Techno Friday with a Steem-Bounty - 10 SBD (Deutsch / English)

in technofriday •  6 years ago 

Get rewarded for your interactions here - It is Techno Friday

Today we celebrate the second Techno Friday on Steemit - while I originally wanted to play Music from Greece by DJs like Agent Greg or Christian Cambas I just decided to move this to Dance Weekend which will start moving forward every Saturday - I got some requests for certain countries and styles to cover during Dance Weekend - so tomorrow it will be Greece and Dance Music - more on Saturday!

I am excited to see the Music Community on Steemit growing everyday - so many talents and so many different music styles - keep em coming.

So - Let The Party Get Started NOW - No Topic Today

As it is a bounty post you get rewarded to engage and comment here - let us party until the morning dawn - if possible - You can play ANY Techno Song or MIX in the comment section you love and the audience will decide what they like by upvoting your comment - feel also free to write own posts using the Techno Friday tag and I will make sure to run around and up vote them - these days we saw a lot more encouraging interaction from the Steemit leadership team on SMTs and I see this also as a good sign that Hivemind aka Steemit Communities to come soon.

Music connects the World!

I might have said that already - all Art is a connector between humans - my love is for music, not only electronic and I am totally convinced that music is building bridges between all of us - be it different nations, religions, movements. Music can heal, music stops wars, music makes people smile and happy.

What is a Bounty again - how can you be rewarded?

Steem-Bounty is another great app / tool launched recently on this platform by @knircky - the app or tool basically means you might get rewarded for engaging on posts that use the #steem-bounty or #bounty tag - obviously they have to match some criteria - which are explained in the posts below (Deutsch / English). In a nutshell get engaged with useful comments and you might get rewarded by the funds of the creator of this post.

Was ist Steem-Bounty?

Deutsche Techno und Steemit Lovers, schaut Euch einfach an was unser Master Ösi @theaustrianguy hier beschrieben hat:

Der offizielle Post über das Programm von @steem-bounty hier:

Also - los geht es mit Techno Friday! Eine Anmerkung noch - ich mag hier keine Trolls, de diskutieren wollen was Techno, oder eher Trance, House oder Commercial ist - wir sind her zum Spass haben, nicht zum Meckern - Dance ON.

Why Techno Friday?

Because the awesome @neutronenkind created the World of Techno map - check his post here ( and give him follow. Together with him we created Techno Friday which means almost all days are covered now in the Dance Music space - also explains we have Dance Weekend starting every Saturday from now on. Current daily music tags are:

Sure someone might add dedicated topics for Saturday and Sunday too - no pressure

Other awesome music folks on Steemit to check

Follow these music experts, show some love to them as they provide awesome quality content and again let me know who I forgot - probably hundreds of great music folks here I hope - add them in comments - I would like to be connected with anyone that loves and does music!

@edje aka @qsounds

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I think this song is very melodic

Thanks - but hey honestly - Ariana Grande is related to Techno like Donald Trump with careful politics

Love the Friday night fun. One of my all-time favorites is Bassnectar. It's not really a dance song, but it has all the elements and more dubstep. I've got a decent sound system in my house and whenever I wanna get down, this is one of my first songs

Hope you enjoy

Finde den hier super!

Die Message ist auch super, generell bin ich absoluter Tetris-Theme-Fan, weshalb ich auch diese Compilation hier sehr mag:

Zitat: "We call it music" -> Da ich die ganzen Sub-Gruppen und viele Genres generell nicht unterscheiden kann, schließe ich mich dem auch an :)

Technotastische Grüße

Sehr geil mein Freund - ich muss gestehen - kannte keins der beiden - das erste finde ich hammer mäßiger Crossover und vor allem spannend wie der Song aufgebaut ist- klasse Kommentar, danke Dir!

