Joy Really Is The Main Motivating Factor In All Of Human Society - And Steem Is The Only Economic System Which Give Joy The Place It Deserves

in teamsteem •  8 years ago  (edited)

Those who have not found their true wealth, which is the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakable peace that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth." Eckhart Tolle

Every chapters can be read on their own. No need for any previous knowledge about *Steem either.

*Steem is a cryptocurrency and a blockchain based social network which monetarily reward its users for content they create and vote they make. Users get paid with Steem which could be equated to some sort of company shares. Posts with the most shareholder’s votes rise to the top of or any other websites who use the Steem blockchain.

The Ultimate Steem Book

Chapter 6

  • Teaser
  • Steem Changes Everything
  • Steem Core Values
  • Even Monkeys Love Fairness
  • Consensus Decision Making
  • Joy: The Ultimate Value!
  • Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
  • Creating Irresistible Influence
  • Steem Changes Me!
  • Thank You!


Our Steem accounts value are determined by how useful our posts have been or more precisely by how much Joy we brought to the world and as the world’s wealth inevitably shift from fiat currencies, other financial instruments and commodity money to being invested in Steem or Joy, our most valuable "thing" will become our Steem accounts or Joy.

Those who buy Steem create Joy for all of those who are seeing Steem’s price rise.

I know all of this is a very out-there prediction that’s why...

Steem Changes Everything

All of my book’s chapters reach the top 10 best paid article of the day and I think most of the chapters made it to the top 5.

Thanks to all the influential Steemian who so far, think my book is relevant. I thought it logical to highlight this as best as possible.

In my last chapter I’ve detailed why I can’t come up with any rational scenario in which the technology behind Steem or Steem itself wouldn’t eventually lead to the birth of the most influential and beneficial community humanity has ever seen.

Here’s the follow up. Joy!

Steem Core Values

A company’s core values are its very foundation. Without core values a company has no raison d’ être or at least its raisons d’ être are undefined.

Also the best way to gain influence on Steem is to inspire the most influential Steemians. Thus it help to know the core values of those influential Steemian.

Dan Larimer is arguably the most or one of the most influential Steemian. He has a lot of writings and voting from which we can infer his core values as well as the core values of the majority shareholders.

Some of Dan’s core values like fairness and non-aggression can easily be picked on from his writing, some of which preceded Steem.

I use Austrian Economics to engineer the economic incentives which make freedom and non-violence profitable. Dan Larimer

In a series of posts Dan detail what is probably the fairest economic system imaginable, some of the reasons fair economic system should be sought out and some hints as to how this system could be introduce. Here are the links to the first 4 articles on the subject, in order he posted them.

I feel the third article is the first which should be given a chance. These articles have nothing to do with almost any texts treating the subject of universal basic income.

I mention what seems to be Dan’s search for the fairest economic system only to point out what seems to be one of his very important core value. (What those posts describe seem impractical at this point but are incredibly valuable nonetheless.)

Most Steem shares are held by people who hold fairness and non-aggression principal as some of their core values. This can be inferred from their writings, voting and investment they've made.

Steemians advancing fairness and non-aggression principal are those most subject to gaining the most in influence. There seems to be a pretty wide spread desire for fairness.

Even Monkeys Love Fairness (2m40s)

One of Dan Larimer’s thought experiment further give us hints as to what are his core values. This thought experiment was made prior to Steem existence.

He envisioned a community where on average the incentives to do mutually beneficial actions would out way the incentives for anyone to be selfish, all of this leading to a self-reinforcing virtuous cycle where it gets to a point that nobody wants to be outside of that community.

Not only did he worded such a thought experiment but he build the technology to make this community happen. He and is cofounder Ned Scott called this community: Steem. Those who would like a deeper understanding of this thought experiment should look at appendix 3.

It's interesting to note that everyone benefit from the Steem community, even those who haven’t joined it yet.

