In Html 5.1 inline css emerge in Html. In Html 5.4 internal css is emerged in Html. In the upcoming version, it is claimed that Css will completely emerge in Html. Then, there is no need to learn them separetly 2 languages you should need to learn only 1 language.
Html 1.1
Html 1.1 version is release on 1991
7 tags were introduce which are the:
(body, title, head, html, p, br, small)
body tag:
Anything we seen in on any webpage is due to body tag.
title tag:
Title tag is used to write title on the browser tab.
head tag:
In head tag we use different tags to improve the ranking of a website. Also, write a description of the website. Title tag is also used in head tag.
html tag:
In html tag represents that we are writing html format. both head and body tag are used in html tag.
p tag:
P tag is refers as a paragraph. Whenever we want to use a paragraph in our web page we use p tag.
br tag:
Br tag is refers as break. Br tag use to break a line and start next content from new line.
small tag:
Small tag is used to style anything. It will decrease the font size of any content present in body tag.
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Regards: Syed Umair Aslam Shah
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