Reconnect with the soul you came here with. Otherwise, all is lost.

in technocracy •  4 years ago 


Censorship is no joke, it is now the norm. The late Aaron Russo warned us about these plans even before 9/11, via his friendship with Nickie Rockefeller. His interviews are now censored and removed. But, he warned us about how the "elites" want to control, track and trace all of us, and this is happening now with this jab hysteria.

It is getting more and more difficult to do independent research because the powers that be have almost complete control over all information, all media, and only their "agenda" is being allowed to see the light of day. All other information by real independent experts in science is being removed from the public eye.

I just wish that more people would wake up to recognize that we are quickly evolving into a totalitarian global network where only the elites thrive and the rest of us becomes mere controlled slaves of the state, but with all the jabs, also connected to a global AI network, no longer human, at least those that are not genocided already.

Only a return to a recognition of spiritual connection, lost to the psychopathic elites in charge, can bring us all back together and overcome their planned futures for us. Yes, it is up to us.

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