The subject of finding the exact thing of what you are doing in your job is a common theme in many professions. But particularly for teachers, it at times seems almost an impossible task. Many people often recoil in horror when teachers tell them their job: ‘Oh God, I could never do that!’ they would exclaim with a shudder. In this article, I would give a positive affirmation to all teachers whose reading this, a cliche “ Thank a teacher after reading this” kinds of post. After all, being a teacher is so much more than just teaching students how to read or count. It goes beyond that.
1.Teaching = Life long learner
Eventually as a teacher,you will never stop learning. As education evolves, teachers have to come with a progressive teaching and learning session to keep students competent in the classroom. You will keep on going to workshops,share new ideas and try out new things. With this, there’s never really a time where a teacher stops him/herself from learning and figuring new things in the job scope. This is to ensure an on-going continuous change in our everyday lesson.
2.Teachers are capable of doing anything!
Teachers will constantly learn new skills because our circumstances made it so. In our very own Malaysian school setting, it is amazing how a single teacher could play the role of so many , the teacher who runs a school club could also be the referee for the sports days. The one who breaks up fights in the middle of the field are also capable of giving counselling and have learned an impressive array of arts and crafts for those pesky off-timetable days.Teachers can pretty much do it all! They are not only teachers, they are mentors, coaches, motivators, supporters, and friends.
3.You are loved by everyone
The profession of a teacher is very pure. If you truly are a teacher by heart,students can really feel the connection going on in between you and them. Even after you scold your students for good. In the end of the day, a good teacher will always provide that sense of safety among students.
4.Seeing your student finally achieving their long time goal really warms your heart
It is a sensational feeling to see students finally "made it" after they’ve been struggling hard. The ultimate in job satisfaction is to know that you played a small part in someone achieving or even surpassing their dreams. Teachers simply feel motivated in doing everything especially when it comes to the students being able to attain even a slight success in their learning process.
And last but not least…
5.Teaching makes you feel privileged
Teachers feel like they're in control of time - past, present and future since teacher deals with children. They pretty much have access to the future society! You've to understand yourself to understand your students. It's self-reflective. Teachers will constantly fine tune things in their life and in the lives of people around. And, let's not forget the amount of respect a teacher earns in our society. You'll feel lucky. However, teaching is a challenging task. You may have to continuously challenge yourself. After all ,It's a privilege. :)