Tech Update November 20, 2018

in tech •  6 years ago 

In the last 2 weeks we have made major strides towards a version 1.4 release, using IPFS with the Ethereum blockchain. The BitBoost team has solved all bugs in the Ropsten buy-sell flow for this hybrid architecture. More importantly, our first mainnet version is already being tested. When testing is complete, we will release a 1.4 mainnet version for public use.

In this beta, there are some known bugs that we are still working on. Here are the notes for our testers:

What has been fixed since last time:

  • IPFS clone is generated when user accepts consecutively two sales on the same item
  • User can not see all active Stores inside the app
  • Accept multiple pending buy requests for IPFS items
  • Sometimes data in Orders page is missing
  • GetTransaction overflow
  • Reversed statuses “purchase finalized” & “resolved”
  • ETH disputes – refund buyer status is reversed with dispute opened in transaction data page

Known issues in this beta release:

  • Sync notification text has some errors
  • Some transactions being reversed by EVM in some cases
  • Categories lists are empty
  • Multiple IPFS buy requests on the same item are not logged in My Purchases
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