Mandarin Orange Decoration Contest 2018 农历新年橘子排列大赛

in teammalaysia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Let's do this again with 5 minutes most dangerous writing app! Before anything else, let me share with you what I have in mind. I'm in the midst of arranging my house, and suddenly reminds me of this competition, so I quickly rush off and look for oranges everywhere around my housing area. The trouble is, 99speedmart sold out all their oranges! OMGeeee!!!! So I quickly rush to the nearby market, and guess what they want me RM35/box of those low grade oranges! I was like WTF max. I did not take up the offer and drive to another shop nearby, and guess what, they do have 1 box, but there's liquid dripping out from the bottom of the box. I was stunned by the reply of the cashier when I asked whether can I open box and inspect, the answer was "ni je yg ade, klo x suke gi tempat laen jgn bising kat cni" <= more or less like this is what we have, if you don't like it go somewhere else and buy, don't make noise here. Homagard, I'm so not going to come back to this shop next time around! As I was going to give up, suddenly came to this stall by the road side, the oldman has a few boxes around, all different category from what I seen on the boxes. Since I'm exhausted and refused to go and search for another stall, so I stopped the car and getting ready to get slaughtered by the old man. Surprisingly, the old man is very nice and kind. First word utter out from him was "how are you doing handsome?" Oh my! I'm preparing to giveaway my 50 bucks anytime, such a good taste this old man got. Without thinking twice, I ask him "Uncle, which 1 is the cheapest?!". Uncle said, " This is the last box already. And FYI, you know the standard price is RM19, so I'm going to sell you RM18 and guarantee eat" I hesitated and thought this was too good to be true. Then I continue, "But I need 2 box wor. How ar?" Uncle didn't think twice immediately picked another higher range box and throw to me! "Nah! Same price la as long you don't further negotiate. Everybody happy! Same guarantee sweet!". Uncle proceed to opened both boxes, picked out total 3 rotten oranges, thrown them aside and replaced with another 3 good oranges from another new box from the middle range. As promised, total damage RM36 only! So yea, this is my story. As for poem, sorry I hasn't got any for you. Please do enjoy the youtube video I found interesting.

As for the arrangement, I don't really like to do much arrangement to my ordinary new year oranges. This will be the most ordinary arrangement I use. 3 meaning "sum" in Cantonese, as it pronounce somewhat resemble "sung" which brings the meaning of live. I did the calligraphy by myself to make it match with this zodiac animal - a dog.

我又发作了!再来条暂5分钟生死存亡快速开博!首先,让我跟大家分享一件事。今天在家忙着打扫准备迎接村结的来临,突然间想起还有这个橘子排列大赛!把手头上的事儿全部抛下就驱车到附近的99商店想要买橘子。哪知去到才发现橘子卖完了!真糟糕。没有橘子怎么排列。所以没有想太多直接就到下一个杂货店去,谁自他跟我要命,要我35块钱!!!真TMD乘人之危!既然是这样,我决定不买。然后又到下一间商店去,果然看到还有剩下一箱橘子,当我走前去看时发现箱子底部有液体流出来,所以决定要开箱检查以免买了一项烂橘子回家。然后收银姐姐的恢复,简直难以相信:“就这么一箱,如果不喜欢就到别的地方去买,不要在这里跟我理论。”。我真的被气疯了,说什么我下次一定不会再来这家黑店了!就在我快要面临绝望时,回家路上经过路边的小摊子有个老先生在卖没有剩下几箱的橘子,每个不同等级的橘子剩下就那么几箱。我想着想着,就算被坑也没话说了,谁让我这么迟才来买橘子?老先生开了口,居然让我觉得有一种亲切的感觉。“小英俊,想要哪一种橘子呢?”,这叔叔也太懂得欣赏了。既然嘴巴那么甜,那些橘子一定不会难吃到哪里,手上拿着50块钱准备被叔叔一刀砍下来。“叔叔,我要最便宜的。”,“嗯。小英俊,这里最便宜的就剩这么一箱子,我一直都是卖19,现在算你18好了。如果有烂的,包退货”。我心里有些怀疑,都已经最后一箱了,怎么退货?然后就决定试探叔叔,“可是我要两箱,怎办?” 然后叔叔指着比较高档25块钱的那堆橘子道,“这里加一箱吧。只要你不扣我价格,算你两箱同样价钱好了。包你甜!”说时迟那时快,叔叔一个反手拍了桌子一下,刀子腾空飞起,然后叔叔一个转身右手接了刀子。叔叔好象是武林派,右脚在地上的草儿上面脚尖轻轻一点整个人往前扑了过去,然后手起刀落!哗!动作之快实在惊人无比。在我还未来得及回过神来,叔叔已快速的翻着橘子,然后将三粒烂橘抛了出来,再从另外一箱高档货里面取了三粒过来补回给我。然后我也按照约定付36块钱!实在是人生一大快事。故事就分享到这儿。至于诗,我没有。以下就以这首个youtube歌跟大家分享新春的气氛吧。

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你的“福”字超有创意!故事也太生动了吧,我读了,也觉得很搞笑。 你的幽默没得顶 @davidke20 ! 新年快乐,祝你狗年大吉大利!

搞什麼笑。那叔叔是很認真叫我靚仔的😎 其他都不重要了。

哈哈哈我没质疑过人家叫你靚仔。 搞笑是你描述老先生的刀功啦!😁

@davidke20, 我好欣赏你滴~~~ img




翻過了,英文教育的傢伙不會明白那種誇張的形容方式來增加戲劇性的效果 。好像老外看殭屍片裡面那種釣鋼絲飛來飛去看幾遍都不可能明白為什麼要飛的感覺。


you should grow them yourself! :)

Not that I don't want, but I can't. My country is summer for all 4 seasons, citrus species can only be grown high up at the mountains. Hence, our local oranges are not even enough for the people who lives at the mountains.

FYI, you should upvote after 30minutes to earn back your curation reward. Any upvotes before 15 minutes will not get you anything back. And do check on your voting power, an upvote of 0.00 may seem useless, but it will turn into something when Steem price goes up. you may check your status at Try to keep your power above 80% when you vote. Cheers and have fun.

Thanks for the tips. Right now I am just upvoting for sheer fun of being part of the system ;)

@davidke20, 佩服!佩服!


哈哈哈 小英俊你自己加的... 哈哈哈哈哈哈


卖水果安哥过份... 卖水果也那么油了现在...


故事很好 我也会跟那老人买 摆设简单 但那张福字加分了


  ·  7 years ago 

@davidke20 我对大哥的仰慕,有如滔滔不绝的江海~









