!

"This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

My son will receive affirmation from me at every possible opportunity. And he will hear my applause long after I'm gone. He is an awesome young man and will do well in whatever he chooses to do. However many admirers he gains in his lifetime, I will always be his number one fan.




So to be passionate for something is the longing of the soul for that thing. It is a craving, setting your mind and your heart on that thing.
In order for you to always be passionate, you must know the reason for which you are here, the reason for which you were called, the reason for which you were chosen, you must understand your purpose. The answer is in 1 Peter 2:9
Many artists who know the Word of God accurately are the ones who are shaking the world. Some others have written and sang songs & after a very short time couldn’t stay relevant, because their knowledge was not accurate.
You should recreate yourself because the world is in need of the right people that would take them into God’s plan for their lives. You should recreate yourself because you are the light of the world; The world is in need of healing, in need of solutions to their problems. In other words they have to be brought out of darkness into light.


I AM SORRY. By @Stevenmosoes

Whenever we are studying the Bible we must be careful not interpret it in a direction that the verse is not saying and to take note of what it says and what it doesn't say. The Bible is our manual for life, health and Salvation. We need to study it to know about God and how He relate with the world because God doesn't relate with men equally and that's where the subject of mercy and grace come in.
See sometimes, the person you want to apologize to is your subordinate, you still need to acknowledge that you were wrong and apologise. You see, when you are unforgiving and you refuse to accept your wrong, the power of God might become of non effect in your life.
Apologizing to the one you have wronged will cost you nothing but pride. I think it's worth the sacrifice, especially when it gets in the way of your healing.




Look at this scripture again ,”..........and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.” The blood have a voice we saw from my last post click to read. but then it’s so important to note when the voice is initiated in any situation. The blood will speak when it’s sprinkled in prayers, this is a mystery most believers don’t know and those who know it don’t think applying it is required.
See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? - Hebrews 12:25


Peace In The Midst of The Storm By @Funshel

Peace In The Midst of The Storm

There are all Kinds of storm in life financial storm, emotional storm, physical storm, health storm, spiritual storm, e.t.c. Sometimes these storms are secret storms. So many hearts struggle with secret storms, storms that people can't see, they hardly know what you are going through, they don't know what you are dealing with.
God never said we wont have storms in life, it's not as if there won't be difficult moment rather he said he will give us peace in the midst of the storm. Despite the storm, you'd still have peace that passes all understanding.


Book of Proverbs (plus bonus proverbs) | Part 3 By @Galacticvagabond

Book of Proverbs (plus bonus proverbs) | Part 3

Continuing on from my Part 2 post with the Book of Proverbs written by King Solomon the son of King David... Most people have heard of the name King Solomon and quite rightly too. The bible tells us he was at the time (I don't know if it still applies today) the wisest among all men, "And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five." 1 Kings 4:32
My own
'He who acts like a clear raindrop creates an everlasting ripple'
'A broken oath can injure the soul'
'The young teacher dies a wise man'




In a simple sense, holy living means a lifestyle that is committed primarily to pleasing God. Such a lifestyle involves separation from the world and its ways and is wholly committed, consecrated and dedicated to God. The individual who embraces holy living seeks only one end in life: that of pleasing God always. Such a one declares within himself: "if God lives in me and He is holy, then I must allow Him work out this attributes of holiness in my life.
However, It pays to remember always that holiness is centered to our daily relationship with God. Holiness is one of the attributes of God and this holy God has always demanded holiness in the lives if all who desire to follow Him. The believer therefore, must resolved to pursue, keep and maintain a mindset of pleasing the Lord always.


And my post that announced the cuartion show. You can check on my blog @seyiodus.

These were the posts that were presented at the show. Hope to see you by next Tuesday for another TCCNS.
Thanks for reading and remain blessed.
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Greatly appreciate you taking the time to make a report for everyone's content, thankyou. I was wondering is content for the show need to be posted on the Tuesday prior to the show or can it be posted sooner?

It can be any post if it's not yet past payout.

Ok. Thank you :)

Tnx @seyiodus for featuring my post on your blog, may God bless your effort.

It's my pleasure.

@seyiodus thanks for all you are doing for the community. God bless you and renew your strength.

Amen! And you too.

Fantastic post, many thanks! Have upvoted and now following. God bless.

Thanks. Bless you too.

wow @seyioudus, I am glad there were some more new-comers. I missed it as I was still celebrating my Bday with my family. ;-) Will still upvote the posts tomorrow. Thank you for your service to the flaminghelpers community.

We missed you too on the show. I hope you did enjoy your day.
Stay blessed ma'am.

Wonderful words of life @seyiodus

Thanks bro.