Effortless Comfort: Red Tea

in tea •  7 years ago 

When it rains or snows, or when you are feeling down, what do you do? Do you drink alcohol, do you grab a cup of coffee, or do you just crawl inside a warm blanket? Well, now you can do all three, and here how: Chinese red tea!


As you may, or may not know, there are seven different styles of Chinese tea: green, yellow, white, oolong, red, puer, and black, with the red tea being the closest to what the West calls “black tea”. It is the kind of tea you are, probably, most used to. However, there are vast differences in smell, taste, and feel between Chinese red and, say, Indian black tea (Assam or Darjeeling). These differences will be very noticeable, if you drink the tea straight, e.g. without anything extra, like sugar, milk, or snacks. Today, I’d like to introduce you to a red tea called “Small Golden Silk Threads” or Xiao Jin Si, so grab a cup of whatever tea you have and let’s begin.


Xiao Jin Si is gathered in the middle of spring, usually in April, in the FengQing region, located in the North-West of the Yunnan province. The tea consists entirely of tips, covered by short orange “hair” (which covers any small young tea leaf, also called a tip).


The dry smell or “nose” reminds me of my childhood, and is of honey, fresh bread, dried fruits, and general warmth. Once brewed (for two to three seconds), the tea is clear, light orange in color, getting darker with each new brew. Freshly brewed Xiao Jin Si smells of more honey, spices, baked bread, dried fruit and pastries. The taste is sweet and complex, with a hint of dried fruit, dark bread, cinnamon and honey notes. The aftertaste is lush and deep, with a slight sour tingle on the tip of the tongue.






This tea reminds me of my grandmother, who made me hot coffee and wrapped me in a blanket, when I felt cold. Xiao Jin Si does just that, while maybe sneaking a dab of whiskey into that coffee. Once you drink a high-quality Chinese tea, you will feel two things at once: relaxation and alertness. This mix of states is quite unique, and really helps me to finish my day in a healthy, productive way, while also letting me relax and rest. Thank you for taking time to go on a little tea journey with me!

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