Here comes "The Electronic Eagles" ApplicationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in teachingteam •  3 months ago  (edited)


Dear Steemit team,

After seeing the post on the Steemitblog page calling on users and communities to apply for the season 19 SEC with it's new features, we "The Electronic Eagles"find this interesting as this would bring some core values to the platform if properly utilize.

We are a team of engineers from various countries sharing the same goals when it comes to electronics and it's related courses.

We are made up of three users namely :

@mahadisalim ;

Who is a citizen of Bangladesh and presently living there joined Steemit in September 2022. . He graduated in 2013 from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) and presently serving as the head of electrical department of a private company in Bangladesh.

He has had opportunity to teach diploma students in the department of electrical and electronics engineering for several years. Electronics circuit design is one of his favorite subjects and he is happy to be among this team. He would be assisting in teaching and marking tasks from students.

He recently joined Solar Steem and Steem4Professionals as a community moderator and have been serving as moderator.

SP: 5451
CSI: 19.1
Reputation: 72.779

Solarsteem: 1,506.563
Discord: mahadisalim


@rmm31 is from Venezuela , graduated as an Electromechanical Technician 14 years ago. He has experience in residential electricity, reading electrical circuits, electronics, and he has dedicated himself to the repair of electrical and electronic equipment of any kind, presently, he owns a workshop at home where he repairs electronics, he enjoy doing this teaching work here and also teach it through tutorials.He is happy to belong to the teaching team of electronics. He would be assisting in teaching and marking tasks from students.

He joined the Steemit platform since January 2018, and have been active , creating different contents, always looking for a way to do something new and what he feels comfortable with. He is serving as moderator in the "Scouts y sus Amigos" community.

Language: Spanish.
SP: 6,672.56
CSI: 21.3
Reputation: 76.455

Cotina: 109.039
Recreative Steem: 53.390
Scouts and their Friends: 1,372.542
Discord: rmm31


@ubongudofot is from Nigeria and has been on Steemit for over 3 years now. He has handle many roles both the ones seen by many users and the ones that are known by very few. He studied electricals/ electronics engineering in the university and graduated from the university 10 years ago.He has obtained a diploma in renewable energy (solar) and have been an installer for the past years now. He has thought the practical applications of electronics and how simple circuits are designs in many higher institutions as a side hustle. Sharing such knowledge here would be interesting thing to try. He would be serving as the leading professor of this team and assisting in teaching and marking tasks from students.

SP: 4,123.14 SP
CSI: 7.8
Reputation: 79

We have arranged our teaching curriculum in a logical sequence such that, at the end of the week the result of this workshop or course can be reflected positively.

  • We would start with basic lessons where the participant becomes familiar with electronics components or elements in a circuit and their applications.

  • We would consider units of measurement of these components

  • We would build some dummy / real life projects

In the 6th week the students/ participants can elaborate some electronic components, putting into practice what they have learned. And still on the six week, students should be able to build the following...

An adjustable light bulb, a portable fan using a mini motor, a lithium battery charger, and many more.

In most cases, we would use visual aids in our teachings.

Maybe as time goes on we would start offering a certificate to successful users who have undergone the entire training with understanding. It is our hope that users would utilize this opportunity to learn skills and use it in real world.

Thank you

The Electronic Eagles Team

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First of all I would like to thank steemitblog on behalf of our electronics eagle team for bringing innovation called teaching team. Every user of the Steemit platform can learn through the teaching team. Especially we Electronics Eagle Team will try our best to bring something good. In the beginning the computer was huge and now due to the updating of electronics we have been able to bring the computer in hand. Electronics has played a major role in the development of technology. Anyone can start working with electronics if they know the correct use of electronics components.

Electronics is a very interesting subject. We type on the computer. Computers never understand characters. The language of computer is machine language. Which are known as 0 and 1 in digital electronics. Computer understands 0 and 1. Now electronics work to convert computer letters into 0's and 1's. Electronics are very interesting. Hopefully the Electronics Eagle team will teach all the users of the Steemit platform something good about electronics.

Hopefully more would be achieved with the new initiatives.

Wishing our team all the best!

Me honra pertenecer al equipo The Electronic Eagles" conformado por el buen amigo @ubongudofot y @mahadisalim, Steemians que están prestos a compartir su conocimiento profesional para todos los Steemians que deseen participar en esta interesante iniciativa propuesta por SteemitBlog.

La plataforma Steemit alberga muchos profesionales especializados en distintas áreas, pero nuestro equipo se enfocará en la electrónica, en la comprensión de esta tecnología que ha hecho posible los grandes avances de la actualidad.

