Can our thoughts really affect water?

in teamaustralia •  8 years ago  (edited)

"Science and science fiction are essentially the same" - William Shatner

Isn't it incredible to think that our thoughts could be powerful enough to affect the shape and colour of water at a microscopic level. This is a theory from Dr. Masaru Emoto ( and it's simply fascinating that there's a possibility that such emotions, and I guess energies of sorts could be transferred beyond the realm of our own bodies. I'm still very early on into my research with this topic of 'water energies' and if you view his videos you'll find pictures of the different shapes formed from ice crystals, where merely words have been directed at them, positive and negative.



To think that the world's land mass is covered with 71% water, our bodies hold between 50-75% of water, according to the bible the heavens are made of water, just think what opportunities we're missing out on here. If we can control water with our thoughts generated from a brain whose pistons are pumping at between 2-100% capacity - depending on where you're sourcing your information, just do the maths and we could really change things around here if we all came together, even re-shape Antartica if we gave it our all. ;-)

There is a claim to debunking such a theory and this was carried out by Scientist Thomas Sheahen and he's argued that there is no evidence to prove the 'water energies' theory and has made his case here;

Another biochemist and Director of Microscopy at University College Cork William Reville wrote, "It is very unlikely that there is any reality behind Emoto's claims.", saying if anyone were to prove such a theory they'd be millionaires by now and be very famous. There are a number videos on YouTube showing experiments being carried out which adds weight to Dr Emoto's theory. It is a bit of a flatearther for me, pseudo science until I can independently carry out the test under the right circumstances.

I don't know enough to say either way, but there is something about this that stokes my curiosity and the subject certainly warrants further investigation, and as Mr Shatner's asks..... "How do you know?"

Thanks for taking the time to read this article.


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No, they can't. Not at all. Dr. Masaru Emoto is deranged and laughable.