Nothing Like A Changed Mind

in tdjakes •  6 years ago 

Listening to this at work; so this Imposter Pastor we got, can hear a real sermon. He said Judas was at every service; talking about some real, relevant things in this one.

Just because I stand in a garage don't make you a car.
Just because I show up to church every Sunday don't make you a Christian. Talking about how attitude spoils 'altitude'

... relevant

"It looks good to go to church, but change is a different thing."

The things people do with their body, we talk about often; We don't talk about the things people do and say with their mouth. T.D. gets into how 'we' have 3 things we need to Budget in life. Our Power, and how we use it. We have to manage our Money - and also our sexual energy.

As usual, when we seek to play a sermon for someone else though, it ends up being for you. A lot of this, was for me.

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