Consensus Decision Making

Consensus decision-making is a group decision-making process in which group members develop, and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the whole. ([Wikipedia] (

Steem has at its core principal: mutual benefit through consensus decision making. Consensus decision making is the best way for a group to take a decision.

Consensus is a group process where the input of everyone is carefully considered and an outcome is crafted that best meets the needs of the group. It is a process of synthesizing the wisdom of all the participants into the best decision possible at the time. The root of consensus is the word consent, which means to give permission to. When you consent to a decision, you are giving your permission to the group to go ahead with the decision. You may disagree with the decision, but based on listening to everyone else’s input, all the individuals agree to let the decision go forward, because the decision is the best one the entire group can achieve at the current time.

Within every member of any group there is a lifetime of experiences and knowledge. Consensus is a way to tap the collective knowledge of the group to craft the best decision possible. (Source)

We all make decisions. Whether we like it or not, group decisions are inevitable and what we decide as a group impact us personally. Those group decisions sometimes have even bigger impact on our life than any decision we take personally. This is so since time immemorial.

Joy: The Ultimate Value!

What is mutually beneficial is ultimately what brings Joy. Those who express, feel and share pure Joy are in the long run the most “successful” Steemians. Pure Joy is always contagious.

Happy Happy Joy Joy Song!

I laughed so hard the first time I saw that clip I was crying and my stomach hurt.

Creating Irresistible Influence

A quote on core values and how they relate to everything. This quote is of great help to understand how fundamental core values are. (Source: “Creating irresistible influence with NLP”):

I'm suggesting, the more you express who you are, the more that you express your pyramid of influences and you show people a willingness to be who you are, the more you can notice, accept and find a way to relate to theirs. This is not a manipulative report approach whether than pretending you have someone values. I'm suggesting that you really embrace yours and acknowledge theirs. As one of my friend says to me on many occasions all of us are smarter than any of us and when you find out how your identity and values and actions can best serve theirs they'll want to encourage yours. Identity is the key organizing concept. It is the eye of the pyramid. Identity is the sense of who we are, what we think what we feel and what we do. It's what we're about. It is the way of organizing the world into what is meaningful for us. It's like a controlling idea that inform all the kind of form of self-expression. It's why we choose certain thing and exclude others. Identity comes from the word identify. When we identify with something it become a part of us and you hear this in people's language they say I identify with that or they'll say that's not me. This sense of thing being me or not me forms the boundary of what we consider us and what makes up the rest of the world. It give rise to those three basic questions: Who am I? Who are you and all the others? And what is all this? What's it about? What's the next step?


So how does the pyramid of influences apply? In the case of the person who identify with their career you wanna show them that what you offer what you're interested in is proven effective and non-invasive and helpful with few side effects. Now you might say what is proven and effective and non-invasive. And the idea here is that you are speaking to what's important to them. You show how your offering influence can make their life easier how it can improve their odds or you can appeal directly to their highest values. Their desire to achieve the values of the career. And what about a family identity? Well the matrix for that would be connections, relationships, sacrifices, quality of the group and this would be the kind of things you'll appeal to. Or you could appeal directly to the highest values. The highest values in the values matrix to continue this intimate community to bring you closest together. You see people endeavor to assert their identity throughout their pyramid of influences. The more people have control over their environment the more it reflects their identity. And we're certainly seen both good and embarrassing among the riches and famous in that area. People’s actions attempt to shape the outer world to be like their inner world. That's why, said, the environment isn't just the outside but it’s what the person has in mind, how they like the outside to be. The greater clarity you have of you identity on the outside the greater clarity your gonna have on the inside; the richer and more fully developed your identity is going to be. It shouldn't surprise you with this in mind that the more significant the purchase whether it is an expensive home entertainment center or a car or a house the more personal it will be. That is the more a reflection of who the buyers are. And the more luxury an item to the buyer you're with the more it will be an expression of who that person is or who it wants to be.


