Making community bot and fighting against abuse

in teammalaysia •  6 years ago  (edited)

If you guys been following me, you will know I seldom/never rant about stuff on steemit, but today I will whine a little bit about it.

It took me a while to write all these, and at the point of writing I am really tired and a little bit disappointed.

These is all my personal point of view, and it is not perspective of anyone or any community.

The last update on stephard bot is a month ago, and there is not much time that I had to work on this project. This project has come a long way from version 1, a simple bot just to delete spam message on post promo, until now, a full feature post-promo bot.

What is stephard bot?

Stephard bot is a discord bot in #teammalaysia channel. User can share their post in the channel. To ensure that user not abusing these channel, a bot is used to automate the task of the moderator. User will be rewarded with upvotes. This project started back in January 2018.

How far has stephard come?

Version 1

A basic discord bot that prevent post promo based on discord old messages.

In version 1, stephard will check discord messages on that channel, and delete if a person shared a post on post promo without waiting for their cooldown period.

Version 2

Integrated database to prevent abuse.

Since the previous approach are stateless (no database involved), user can simply just delete the old messages and share it again. A database is introduced and the previous abuse is resolved.

This version of bot is also used by @qurator.

Version 3

Added upvote feature with trailing.

This feature was started by testing, I personally delegated to @superoo7-dev, to reward all the author on #teammalaysia that shared their post on discord.

Here is where all the abuse started.......

When dealing with these community upvotes, you had to force to add in some hard coded rules to prevent people to abuse it.

At that point of time, I added these rules:

  • only steemit links
  • post cannot be voted/flag by @cheetah
  • post age must be between 30 minutes and 3.5 days
  • post must have the tag of #teammalaysia

Then, the abuse came in, people tends to write short post like DMania and Steepshot, and wanted to get community upvotes.

I have nothing against dmania and steepshot, and I do use these 2 awesome platform.

So, I added a rule post must have more than 120 words.

Also, I had to fixed a bug that the bot doesn't understand Chinese words, and remove links and images for the word count.

Then, there are people literally just dumped links and run on discord, so I added another rule share at least 10 words synopsis about ur post alongside with the links.

I guess remove images and the message needs to have a synopsis really started a lot of ranting from everyone, but hey be considerate, I am the only developer, and I try to improve the bot as I can.

Version 4

Added pending review, moderator and sponsor feature

Since, the automated way doesn't work as I suppose. I need to add in moderator features, to ban someone who abused the system, and manually approved some of the pending post.

Then, a lot more abused happens... I guess I won't be sharing about how the abuse happen until I fix it.

What's the problem?

Problem 1: Time

As I am the only developer for the project, and there is a lot of school work, freelance work and also development work for steemit, I often find myself really busy and not getting enough rest. I wish there are more developers joining.

In addition to that, I need to spend countless time maintaining the servers, pay for the servers, dealing with database being hacked.

Problem 2: Source Code

This project started as a small project (~100 lines of codes), until now, which is around 10 files and more than 8000 lines of codes, the project needs to have a rewrite, to make it more scalable, easier to debug and easier to be understand by other developers. Recently, I just done rewriting StatBot, which took me almost a week. Since I stated in the previous point, I really don't have much time.

Problem 3: Abusers

Alright here is the problems, no matter what I did, it seems like the development speed will never be faster than the abuser, and when I try to solved the abuser issue, a new problem arises from the existing users (just some of them).

When the abuser abused the upvotes system, then there is a need to unvote those abusers posts, making it a double work. I am also on the trail of #teammalaysia, and sadly I had to unvote some of the abuser's post.

The abusers will find all the possible ways to abuse a system, which I really have no time to deal with it. So I am asking everyone to help out until I resolved the issues (check How can we improve section).

Problem 4: Engagement

If you ever promoted a post in the community, it seems like everyone are on discord just to post promo, no engagement between the community. Some even rant about not getting the trail upvotes from the community.

