in tech •  last year 

Although the internet and the world the technology has become the new incentive for any human endeavour that hopes to prosper, these are top ten mysteries of echnology.
Power Consumption: the internet is often regarded as intangible and eco-friendly, it is estimated that global internet usage consumes around 3-5% of the world's electricity, and data centers alone account for about 1% of global electricity usage. Yeah, that is how much power the internet consumes.

Women have always been in the center stage of every technology! The First Computer Programmer was a Woman: Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer, who is considered to be the first computer programmer. She wrote the world's first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, specifically Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, in the 19th century.

Error Rates in DNA Storage: DNA data storage is an emerging technology that uses DNA molecules to store digital information. While it has the potential to store vast amounts of data, it's not without flaws. Currently, DNA data storage has a relatively high error rate, making it challenging to perfect for mainstream use.

The Internet's Physical Infrastructure: The internet might seem like a virtual entity, but it relies on an extensive physical infrastructure. Undersea cables laid on the ocean floor carry around 99% of all international data, connecting continents and enabling global communication.

Accidental Invention of the Microwave: The microwave oven was accidentally discovered by Percy Spencer, an engineer working with radar technology during World War II. He noticed that a chocolate bar in his pocket melted while standing near an active magnetron.

First Webcam Was Used for Coffee: The first webcam was created at the University of Cambridge to monitor the state of a coffee pot. It allowed researchers to check if there was coffee available without leaving their desks.

QR Codes Were Invented in 1994: QR codes, those square barcodes used for various purposes today, were invented in 1994 by a Japanese company called Denso Wave. They were initially used for tracking automotive parts during manufacturing.

The Most Expensive Domain Name: "CarInsurance.com" holds the record for being the most expensive domain name ever sold. It was purchased for $49.7 million in 2010.

Digital Data Growth: Over 90% of the world's data was generated in just two years before 2021, highlighting the rapid pace of data creation in the digital age.

The QWERTY Keyboard: The QWERTY keyboard layout, commonly used in most countries, was designed to slow down typing on early typewriters. This arrangement helped to prevent the typewriter's mechanical arms from jamming.

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