Signs That Shows You Have Been Hacked(PC users)

in technology •  7 years ago 

Alot of things happen on the internet, things which may see normal to us but in truth, are very abnormal and can cause damages to us.

About 90% people/pc owners who fell victim to hackers was through the internet. It's quiet sad that the internet being a very resourceful place where valuable informations on various fields of live can be gotten/accessed is also a medium through which do their dirty exploits.
There are several ways a computer can be compromised.
These days, some softwares installed via the internet from untrusted sources have been encrusted with payloads, backdoors or exploits that are capable of disrupting the normal operation a computer system and also hold it to ransom.

Here below are some of the sign a PC shows when it has been compromised/hacked

1.Website redirection: Hackers use what they call "Dns Poisoning" to initiate this kind of attack. On personal level, I have fallen victim to this type of attack and I can remember vividly all the troubles it caused me.
For example when you open your browser and type in "" but get redirected to a completely different website, it means your PC have been compromised.

2.Very Slow In Doing Little Tasks: A PC might be slow for so many reasons like poor hardwares, things like ram, processor etc. But in a case where you start to notice slow performances in tasks that it used to handle pretty well before, then that is enough reason to consider a possible attack , malware or virus in your computer system.

3.When Start Noticing New Softwares/Programs You Didn't Install On Your Desktop: This is enough sign/evidence to show that your PC has been compromised.

4.Un-usual Ad Pop-Ups: When you start seeing ads on every program you open be it games, office softwares entertainment softwares or even on notepad, that is a very clear sign that your PC have been hacked🤔🤔😑

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My Next Post Will Focus On Possible Solutions And Corrections To Free Your Computers.

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Very well written article peace and love to NigeriaUpVoted

Wow..thank you. thanks for commenting, really appreciate😃👌@tokoya