It's NOT a Conspiracy! The Technocratic Takeover Has Been Long Planned!

in technocracy •  8 years ago  (edited)

🔒 This is What's Happening to Us! (Part 1/2) Interview with Patrick Wood

📈 This is What's Happening to Us! (Part 2/2) Interview with Patrick Wood #Cryptocurrency 

The technocratic takeover that was dreamed up in the 1920's has never gone away. Rising from its ashes in the form of the Trilateral Commission, the people in charge of wanting to create a technocratic utopia on earth are closer to achieving it than ever before. To help us understand its implications and how these technocrats think, I spoke to Patrick Wood of Technocracy.News and author of *Trilaterals Over Washington*, and *Technocracy Rising*.

Patrick Wood Links


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  ·  8 years ago 

We are all born into a prison for the mind. We are not free. It is in the best interest of the ruling class to have a docile obedient industrious citizenry that can be swayed like the wind to support policies which ultimately end up strengthening the oligarchy. That is changing

  ·  8 years ago 

Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing...

  ·  8 years ago 

Have enjoyed your work on youtube for a while Gonz! Glad you're here my friend!

Hope your day is going well!

I prefer a Technocratic Takeover than a Political Takeover.

Well that's one way to put it.
Thoroughaly enjoyed the interview,don't agree with everything that was said but some really interesting points were brought forward.

  ·  8 years ago 

You are being paranoid! Just kidding, this a good example of stating the obvious with facts and evidence, but what makes people how don't know about this calling us paranoid is the speculation part. I wrote an article today about this topic. If you want check it out:

Sing it my friend....glad to see you over here from you your work!

There is always someone trying to take us over..........

  ·  8 years ago 

It's great to hear another perspective that leaves us with food for thought. Thank you for sharing this xx