I understand the fact that discord are not friendly to those new users, but at least do join us on the community radio or jump in for a small discussion with everyone, don't just dump links and run away.

I personally had been reading a lot of posts in the channel and gave out tips using @tipu. I guess this is what I can do to help out everyone.

How can we improve as a community

I guess here are some improvement that we can made together as a community.

  • Engage with the community in discord, don't come in the discord dumped your post and leave.
  • Read others posts on post promo if possible, and have some engagement, upvote or comment. I personally really like the qurator and the steem engine post promo channel, at least there are engagement between everyone.
  • If you got ban, there might be a certain reason. Stop asking when can we unban you, I won't be doing it until I resolved all the updates on bots.
  • Report abuse if someone did it.
  • If you read a post that is worth sharing from the post promo channel, maybe you can DM the moderator about it, and they will make a compilation of great post.
  • Shared post on post promo that does not involved topics like politics, hatred, nsfw, scam, multi-level marketing, promoting an ICO and etc.

When will be the update on Stephard

It's hard to say, but I will tried my best. I had an assignment to submit tomorrow, and a few quizzes coming next week, so the update might take more than a week or two.


I know I might sound a little bit negative in this post, but I still think we can be better when we work and improved together.

I will be off on Steemit, Telegram and Discord for a day or two to get away from all these negativity thinking, hope I will be back fresh.

*Ehem* completing my assignment, watching avengers tomorrow

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Thanks for all that you do selflessly for the community. Many a times, people do not know that they are so blessed having the extra incentives in this case, the bot that you've developed so well for #teammalaysia.

Your role as a dev is definitely a thankless role that not many would appreciate.

Thanks @zord189, really appreciate it. I hope everyone would understand about the community has no guarantee, cuz some of them dm me ask why hendrik din vote 😂

Hey wow, I am really just beginning to learn more and more about the Steemit - and really it's thanks to people like you that we have all these bots hey. So thank You.

I have to admit I am not one who actively engages in the Team Malaysia Discord chats - in fact, to be frank, it is abit of a challenge for me to be able to do so sometimes with most of my chat groups because the truth is I don't like engaging in small talk.
But yes, as I begin to understand more and more so about Steemit - I am learning that this is really some sort of a community where people like you is putting in time and etc.

Would do as much as I can on my end - to engage more - . My intention is really to educate and hopefully to spread some goodwill. It really does help to have group chats like team malaysia - it's just I am really only now beginning to "sort of" understand how everything works behind the scene.

Thank you for sharing what you do - it helps for sure. (Side note: I know zero shits about all this IT and software app talk - which makes your skill pretty invaluable.)
So take some time out and hang in there my friend. @superoo7

I understand discord chats are overwhelm for someone, even myself also find it hard to use at the first time. I guess what I wanted to get is the awareness because there are too many of them just dump links and 0 engagement. Thanks for stopping by 😁

Time to refresh my programming skillzz . LoL . Thanks @superoo7 you have been vital component of growing teammalaysia . Your studies are way more important for now and i do realize that it has taken much of your time which we all appreciate . Looking forward in catching up with u when u get back

I guess will work on that when I am free, but definitely not this week haha. Thanks for your support all the while, really appreciate your work for #teammalaysia.

Thanks for your handwork and hopefully there is an automatic system to ban abusers after a few violations...

You too did a great job. I was a bit negative haha. I wanted to make the bot simple to use, but it's hard to do so haha.

Yes, I understand the difficulty, which is why we all are truly appreciative of your handwork and determination..

Thank you 😄

100% vote to support you.

As a non dev, it's mind-boggling the work you did for the bot for basically free. 8000 lines of codes, i don't even think I can read something so long let alone write it.

You really are doing a Thankless job and often times the only feedback you get are negative ones, people don't make noise when everything goes well. I can imagine your frustration.

Please know that despite the abuses and whines you get, #TeamMalaysia really does appreciate your effort. Please don't burn yourself out and take it slow, don't mind the people whining to you😂😂😂.

