how to Intelligence to Everyday Things Change Your World?

in tech •  7 years ago 

On a global level, we are adding connected intelligence to both machines and objects using chips, micro sensors, and both wired and wireless networks to create a rapidly growing “Internet of things” sharing real-time data, performing diagnostics, and even making remote repairs. Many jobs will be created as we add intelligent connected sensors to bridges, roads, buildings, homes, and much more. By 2020, there will be well over a billion machines talking to each other and performing tasks without human intervention
Think of it this way: from phones to cars to bridges, embedded technologies are increasingly making the things we use smarter every day. For example, some of the newest cars use cameras mounted in the rear to see if something is in the way when you are backing up. If there is something in the way, the car will apply the brake even if you don’t or you are slow to react. Likewise, the concrete in new bridges has embedded chips that can let engineers know when the concrete is cracking, stressed, and in need of repair before the bridge collapses. In addition, sensors on the surface of the road going over the bridge will detect ice and wirelessly communicate the information to your car. If you don’t slow down, the car will slow down to a safe speed for you.Depositphotos_6578697_s.jpg
But it’s not just cars and bridges that are getting smarter. Kraft Foods worked with Intel to develop a smart vending machine that can market specific products by demographic group. Basically, the vending machine uses a camera that’s mounted on the front of the machine to identify characteristics of the person using the machine in real time. The first application has been to determine the user’s age and gender, and then based on this information, the vending machine offers free samples that will appeal to the exact demographic of the user.

In other words, you may be at the vending machine purchasing a candy bar or some potato chips. Because the vending machine knows your age and gender, it will give you a specific marketing message along with a code you can use from your smart phone to claim a free sample of the product. The sample will then be mailed to your home. In this scenario, it’s the vending machine using a combination of facial recognition, facial demographic data, artificial intelligence, and access to the cloud to qualify the user and select the most relevant item to market.

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this is real thing nice think