Hello readers!
It has been quite a while that we haven't been really updating in this page. Not really because we didn't want to, but we have been super busy working out with different impact partners including @pwdfarmability and @capduagajah.
We also understand while sharing our stories here are great and impactful, we also lack of wide rage of liquidity for logistic use, therefore we have expanded our story influence further to 2 new platforms, publish0x and read.cash to gather some liquidated BCH in order to be ready for lack of supply.
Lack of supply?

This is what is left after end of September packing for October Food Distribution
No doubt during the Movement Control Order (MCO) took place we were blessed with abundant food supply especially by cold storage food distributors, but that was because the food could have been expired and ended up in the landfills if not sold. Knowing that we have been pushing the awareness of "not letting 6 months left near expiring food go to waste", the cold storage food manufacturers and distributors contacted us to families with at least 4 months frozen food sustainability, however this has been 7 months dragging and Malaysia recently just have a possible 2nd wave of infection that might cause district and partial lockdowns, we may not have enough to sustain until next year with just purchasing basic food necessities as our application list grows.

This month we barely met the mark on rice, which is Malaysia's staple food for families at least lasting for 2 months if eaten sparingly. With a bit of the surplus left and there's another 40 aboriginal families inland stranded with no jobs due to the lockdown's aftermath, we have to split the rice and repack them in order to at least sustain them for a month.

kids were happy enough to help us by writing the weight of the rice on the bags
We recently were very blessed to receive a heat sealer that helped our re-packaging much neater, faster and resource efficient, we managed to weigh and repack all of them nicely and ensured no leaking occurred.
But these won't be enough if the families are huge in sizes.

No doubt there are still other resources thanks to @pwdfarmability with the Fresh Food Bank Initiative to help us feed families and centers, these are starting to dwindle down and we will need more liquidated monetary aid to set aside for emergency.
This is where Read.cash and Publish0x can come into play.

click here to read our latest introduction at read.cash
With more previous stories here that will be re-introduced there, if any reader here already has an account there please feel free to like our post there so that random tippers will notice our posts.
(We are uncertain how it works but likes will help our posts to be noticed)

We recently also just joined memo.cash even though we are not 100% certain how it works however we believe those are perfect for short story snippets that would eventually allow us to point posts back to here.
This will ensure our Steem Power acquired here will continue to go and help good writers here, and we do not need to constantly thinking of powering down...
While the liquidated SBD will be used for cash flow needs.
We hope you to understand that at this present restrictions that we have, we see this as an opportunity to expand and see how crypto can potentially help non profit channels like ours to stay afloat without worrying. We have been really blessed that especially the last 2 years since the National food aid pulled out supporting us, through our stories shared here we gain much more readership and support from both the real world and the blockchain world.
With that, we are immensely grateful for the love that this community have given us.
Where there is a will, there is a way
Stay tuned for more compiled stories posted across platforms with now including short Mandarin stories from our Mandarin channel @dbfoodbank as we continue to work hard for the under privileged especially during this trying times.
Angie Ng
Daily Bread Food Bank Director
disclosure: the Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit channel, collaborating with other NGOs including the latest Fresh Food Bank Initiative movement.
To know who we are, please do read through our introduction here in Steemit