And what most people wants more than anything is congruence to really feel who they are. So how could you adjust those behaviors? How could you bring more congruence into your life? Given that this would bring you more focus and confidence and make you more influential. How to do this? Do more that is in alignment with your value matrix. Look at your pyramid of influence and notice in what capabilities you could engaged that would be in alignment with your values and beliefs. Notice what actions you could take that would allowed you to be who you wanna be. Bring objects and experiences into your life into your environment that supports your value matrix.

Steem Changes Me!

Our Steem accounts value are determined by how useful our posts have been or more precisely by how much Joy we brought to the world and as the world’s wealth inevitably shift from fiat currencies, other financial instruments and commodity money to being invested in Steem or Joy, our most valuable "thing" will become our Steem accounts or Joy.

Those who buy Steem create Joy for all of those who are seeing Steem’s price rise.

I know all of this is a very out-there prediction that’s why I felt the need to secure @nostradasteem and @steemtradamus.

It's an infinite creative universe to explore so why chase conservative options? Yahoo Serious


Jake Kotze

Doug Stanhope

Doug Stanhope is one of the top 10, possibly top 5 funniest comedian of all time. This quote is one of his funniest and truest thing he ever said. The title of this article is paraphrased from this quote. Sorry if it offend anyone. (NSFW)

(at 2m8s)

Thank You!

For all the comments! They're really appreciated.


Thanks to everyone who approved my witness. I really appreciate.

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Great post as usual and I love your positivity and can do attitude - however 'Fear' is man's greatest motivator and the people that rule this world know it.

John B Watson, the father of Behavioral Science discovered this fact in the early 1900's after years of scientific research.

Sorry if I'm being a party-pooper as it looked like you are having lots of fun and there is nothing wrong with that as I believe that we should enjoy life to the fullest.

It's challenge for me to stop telling the truth which is the basis of my comment.

Watch this Video to see what they know and how they do it!

Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I really appreciate them.

I have seen this video. It's a very awesome video.

About the point you make on fear, I don't think it contradict my post overall. Jake Kotze's first quote needs to be taken into account.

I can't know what anything means in its totality as it has infinite depth. Sometimes we speak as if we can as it is a matter of convenience or habit. Jake Kotze

Also needs to be taken into account is his second quote in relation to his first quote as well as the whole post.

These are complex subjects. It could be said that fear is the absence of Joy. Joy is just a pointer to point at something.

By the way, I feel like correcting someting. Your comment is really awesome. It brings a lot of value.

This documentary is a much watch.

I think it's important to understand both side of everything so your point is a very valid one. Every body's point are valuable.

It's important to face what is tough to face. Now, I feel like every challenges and difficulties must bring us back to Joy which might possibly be the truest state of being.

I agree with you - we should strive to be happy and joyful as we go about our daily lives and in our interactions with others. I think the man-made fear that the globalists bombard us with is pure evil. If this wasn't the case I am sure that more people would be joyful.

Watching you dancing around made by day - keep smiling and dancing :)

Well said!

And I'm glad I made your day! That's awesome!

Let's keep on smiling, dancing and Steeming about it!

I listened to the audio files of your book, and very much agree with you regarding the potential that Steemit has in bringing financial justice to many people. I look forward to reading it in order to digest all the details. Your statement in the beginning about the impact of reading is the very reason I have been an avid reader my entire life. Thanks for sharing.

I appreciate your comment very much. I'm very honored that you read me.

I'm also always super happy when I see people seeing the potential Steem has.

I'm trying to be the best help possible on here so let's keep in touch and feel free to ask me anything.

It's good to see people enjoying reading. It make such a difference in who we are.

Ok. Is there a way for us to send direct messages? I have a few nuts and bolts questions, but don't want to clutter your feed.

Sure! Contact me there. I'll be a real pleasure to help you. (official Steem chat) (another Steem chat with voice available)