Steemit makes me feel bad sometimes šŸ˜ž

in teamcanada ā€¢Ā  8 years agoĀ 

So i may have a problem? Since I joined Steemit like 40 some days ago I've been hooked. I'm checking out posts like a madman and commenting like crazy!

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The part that makes me feel bad is.. if I enjoy a post and leave a comment I feel like a cheapskate if I don't upvote. I HAVE to upvote! I don't want the blogger to feel like they didn't deserve an upvote or I'm so frugal I didn't leave one.

The problem is, I'm so active and upvote so much I'm always low power lately. Sad face.

Like I said I'm still kinda relatively new here and I'm not entirely sure of the etiquette? Is it just assumed you're not gonna get an upvote all the time if someone reads your blog and leaves a positive comment?

I got so low a few times my vote wasn't even worth a cent so what's the sense in a upvote if it's worthless?


I think what I'm gonna do going forward is, if I'm low power and I view your blog and enjoy it.. I'm just gonna send the poster some sbd's. It'll end up being worth more than my minnow upvote anyways.

If u see a small sbd infusion from @goldenarms it's probably because I viewed your post and enjoyed it but was powering up my v pow.

This way here I'll still feel good supporting the blogger and I can let my votes recharge.

Thanks for your time, god bless everyone :)


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Don't feel bad. I don't always upvote either, but I do try and at least leave a comment so that the person knows theirs posts are at least being read. If I kept posting and had absolutely no feedback, I would feel more discouraged because I would feel like no one cared enough to even write and let me know.

Wow you got almost as many likes on this comment as I did in the post? Cray cray. Thx for stopping by @cassandraf

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

This is the same for me. I feel that before I leave a reply after reading a good article/post, I have to upvote. But I am a small fly and I do not think I worth much. But I want the writer to know I give what I have. I do not know or understand what's this % people are putting on their reply. Need to learn more.

Read the comments above. When u have 500 steem I guess u can change your vote strength so u can stretch it out longer..we have a ways to go yet haha

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

Get yourself a slider then you can set at 50% and go from 10 votes a day to 20 votes a day and still be fully recharged by the next day

I've heard I have to be @ 500 steem power before I can adjust it?

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ (edited)

nah.. I have a slider with 113 steem power. There is a script that runs in the background that gives you the slider. Its set up for chrome browser but i use opera browser and it work fine in that one.
If you're interested i'll go look back for the link
I think the scripts also helps with older posts that are out of date and you want to upvote.. I sure the script looks for a valid post from the same poster

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

It's all good man, you keep the funny stuff coming and don't worry about the upvotes! @goldenarms

Thx @jbcoin. Aslong as I have some ppl enjoying my completely random content I'll keep it up! I'm kinda like a kid that way. Mom would say don't encourage him but it's too late :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ (edited)

I can't tune out until I find out what Donny Bloghard did to that poor Janice, or Janet, or Jeanie or whatever her name is, on their first date. Like a slow train wreck, you just can't look away.

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

It's too bad that we are so limited in votes , I think it might be a good idea, just need to save some sbd .

Well I want to send u 3 a day just for being Canadian šŸ˜Š I'm actually enjoying your blog alot since I found ya a couple days ago. Keep that up k? Lol

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

Thanks a bunch, that is very kind of you!!

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ (edited)

Or you can just furnish a really meaningful comment without taxing your voting power.... Just a thought anyway... Bottom line is that your heart is in the right place - and that is all that really matters!

Oh yes I always try to leave a decent comment. Is there such thing as commenting too much? I see I have far more posts than ppl that have been around alot longer. Maybe I'm just a talker? Or perhaps I need to give Steemit a lil break from time and find a life :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ (edited)

Little bit of this, and a little bit of that - will work just fine - and no, in MHO one can never "comment" too much.... You're alright by me brother, no matter what you do!

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

Stop reading decent content then buddy.....or get more selective...
I guess us newer guys just only have about 10 votes per 24hrs before it's spent.. I do try and upvote every good thing i read but i see even when i have good power when i say upvote you, you get nothing maybe as a voted for you a few times on different days i dunno but then i go to another post and he gets 0.01..not on plus i was looking i think you need 35 steempower to give 0.01 when upvoting comments so right now it's worth zip but i still upvote a good comment.

