Change your default search engine to DuckDuckGo in order to protect your privacy.

in tech •  4 years ago 


I switched a little over a year ago to having it be my primary search engine, and I have no regrets. Coupling it with Brave Browser and I'm basically as unstoppable as Thanos was with the Power and Space Stones.

Whereas Google tracks you in a variety of different ways so it can sell your info to advertisers (like me!), DuckDuckGo only makes money by letting advertisers buy ads for specific keywords – they don't get to advertise based on your non-search behaviors and demographic information. That's how they're able to still be profitable

So if I'm someone who sells cupcakes and I want to target those who have visited related websites and are in the 18-30 range, I can do so with Google, but I can't with Duck. I can only buy ad space for "cupcakes" or "cupcakes [location]."

You hear that? I'm someone who benefits from having your data via Google's search engine, and even I'm saying to use DuckDuckGo!

I'll maybe use Google Search once every two weeks b/c Duck isn't a billion-dollar global tech giant with the exact same sophistication, but it's almost always something work-related (i.e. I'm checking to see how a site appears in search results, or I'm reverse image searching a photo). Still, Duck isn't inconvenient enough to make me want to stop using it.

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