Dowsing can be fun and profitable. Here is one way to make your own dowsing rods, and something basic you can try.

in technical-dowsing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dowsing can be fun and profitable. When I first heard about dowsing, the image in my mind was of an old man holding a V-shaped branch of a willow tree skulking around attempting to find water...that was, until, a "Special Access Program" friend of mine first taught me how to dowse (he used plastic rods from window blinds, taped together). He found the spot I should drill (there was only one spot that would produce water). Later, I had another friend, and one of those "old men using a willow branch" guys re-dowse my property (after hiding the spot the other fellow found). They found the exact locations. Then, I decided to practice my own skills, and found the same place. When I decided to drill, I contacted my "Special Access Program" friend, who then said over the phone, "well, I guess you'll need to know how far to drill down, wait a few moments"...and during those moments, Remote Viewed my future "Well Driller's Report" which came out exactly as the future report stated--including what materials were found, and at what depths. 

More recently, I purchased Paul Smith's "Technical Dowsing" and learned how to dowse, the way elite military forces and Special Access Program personnel are trained. Upon reflecting on my own experiences in Military and Intelligence Community "Controlled Remote Viewing" (I learned Major Ed Dames' version) and "Technical Dowsing," as well as, my other interests in my acquaintance, Clif High's, Predictive Linguistics software, and spiritual development, I have come to conclude that everyone has these abilities to one extent or another, and that the information comes in from a non-local "collective unconsciousness" that our own sub-conscious minds tap into. 

Most people use, either dowsing rods, or pendulums to "dowse" with (though some need neither and can dowse just by feelings--which connect to their sub-conscious mind). I prefer a dowsing rod. I will show you how to build one. First, find some suitable material for making a pair of rods. Some people have used brass coat hangers (the thicker ones), and others have purchased welding or brazing rods. I purchased brass brazing rods. Next, cut two of your pieces of material into equal lengths. Bend each length at a point where it can point semi-perpendicular to what would be it's handle. One might want to put little rubber vacuum line plugs or some sort of attachment on each end to prevent injury from it's typically sharp point where it was cut.  I chose to make decorative turns at each end (see photos).

You can use a pendulum, as well. Some people are better with them. Just find something "dangly" with a little weight to it, hanging from some string, or chain, or some such thing. 

Next, get some paper and something to write with. Verbally express, while writing down, your intention. This can be something you wish to locate, or something you wish to know. For instance, if you wish to find something lost, you would express that in this way: "Show me the location of my car keys" and then with your rods, you would proceed walking around the area, loosely holding the rods perpendicular to your body (so they easily swivel) and when to are near your keys, they should point in that direction, or cross (sometimes they splay opposite each other) where your keys would be. One can find where things are using a map, and one rod or a pendulum, and obtaining an indication where that which you seek is located. You can also dowse for locations on a matrix or number line, and get really close to what you are looking for. 

For this example, we will use one rod, and ask a simple question. Have a friend secretly point, either one finger, or two, on their right hand and hide it behind their back. Now write down on a piece of paper while saying out loud "Show me whether (insert friend's name) is pointing one or two fingers on their right hand (be very, very specific with your questions, as your sub-conscious mind will show you exactly what you ask, whether you meant that or not). Then, "program your instrument" holding it in a proper way (rod perpendicular to body, pendulum dangling freely while held between forefinger and thumb), by stating "show me a yes" and then "show me a no" and the instrument should behave in a different manner. For instance, the pendulum might circle one way, then another, or similarly, the rod might point in for yes and do nothing for no, or go one direction for yes and another for no. Now take a separate sheet of paper, remove the first one from sight, and draw two circles away from each other labeling them "one" and "two" now while holding your instrument in one hand, point to one circle for a moment, and then the other. Practice this until you get it right. 

You will gain in accuracy as you practice. Some people are really good at dowsing and have used it in sports betting, small lotteries, finding treasure, or precious metals,'ll never know if you are good at it unless you try...

For more information on dowsing, please find a reputable source, if looking on-line, or just learn from the professionals like Paul Smith.

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