Oh man I just have met so many cool ppl that I enjoy alot of posts. You right tho it's kinda set up so u pick the best content I guess? Just so much good content I find :) Thanks @roxdude for dropping in šŸ‘ŠšŸ˜Ž pound it!

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

Yeah man i know guess same with doing posts as well got my first downvote today he he from a 25 rep who been on here for months. I almost was gonna downvote him then i pressed it, then i thought naw i not playing that removed it..idiot didn't even post a comment and you know i got no time for idiots. he one of those elite i bet. well dude i got news for him his fiat gonna be worth what his downvote was zip..

How do u know when u receive a downvote?

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

Under the people who voted instead of a + there are - before the name.
Also i use this app to see what my vote is and other stuff rather useful.!/
on there it in red rather than green.

You shouldn't feel bad just upvote me sometimes

Do u even have any content bud? I checked u out like yesterday and it looked like all resteems on yo page

Like an idiot I never hit post

Thxs for the SBD man! Keep doing what you're doing! Stay positive and good things shall come your way... :)

Oh yeah I'm having fun while earning a lil SBDs. I'm hooked :)

I run into that sometimes but I still vote because I feel like it encourages people. I do need to "rest up" for a bit so I can recharge. Maybe this is the time we spend creating future posts! ;)

My power seems to take so long to recharge. Idk if it's because I don't have alot of steempower or what? I notice some people decease their vote strength but idk how to do that? I'm on mobile idk if that matters? I hit everyone at 100% If I had to guess I'd say it'd take an entire day to recharge from 10% to full power. I can't go a day without giving my new homies an upvote haha

I feel your pain. The same way you feel about your homies, I feel about my peeps! LOL You can switch to lower power once you have 500 Steem Power. Until then, it's 100%. The mobile shouldn't matter.

Oh I didn't know that! Thanks for the tidbit of information. Appreciate it

You're a good egg. :)

Hey man, from my understanding your voting power recharges only by 20% everyday. So it will take 5 days to go from zero to 100%. Also from my understanding if you don't have 500sp or the voting weight slider, you votes and pretty close to worthless anyways, so i've read to just vote away and not worry, but when you do hit 500sp it may be time to change your voting practices. I find myself caught in the same problem as you, albeit I think I am a bit less active that you.

That's an awesome and generous thing to do! I press upvote on everything but even at full steem it's not worth much at all haha! Maybe you'll start a new trend... I'll have to check my balance, maybe I can join in on the fun!

Join us, member ship is free.. after the first one time payment of $99.99 I mean šŸ˜Š

What's that in USD? $10-$15? I'm faxing it right over, GA!

I've been giving away lots of SBDs anyways so I may aswell use some to pay posters I enjoy when I can't pay em a cent for my upvote :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ 

šŸ šŸ šŸ

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ is good

Yes I'm glad someone pointed that out to me earlier. It's a handy site to check your upvote and what everyone else is doing

Ā  Ā· Ā 8 years agoĀ (edited)

yeah i get you bud im only on 20% so trying to hold back, i dont think were meant to be on here 24/7 lol, there should be an emoji or something you can use at the end to let people know your recharging and not being a dick. maybe something with a dick and an arrow

Any excuse to use a dick I'm in! Haha I sent you some for the shoutout u did. Classy dude

Finding the same problems. Im hooked!! It's far more interactive than that old website we use to use. What was it again wetubes? Theytube? Metube? Anyway that reminds me, I need to do a video over there as not been on it since I discovered steemit. Oops!!

Yeah I know, I've been neglecting YouTube hard since I joined here

I upvoted this post but my power is so low it didn't even give you a cent. I'm still learning this platform as well, have a ways to go yet. BTW, I've read many of your comedy posts and you're really funny man!

There's definitely a learning curve here. We'll get it eventually šŸ˜ thx for stopping by!

If you can't upvote you can always resteem :) That's sometimes even better

Yes 100%. I've been doing that aswell