Thanks Ian. Is the middle of semester and there are so many workload haha. I guess I need to get some rest before moving on. Thanks for stopping by ✌

Do what's most currently important. and yes take a napper or two hehe..

I feel you @superoo7 wish I could help you on programming but I know nothing about it. Good luck in doing your assignment and test.

Thanks, really appreciate it. 😄

加油恒 😊


I feel pretty guilty about the engagement part especially ever since I made my weekly comic series it's been getting harder to find time to drop in the discord to chat(my crappy internet is not helping either)...I'm really sorry about that I'm gonna try to find more time to chat one day

But good job with all your hardwork, good luck with your assignments and hope you enjoy your movie!

At least I know u exist in discord 😁
I mean those who shared it daily, I saw them shared their post on post promo but hardly see them in other places.

You have done a great job from what I have seen so far, don't be discouraged by it, it's a long battle to fight on!

Thanks for your support, really appreciate 🙌

Keep Steeming!!

I wanna say a BIG Thank you @superoo7 for your hard work on Discord. Appreciate you mate. Please do concentrate on your work too mate.

Feedback is not negative. I take responsibility for also not "talking kok" on discord and connecting. Guilty as charged. Will spend more time connecting, when I can.

Once again thank you mate!

haha, not really guilty. What I meant are those who just came here once a day just to dump links, I guess they are here once a day for that upvotes

Finally...i got round to reading and upvoting your post. Thanks for doing such a great job in maintaining the #teammalaysia bot and for defending the bot against "aliens".

I often wonder how you juggle between studying, coding and freelancing work (like did you sleep at all?). But kudos to you, in spite of everything you still find time to blog regularly and contribute for the good of the community. Way to go @superoo7! More BHB burgers for ya when you are back!

Actually studying in Australia isnt as stressful in Malaysia. In Malaysia, I actually had to work on electronic projects in the school. I guess I sacrifice my leisure time to do all these haha

Thank you @superoo7.

I have not met you. But I can see your efforts, commitment and contributions. It is really appreciated.

Yes we need to fight against abuse and only we, together as a community can achieve that. I shall play my part to send the same message across as I spread the word around Steemit. If there is anything I (a non technical person) can do to help make your work easier, please feel free to dm me in Discord.

Sure man, it's a group effort, cuz automated bot cannot replace human moderation, so my idea was to bring awareness to everyone so that they understand to check out other's post on steemit, instead of just dump links and run away.

Dumping links and running away

The late Lee Kuan Yew once said, "Singapore is still not ready to join the ranking of first world nations because... In England, newspaper stands were laid out in the open, the people would take their daily paper then leave a coin. He said when done in Singapore, people just took the paper. They did not leave the coin.

There is a kind of civic conscious behavior that separates one community from another.
We need to build this in our community. And hopefully it will then spread.

Be the change we want to see in the world.

  ·  6 years ago 

Sayang sayang... dunno what to say... but just to let you know... we are all here to support you... maybe not in the programming part... but we can be your ears... :D

Thanks Eliza, I guess I should not be sad because of these abusers, and forgot how great you guys are 😁

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi @superoo7,

I wish one day I have the chance to meet and thank you personally for many great things u have done for #teammalaysia. Sometimes I'm at lost in discord cause the discussions topic changed so quick... always missed the bus...

Good Luck with your study and keep on doing great job! Wish you success!

sure man. Thanks for stopping by, really appreciate it.

Bro, your hardwork will never been understand if they dont understand how the things work.

But us in teammalaysia know you already did a looot of things to help our community grow. I cannot help much bro but will keep support what you did..

But just negative bout this bro, abuser will always find way for their benefit, just do what you can and really hoping soon got people to backup you.

Thanks man. appreciate it.


I badly need your help sir! I am workin with a project study. I'm working with fingerprints. I need to use visual basic to add delete fingerprints.

Hey man, I am not familiar with VB, I guess you are on your own.