in teamnz •  5 years ago 

Lets spread it all around.

It's the 20's now and shit is different. After using the internet for 22 years, lately I keep finding bookmarks I go back to, seem to have disappeared - it's not just Fakebook that's censoring everything - the whole internet is being purged of real information, and flooded with propaganda.

Living outside of the fascist control of England, Europe, and America, and having almost unlimited server space that can't easily be censored, I'm in a unique position to be able to share good content on my blog. So I'm going to start doing that more often.
A shift in mindset, is to let go of ideas like "copyright" and all that outdated shit. We are all on the internet, anyone can copy and paste anything in seconds. I have over 2000 web pages of original content online that anyone can copy and repost. Good! - I hope they do. From this point, if I like something, I'm going to copy and post it here on my blog, on my own server.
If you are the author of something I have reposted and would like me to remove it, feel free to email me. I'll happily take it down. If you are some lawyer threatening to sue me for copyright infringement on the other hand - your reply is in the mail...

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.frot.co.nz/design/wordpress/a-new-approach-for-a-new-decade/
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Copyright is dead.

The House of Mouse has killed it.

They have made it into a thing that protects huge corporations, allowing them to tread over tiny people. Using whatever they like, and banning anyone else from even using fair use.

Soooo, soon, the internet... or maybe i will call it the inter-connects,
will become this thing that ignores service providers. Tunnels around black boxes. Connects everyone.

And with a server in everyone's home, all sharing everything, copyright will become untenable to litigate.

Copyright - the cancer legacy from the 20th century. Time to kill it stone dead.

It's soooooooooooooooo stupid.
(designed by the control freaks to make profit of creativity).

“He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.”

― Thomas Jefferson

A genuine question - if I downloaded a painting worth millions and used it for a non profit blog post is that ok (i say yes) - but for a commercial website? (I wouldn't do it because of legal risks but am unsure about my own opinion - I think I might feel a bit guilty)

It is every person's responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

Send me one steem, help bring the unjust laws to an end, become a freedom fighter. And lets see what happens! lol

viking flats - Copy - Copy.jpg

(1000 lefty steemit virtue signalers are now working out if they need to report me to some authority or other. The want to, but they also know they are being led by the nose by doing so, as it would illustrate their own stupidity........problems, problems)

Now send me one fuckin' steem!!!!!!!!!! - I'm risking a law suit here for you! lol.

LOL !tip 1

Now don't say I'm not a generous cunt

I would NEVER say you were a generous cunt, don't worry..

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