Dass ich euch in dem Bereich überhaupt noch was zeigen kann, was ihr noch nicht kanntet!
Es ist mir eine Freude! :)

Jeden Tag kommen hunderte Nummern raus - man kommt mit dem "kennen" nicht mal mehr ansatzweise hinterher ;-)

Stimmt natürlich auch wieder :) Aber gerade was so die "Klassiker" und demnach auch älteren tracks angeht, habt ihr mich echt beeindruckt mit eurem Repertoire!

War mir eine Freude heute Abend mit euch beiden, Andy kannte ich ja schon, Du bist auch ne coole Socke @k3lada - schönen Abend noch.

Dir ebenfalls! Kann ich nur zurückgeben :)

Hat mir echt gute Abwechslung gebracht in meiner Wanderung durch sämtliche Musik-Genres!

I honestly don't know any greek techno acts - sry
but I know and love a great track about Greece !
And I can hear it over and over again!!

Yeah this is perfect - we will use it tomorrow for #Greece topic of #DanceWeekend - this one is in my top 5 of the best electronic music production all time!.

This song is awesome!

I love songs with this slow buildup, it's amazing for studying. I bought some decent earbuds yesterday and they help me A LOT when studying.

Happy Techno Friday all :)
Len Faki - Death by House

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, let’s dance, guys! 🕺🏻👯‍♀️

Definitely not bad!

awesome track! saw him a few times playing at our local club in stuttgart, germany. unfortunately this club doesn`t exist anymore.

Len Faki ♥️

My favourite, check it out :D

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I know the original version - even know the producers and the two girls - band / project was called ATC - this version is new to me but have to say - I really like it! - thanks for contributing!
ATC Girls were HOT!!!


Yeah i also know original, but this remix with this BMW speaks to me more :D


The original is way better.

I missed the party last night, so some chill out after hours techno this early afternoon for those who did not made it to bed yet :)

Party all over the Weekend - but also too old? Wished to be 20 again sometimes

Hahahaha...but I'm not too old, feeling 28 in mind. In a month or so I'll be in party mode for at least 5 consecutive days; 24x7 music, art, entertainment and all :) You should try it!

You make me curious - in a month 24/7 - where and how? Difficult during the Soccer World Cup - at least for the ones with countries qualified there :-) - oh sorry - that was naughty.

Where? Fusion Festival.
How? Well, in between the party-ing, some sleeping but not too long, cant miss the music, art and all :)
Soccer? Well, I dont care to be honest, don't like that sport at all.

Yeah I know you can party all day and night - football seems a typical thing most crypto guys do not like - a shame :-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I dont know Greece techno but this guy is amazing. He is from Australia

Sounds like Techno but he play analog on Pipes ^^

I still like the German producer and DJ Pascal Dardoufas a.k.a. Pascal F.E.O.S.. He has Greek roots and was part of the famous techno formation "Resistance D".

Yeah - Pascal hab ich oft gehört in den Frankfurter Zeiten - zusammen mit Tom Wax!!! Krasse Teile, Danke @andyjaypowell

Pascal FEOS war auch oft noch im Nachtwerk Club in München! 😊

Some heavy stuff here ;-)

As Greece is mentioned - check this awesome Techno vibes from Athens by a young man from Greece and friend of the marvelous Carl Cox :

Greek producer based in Belgium Kostas Maskalides from @greencross' techno label Different Is Different Records

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @uwelang for including me in the great list of music posters - look forward to checking out more music from these folks!

Okay, so I'm mostly a trance fiend but this new darker techno tune has been in heavy rotation for me. An absolute monster from a great female Brazilian techno DJ and producer:

I see Greece 2000 original has been posted already so will include this nice techy remix:

How proud I feel to be on the list, I really appreciate it. I joined Steemit with a vision and is able to impact everyone with my music, maybe I am not a professional producer, but I love what I do and I learn every day, thanks again :)

Let's PARTY !!!

In that case, I have a nice techno set from De Sluwe Vos @ Extrema Outdoor 2016 ;-)


Awesome - thanks buddy - this is what we wanna see here in the comments for a bounty - great selection!

