Health Secrets about Green Tea

in tea •  6 years ago 

The most widely consumed beverage in the world is tea. Known for being a great option for many reasons, tea has been around for centuries and offers numerous health benefits. When you think of a certain type of tea such as green or black, it is easy to assume that the tea comes from a single type of plant. While there are many types of tea you can try and enjoy, green tea is one of the most popular options. Listed below are 10 secrets you should know about green tea.

Amazing Secrets of Green Tea:

Great for the Eyes

Tea is not commonly thought of as being great for the eyes. But it should be. Many varieties of green tea contain vitamins C and E and are a good option for lutein, which is an antioxidant that helps to protect the eyes from free radicals. Consider drinking at least one cup of organic green tea daily for these benefits.

Lose Weight

Green tea is an excellent option to assist people trying to lose weight. While green tea by itself does not lose your weight for you, it contains compounds that help to boost your body’s metabolism. These compounds have recently become marketed in pill form as an aid to weight loss.

Strengthen your Immune System

When you are feeling sick, nothing seems to perk you up except that cup of warm green tea. This is because green tea is actually important when it comes to helping you boost your immune system. So enjoy at least one cup of green tea daily to enhance your immunity.

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