My Easter weekend holiday is not what I had planned

in teamaustralia •  7 years ago  (edited)

So this is a 4 day long weekend to celebrate Easter, well even if you don’t you still get a long weekend. I planned to spend it with my family, going to the beach and movies. Maybe doing a little DIY around the house before some friends came to stay a couple nights.

Well yesterday all the plans went out the window when I was at work and started feeling really unwell, dizzy, dry mouth, And a tightness in my chest going up into my Jaw. I went into the Dr surgery opposite my building and they took me into the treatment room out the back. The world was spinning, I was having trouble breathing and basically freaking out. The paramedics came and took me to our brand new $3.5 Billion dollar Sunshine Coast University Hospital.
Thankfully my symptoms abated and the blood tests showed it wasn’t a full Heart attack but still the question of what caused this sudden onset of the symptoms? So a cardiac stress test was scheduled for this morning I was moved to one of the really nice private rooms in the cardiac ward, I was feeling pretty good so I though I’d be home by lunch. EXCEPT I failed the stress test!!!
So what’s next, I need to get a Cardio Angiogram...
Only one problem.
I Can’t have it done until Monday so I get this beautiful hotel room like hospital room with 24hr room service until then.
Who knows what this will show but here I stay until they say I can go home or we find out what is causing all this nonsense.


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Lucky you are in Australia not sure insurance in the US would pay for a bed while waiting for a test. Hope it turns out ok.

It’s a public hospital. It’s all free.
Australians pay a small levy on our income tax called Medicare.

Yes I’m australian but living in the US so I know how great the system can be there. Hope things work out for you.

Thanks mate. Try keep out of the health system in the good ol USA. Or at least make sure you’ve got great insurance.

We have ok health insurance I think the trouble is you don’t know how good it is until you have to use it.

Hope it is nothing serious. Rest and enjoy the next few days in this well equiped hospital. Have a Blessed Easter despite being inside and God Bless.

Thanks for the well wishes. Will lap up the service.

Hope you feel better soon . Scary! Did they discover what it was?

No still don’t know. I have good and not so good days.

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oh oh ... I am sure you will be just fine. Take rest.

Thanks. I’m happy to be breathing

Sorry to hear your Easter plans were rudely interrupted @stephen-sommers. John and I send our thoughts and very best wishes for quick results and a rapid recovery. Enjoy your enforced rest and catch up on some reading. Take care and I'll visit again soon to check on your progress.

Thanks. Finger crossed for the Angiogram tomorrow.

Have a good nights sleep and I’ll say a prayer for you in the meantime. 🙏

Certaianly hope this wasn’t anything serious for you. Time to de-stress, and do whatever the doctor says. Hoping you feel better ASAP and that you are out in no time.🐓🐓

Thanks. I hope my tests have good results or at least show what caused this very traumatic episode.

Hang in there as you wait patiently from your bed. Wishing you a Happy Easter! Hoping you get the golden egg with good news. 🐓🐓

Sorry to read this Stephen. All the best mate!

Thanks mate. Fingers crossed it’ll be all good.

Hopefully you will be back on your feet soon. All the best mate!!

Thanks for the good wishes.

Well wishes mate, I hope it all blows over and you are awarded a clean bill of health!

Thanks for the wishes. I’m confident they’ll get to the bottom of it all.

terrible having to be in hospital for easter weekend :( glad you're okay though would have been very scary

Yes it was and is a extremely confronting experience.
Thanks for the good Wishes.

Hope all turns out good, You in the best place and some don't even make it to hospital. Lost my 16-year-old son last summer and he didn't make it out of the house... doe's make us see that life is short and time is so valuable and we don't know what tomorrow will bring. But it doe's reminded us what's really important in life.

Thank you and very sorry about your loss. I have a 15yro @frobear and I couldn’t even begin to imagine losing him. Every day is a blessing.

True so true, I still have 2 daughters they younger, but is not the same for any of us, but we must carry on no matter how hard it is. Not something you really think about happening he was healthy, A great kid nothing anyone could have done or known, just really bad luck I guess and that what it comes down to lifes so fragile.

Definitely not what anyone would want for a long easter weekend my friend ! m sure everything will be fine with a lifestyle change like medication , a change in diet and excercise , at least you have a very nice private room wow ! we dont get nothing like that where i live with overcrowding in the hospitals . Enjoy your relaxing quiet time while you can lol my prayers are with you for a blessed Easter Sunday .upped and resteemed😀🌺🌷👍

Thank you. I told my son @frobear we’re going raw vegan when I get home. I wish I’d captured the look on his face.
They have just opened this new regional teaching hospital, it’s a massive improvement on the previous one. The area I live in is growing very fast and we’re adding over 10,000 residents a year plus tourists so it’s been long overdue and greatly needed. I’m very glad of the comfort but also thankful for the Doctors, nurses and all the support staff.

Hahah , the look on your sons face would have been a great photo Lol ! It sounds like your in the best of hands and in a great hospital ! Get well soon my friend !😀✌💕🐰🌷

Also upped and resteemed into my @momskitchen blog ! Wishing you all the best @stephen-somers , at least you have plenty of time to post on steemit ! lol! Get well soon my friend !👍😀🌺🌷

wow nice post your post is very intresting thanks for sharing

Obviously you didn’t even take the effort to read my post.

Don't forget to eat well ordered and drink the medicine from the doctor on time, that's all for your recovery.

Thanks for your wishes.