Hi, this is your very own Faran Nabeel, And I really hope that you are fine and happy with your family and I hope they are also fine. Can you imagine you have chance to solve any problem and find the 360 different solutions in your mind. This given project is base on that wonderful idea which become reality. It give you the opportunity to the explore every side and angle of any situation. With project, Everyone can think in the complete circle with 360.
You can look at the challenge from the every possible angle and see many solutions that you never ever thought of before this time. It is like that open the door to the room which fill with new ideas and creative thought in your mind. Every problem can seen in many different ways, and there is more than one answer after using this. By trying this to find all 360 solutions in both situation like positive and negative, you can learn to think deeper and more clear. You learn to ask a lot of questions and search for hide answers.
This project is simple way to practice the creativity and smart thinking. It help us build the habit of explore all possible options before choose one solution. Everyone, young and old, can use this project to improve their problem solving skills. It make learning into fun and turn challenges into exciting adventure. Let imagination fly and see how many ways can solve the problem. Embrace power of different ideas, and find the new path for every situation.
Intro : Think with 360
This image shows the unique round dial labele “Think with 360”. which I decide the name and header of this project because it has 360 possible points. It also carries the tagline “Inspire Your Vision, See Every Angle of Possibility.” Which inspire me. The needle can move into two directions, from 0 to 180 on right side, and from 0 to -180 on left side. The right side is marke as a green zone, which represent the positive steps and ideas. The left side is a alternate zone like shows red zone and present negative situations, show different paths and possibilities.
Below the dial, there is the text box where user can type any number between the range of -180 and 180. When you enter the number, the needle shift to that angle, giving you the new viewpoint. This movement symbolize the power of looking at the problem from all sides and points. Each angle represent the possible idea, and a fresh solution, or the unique approach. By spin the needle from negative to positive degree, you learn that every challenge can seen in many ways. This action spark deeper thinking.
The green zone from 0 to 180 degree stands for the optimism and growth. It shows how positive thinking can lead to bright idea and new paths. On the other hand, the range between 0 to -180 remind us that every plan has alternate possibility. Sometimes, what seem negative can reveals the hidden strengths and unexpected insights. By shift the needle back and the forth, we explores both side of any situation. This encourage flexibility, open mindedness, and a balance views of problems and solutions. Nothing is purely one-sided.
This dial act as the gentle reminder to think in the complete circle. By entering different angle, we learn to see problem from fresh perspective. Instead of settle for a one answer, you can discovered many possible solutions. Each angle on the dial represent the new direction for thoughts. The simple acts of moving the needle help us to practice creativity, and curiosity. Whether everyone are facing the small puzzle and a big life decision, this tool encourage you to explore a every possible option. I know that it's visibility is not good but this creative idea give us a new way of thinking, The user interface can be change with the time.
How It's work logically?
I do like to describe that how it will work logically and how the parts of the program works, It is in just idea phase and I will become into real time project or a complete program. but for this time, I wanna describe how it's work in that situation, It is programmed in python language.
Below is a simple explanation of each part of the code. It is divided into sections. Each section describes what that part of the code does and why it is important.
1. Import Statements
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import TextBox, Button
import numpy as np
This is the starting lines bring in the all necessary libraries. I use matplotlib.pyplot
to create the plots and visuals. And then i use TextBox and Button from matplotlib.widgets
to create the interactive input box and button. I also use numpy
for math functions, such as the calculate angles and coordinates.
2. The update_needle
def update_needle(text):
This function read text from the user input box, and turn it into the number, and check the condition if it is between -180 to 180. If the angle is valid and correct, it adjust the position of needle on the gauge. It also change the color of the tick mark to blue on positive side and red on a negative side, depend on the enter angle. After that it redraw the plot to show the update needle and color.
3. Creating the Main Figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
This line make the main figure and window that it will hold everything. The figsize=(12, 12)
set the size of the window to 12 by 12 inch. All the parts of that program will appears inside this main figure.
4. Full-Screen Background Theme
ax_bg = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
ax_bg.imshow(gradient_bg, ...)
This lines create the background that cover the entire figure. It use the radial gradient, which mean the color fades from center to edge. We calculate this provided gradient with numpy
and then display it with the use of imshow. The background adds soft, and colorful look to our gauge.
5. Main Gauge Axes
ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
At this step, we set up another set of axes on the top of the background. This because where the gauge will be drawn. I use set_aspect('equal')
to make circle look round instead of stretch.
6. Drawing the Gauge Circle and Tick Marks
circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 1, ...)
for angle in range(0, 360, small_tick_interval):
Firstly, I draw the outer circle of gauge at the center with (0, 0). Then, using a loop from 0 to 360 degree, I draw the small, medium, and large tick mark depend on the angle. Large tick mark appear every 30 degrees medium tick marks with every 6 degrees, and smalls tick marks every 1 degree. Each mark is store in the dictionary called tick_lines
, and we can also change their color later.
7. The Needle
needle_angle = 90
x_needle = [...]
y_needle = [...]
needle_line, = ax.plot(...)
I created the needle by plotting the line from center of gauge to outer edge. This default angle is set to 90 degree, which point straight up. I also added the small circle in the center to makes the dial look more real.
8. Input Box
axbox = fig.add_axes([0.35, 0.05, 0.4, 0.05])
text_box = TextBox(axbox, "Enter the number (-180 to 180): ", initial="")
This code create the text box at the bottom of this figure. The user can be type the angle between -180 to 180. When I press “Enter,” the update_needle
function is working, which move the needle and update the tick marks.
9. Show the Figure
At the, we display the entire window. user see the gauge, and background, the text box, the submittion button, and the title. Now user can interact with program by entering different angles and clicking the button.
General Idea About How can We use it.
Now I would like to describe how can we use it, for example, Ahmad is starting the small online bakery in his house. He has the big dream but he has no experience. To plan his own path, he can use “Think with 360.” First, he set his starting point at 0. This is a moment in which he decide to begin. He write down the basic steps like choose recipes, find a kitchen, and creating the website. This steps go from 0 to 30 such as 0, 1, 2, and so on. At 30 stage, he launched his online store finally. He look ahead to 31 and see the need for good marketing and social media ads on different platforms. Each a new number from 31 to 60 add details like quality packaging, customer feedback, and the special holiday deals. At the 90, he is expand his menu and hire helpers.
On the other side like in the negative direction, from 0 to -30, he can prepare for problems. He can face late deliveries and website glitches.and he write down all possible solutions before happening the problem. At -60, he can plan for poor reviews and ingredient shortage. As each negative number hold the possible challenge. Use “Think with 360,” Ahmad write down solution for every bad scenarios. For late delivery, he can arrange backup driver. For website glitch, he keep a tech expert ready.
When Ahmad reaches 120 stage on positive side, he plan a new branch. At 150, he think about partnering with local cafes and restaurants. By the 180, he aim for national shipping. at -90, he plan for sudden cost and continue with moving fast, and at -120, he prepare for competition under pricing. Because he has been written every scenario and possible problem and solution from -180 to 180, and he can feel safe. As Ahmad hit the specific number, he alwys knows his next move. This complete plan help his to grow bussiness with confidence.
Git Repository
Here is the GitHub repository, and I have uploaded code file to understand how will it be work, and everyone can use it in their daily life to grow up and become the systematic person.
Now I wanna invite my friends @suboohi, @chant, @ashkhan, @josepha, @heriadi and @artist1111 to participate in technology based club and share their experience.
Faran Nabeel
Cc | @kafio @mohammadfaisal @alejos7ven
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