Al desempeñarnos como profesores en este área, podremos motivar a los Steemians interesados en aprender sobre esta rama de la ingeniería y orientarlos en la compresión del funcionamiento de los circuitos eléctricos básicos.

Estas clases estarán abiertas para todo público, no es necesario que tenga experiencia o no con la electrónica, puesto que nuestras clases iniciarán en una etapa muy básica y fácil de comprender para cualquier persona.

Anímate a participar en nuestra propuesta y prepararte para aprender o perfeccionar este tipo de conocimientos.


This is really interesting! I'm excited to prepare myself for a great learning experience. I have a passion for acquiring new knowledge, and exploring electrical concepts sounds like a great idea. Thank you for creating this educational content.

Thank you very much for your nice comment. Electronics is a very interesting subject. If it can be presented and explained well. The Electronics Eagle team will bring educational presentations to users on the subject of electronics. Electronics will be presented in a simple manner in each lesson. A teacher is successful only when he is able to make students understand easily. Stay with us hopefully we can present something new on electronics.

Great! From the name (I like "Electronic Eagles") to the concept and the personnel: You fit together wonderfully and I look forward to learning from you!

Gracias por apreciar el nombre del equipo y a nosotros como integrantes. Esperamos dar lo mejor de todos para nuestra enseñanza sea aplicada en la vida real de cada participante.

Thank you so much. I think a team should be made up with like minds in order to achieve a positive goal.

We hope to bring the best and interesting lectures..

Saludos @ubongudofot, creo que serán un buen equipo.

Disculpa creo que tiene un error de falta colocar la etiqueta #engagementapplication

Hello @beautiful12, thank you for your wishes.

Sorry, I think you have an error where you are missing the #engagementapplication tag.

Thanks for spotting that. Well, I didn't make mistake for not including that. I am only using the appropriate tag for this purpose of application which is #teachingteam.

I think the use of tags should be understood in the blog to avoid mis-use of tags.

Maybe, you could check this reference below as stated on the application advert👇

For Community applications the posts should be made on the community account and include the tag #engagementapplication in the first four tags.

For Teaching Team applications the posts should be made on the Professor’s account and include the tag #teachingteam in the first four tags. Ref.

Saludos @ubongudofot, jajaja perfecto 👌.

Gracias 😊.

Great one the electronic eagles team you have an amazing teaching scheme. I believe at the end of 6 weeks, your students will be able to acquire more skills on this.

Wishing you success 👍🙂

The aim is to impact quality education, values and fun while learning. We are up for it, thank you.

We have a lot of things related to electronics. You have great team and have massive knowledge about electronic. We are ready to increase the knowledge about your skills. Best of luck team Electronic Eagle.

Me parece muy buena iniciativa para poder aprender sobre el área de electricidad, estoy seguro que a muchas personas les gustará este tipo de clases y así habrá mucho más contenido y calidad!

Así es amigo, la idea es que podamos aprender algo nuevo, incluso podría servir de base para crearte un oficio. En casa tengo un taller de reparaciones el cual me sirve para generar ingresos fijos para el sustento de mi familia y todo se lo debo al conocimiento de la electrónica.

Esperamos ser seleccionados para poder enseñarle a jóvenes como tú.


Good opportunity, good time. Grab it when it comes.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to The Electronics Eagles team. I hope that we will learn a lot about electronic information through this team. Also, I hope that your application for Engagement 19 will be accepted. We will get all the valuable writing as a gift from users from different countries. I wish you all the success.

Thank you. As a newly interesting initiative, we hope to get the core value of it and we believe users can make good use of this opportunity of learning a new skill.

Wow this sounds great , I'll love to firstly congratulations the electronic eagle team for bringing the concept for the betterment of the Steemians, and this is an opportunity to us all Steemians to take advantage of this great opportunity and became skillful, congratulations to you .guys

Gracias por tu alentador comentario, siempre trataremos de ser lo mas claros posibles en nuestras tareas para que la comprensión pueda quedarse en los participantes.

Thank you...

Han conformado un excelente equipo! Estoy segura de que tiene mucho que aportar y que enseñar a todos aquellos autores que quieran aprender sobre electrónica.

Será muy interesante aprender de ustedes y de toda la experiencia que han acumulado a través de sus años de estudio, es una muy buena iniciativa de steemitblog haberlos motivado a conformar este equipo.

Les auguro muchos éxitos, se que está será una clase muy interesante y sobre todo de utilidad para todos los steemians.


Amén, eso es lo que esperamos, dejar una huella imborrable en cada participante, porque el conocimiento adquirido no se puede borrar. Gracias por tu comentario de apoyo.