Thanks! I know it is not one of the usual suspects but Sluwe Vos (Dutch for 'The Sly Fox' ;-)) is pretty awesome. I also saw him at DGTL 2018 two months ago!

i like it, unusual stuff is always welcomed!

Moin Meister. Steem-Bounty? Was es nicht schon alles hier gibt. Zeigt mir, ich schaue zu selten und zu sporadisch hier rein... aber auf jeden Fall immer wieder schön kreative Neuerungen zu sehen :).

ach ja die Love-Parade .. ich als Berliner Jung bin damals gerne hin, um dann mit offenem Mund das bunte Treiben ein Stück mitzunehmen. Doch um richtig abzugrooven war ich damals schlicht zu jung und die Musik mir damals noch zu hart .. aber die ganze Stadt hatte damals dann immer wieder einen ganz besonderen Flair.

Steem Bounty is was man buchen kann (betrieben von nem Deutschen, der in US lebt - kennst ihn bestimmt, den @knircky) - man zahlt ne Summe um Engagement unter nem Post zu erwarten - Kommentare von anderen und Erstellen zählen und die populärsten Kommentare erhalten den größten Teil des SBD Einsatzes des Erstellers - versuche es heute zum zweiten mal. Bislang find ich das ne tolle Sache - SCHÖN DICH WIEDER ZU SEHEN! Keine Ahnung warum @neuvorstellungen auf dich anspringt

:) Feine Sache. Hab mich gestern direkt damit beschäftigt, als ich von dem Tool las. Das werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren.

Hallo @puffin, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

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:D .. na der Algorithmus hat noch ein paar Flaws.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ja, könnte noch das Alter des Accounts mit auswerten, bin aber zu faul.

seid nett zueinander :-) ihr zwei Alphatiere


:) Muss ja auch nicht, der stört ja auch nicht. Rep. > X oder Blogbeiträge > X wären vllt. noch Möglichkeiten.

Ja, da habe ich auch schon dran gedacht. Mal sehen, ob ich Zeit und Lust habe :-)

Danke für den Da Hool. Hatte ich schon ewig nicht gehört.

Mal was anderes (chinesisches Volkslied als Technoversion):

Das Video paßt nicht zum Song, ist aber die gleiche Sängerin, glaube ich.

Zu einem meiner absoluten Favoriten, D-Mob "We call it acieed":

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

da wollen wir doch mal teilhaben...

..diesen Track gehört kurz bevor ich das Thema gefunden habe. Bin mehr auf Psy/Goa/Prog Trance - daher dieses Schmuckstück. Etwas verspielt, fürs auflockern genau richtig.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
Pleasurekraft - Tarantula (7 Year Itch Rework)

...etwas mehr Richtung Techno, was in einer Playliste schlummert.

technofriday.. sounds cool! music, the language of the soul.

My favorite was NIELS VAN GOGH. I am a sucker for 90s techno with any type of words... even if I can't understand them.

My contribution will be Josh Wink

The uploader has not made this video available in your country - a shame but thanks my friend - I found the it here as well for fellow Germans, nice beats:

Yes, music makes people smile and happy!

Excellent choice - cheers @amico

Did I deserve an (even) little upvote, @uwelang? ;)

Some great tracks in here. This is one of my favorites from early nineties, deep and mellow

Nice. Never heard that one before. Trekkilicious...

Yep definitely some original star trek samples in there

I´m gonna contribute something weird. Be warned, this isnt easy listening,
but its a great lesson in live performance.

What in the seven hells did I just watch?

something that pushes the boundaries of what electronic life performance can be I guess :)

nice one, special but cool - when i look n the mirror i look similar and have such sounds in my ear in the mornings - thanks for submitting.

