in teardrops •  6 years ago 
Hello fellow Steemians, it's been a while but then I have been very preoccupied, my dad has been very sick.

For four years now he has been battling with stroke, and a few months ago, his health deteriorated, being the only son, I have been running helther skelther to see how the situation could be managed, but alas it was not to be so.
After spending so many days and so much money in the hospital, I lost my beloved father to the cold hands of death.
Today, the Succour giver is in need of succour. The most painful part is that I can't carry his corpse because of the huge amount of money, which the hospital charged.
It's truly very dark days for me, but I know I shall pull through.
I need your prayers and support in this very trying times.
Thanks and God bless.

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