Just saw this post it is awesome to see all rocking music together. And this post is rocking too

Resteem und anbei mein Party Track zum Tanzen... geht eher in die House richtung :-)

Hey Uwe. Ich finde es immer super, wenn einzelne Mitglieder selbstlos die Community unterstützen. Du hier ja gerade mit Steem-Bounty. Ich wollte einfach "Danke" sagen und dass dieses Verhalten absolut begrüßenswert ist. Weiter so! Top!

Check out 2pole - Alone feat. Ursula Rucker ...

never heard but a good one, thanks @amazingwoman

Hurray it is Techno friday💃💃💃@uwelang and steemians thanks for the list of amazing steemians out there who post about good and quality music content.
It would be great connecting with them, music is art.
Lets get out there and get some #steem-bounty post

thanks for commenting - feel free to post some of your favourite techno tunes!

Let's party

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing! If you like this style music you may like this song

so cool..

It is called Dj Inphinity Techno Mix, the 'Mix' part is true, but I wouldn't classify this as 'techno' :-P

Thanks for sharing anyway!

What a fun initiative!
Thanks for having me on the list and for putting the list together, it's going to help out a lot with my music curation!
Here are a few more great Steemit musicians:
@vachemorte, @yidneth, @nathankaye

Naaaw! Thanks @isaria!
Yeah, my last music post is actually EDM, so it's fitting for this...

Thanks @isaria - will check these guys out for sure!

Hey @uwelang please feel free to add me in that list too :) I am a DJ from Timisoara, Romania. Music is my life!

I've just posted for the #wednesdayhouse one 2.45 hours lenght DJ set but for some reason it is not in the tag list on steemit :(

It is part of my last DJ set I've mixed live at a pool! Maybe you want to check it out! Thanks!

Will do @bitson - please remind me if i forget - am on a short vacation now - checking this tomorrow evening again!

Great!. Thank you! Have a nice vacation!

music is a fuel, I share my selection today

Old school classics!

I do not know why i haven't been checking out your content more! Nice one!

The music releases, undoubtedly the music has freed me from discussions, it has served to drain my emotions and not hurt 3rs, My father was a DJ (It is not anymore), but I grew up with music especially Electronica, Techno etc.
I grew up among this

I love techno music and all kids of music, great post.

I love techno music,they are always captivating...thanks for sharing this lovely songs

Ich weiß zwar nicht ob das zum Genre passt, aber bei "ATC-All around the world" musste ich an das ich denken

Only techno is allowed? I kinda wanted to share my spotify playlist, I don't know if there's any techno in it, but I love most of that stuff.

Well on #TechnoFriday it should be Techno - but I am open for all good music, we have a lot different daily tags for other music too which you can see in the post - checking your playlist :-) - today is Saturday and #Danceweekend is open for all Dance Music.

Great track - if you could maybe next time at least write one sentence would be even better.

Music Makes You Feel No Pain!

This is great!

agreed - thanks for contributing here!

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Techno friday is amazing event. Good Informative post .

I'm keeping dancing ... and you @uwelang? ;)

I love mushrooms, LOL!

Techno friday is amazing event. Good Informative post .

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

Party on

hell yuh

This looks really interesting and exciting... Need to learn more about it....
i will always support you man!!!

Am I too late to the party? Honestly, this whole recent Pleasurekraft album has been something really special these past 2 months, with this track on repeat pretty frequently. A nice little techno banger.

not sure why but I love this. Yes it is from super troopers the movie but that may be why I love it. I think it reminds me of happier times in life.

Sometimes i put this on in the car and just mash the GO pedal down.

Sorry officer, I thought i was on zeee Autobahn

Thank you for telling us about this, I will try to make the posting with hastag steem-bounty

this one is nice

Thx man!!! Greetings!!

Another Great one!!

@uwelang has set 10.000 SBD bounty on this post! logo_for-light-bg_1000.png
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you rock. thx for using the bounty!!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..

Please Stop - @king007

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Jay Lumen - Asteroid (Original Mix)

Nice music

Really good videos, a very complete publication!