Solar Powered Battery Chargers for $9 and Free Shipping can help Steemit Users in Developing Countries stay online inside "electricity dead Zones"steemCreated with Sketch.

in technology •  8 years ago  (edited)

After seeing a post by @ortigas100 about how he has not had electricity for a week...

I immediately thought of a solution for this! They make cheap $9 Solar Panel Battery USB Phone chargers and are on ebay for $9 with Free shipping! Thousands of them! And they are cool toys for Americans and Westerners in developed nations that dont experience power outages...But Africans and other developing nations peoples need these devices more than anyone right now! And we can ALSO send them Outernet FREE SATELLITE INTERNET wifi routers an BRCK wifi backup generators that connect to a cellphone network and broadcast wifi from it like a mobile hotspot but with its own backup battery and built in software for Classroom in a Box Hospital in a Box and Office in a Box ...

But i will discuss that at the end of the article: JUST KNOW that there are MANY satellite internet services built specifically for Rural Africa, allowing those with their affordable DIY "DreamCatcher" Outernet receivers to access their free satellite internet and this Outernet service was built exactly for this type of situation! Also Satellite is not needed in most cases, most places now have at least a 2g Mobile data connection, and african 3g and 4g networks are being expanded everyday! So lets just get them more free wifi and free 2g/3g/4g mobile data because that is going to help them the most realistic way! We need to cut a deal with african mobile internet providers to allow all traffic to and from to be free the same way Facebook is free after they cut a deal with African ISPs so we can cut bulk deals and raise money for all African steemit users to get at least 1 free month of prepaid data to then have a chance to start earning enough on steemit to pay their own data plan! And more cheap or free internet cafes sponsored by steemit and in rural Africa can allow even the poorest african to have a place they can come signup on steemit with and begin posting and earning money!

(Graph showing how Income rises with Internet Usage)

They will be able to save up to buy their own cheap android smartphone or tablet! OR apply for a special Steemit loan where we buy them a smartphone and they can then earn money on steemiit and pay back the person who bought them the smartphone OR just buy steepower and upvote the persons posts ! So many ways we can profit from helping humans get online and onsteemit to start earning! Imagine the productivity of 800 million chronically undernourished humans all getting the food they need and having the energy to perform and work and make money! Human Capital should become our Fortay! We should all be learning about HumanCapital , start by reading this wikipedia page on Human capital Humans are still the bet investment on Earth because every Human is capable of becoming a Millionaire or Billionaire and having access to seemingly unlimited resources to manifest their will onto reality!

So now that we see how Internet is something we can help Africans simply purchase access to, Electricity is the other half of this solution! Electric Power or batteries are are now at the bottom of the NEW "maslow's" Hierarchy of Needs

As we can see, once a human has access to electricity and wifi or mobile data on their smartphone,

Here are some examples of this device that can change the world by providing developing nations with enough electricity in their pockets to always be online and always have the ability to earn money and bank online! Before and bitcoin this has never been possible! Now with just a small $9 Solar powered USB battery charger, you can always have electricity and use the sun to recharge it! We should make phone cases out of these but the problem is that you dont want to leave your phone in the sun to heat up LOL so it needs to be a separate device.

Here is the solar powered battery I am speaking of

there are literally Millions of these things already manufactured and they do work! For just charging a smartphone or tablet they are perfect! the battery may only last a year or two but that is still great!

I had one of these USB solar panels that had No battery ust solar panel and USB plug and even it could recharge my old Ipod using nothing but the light from a small incandescent Lightbulb! So these things work and they might only last a year or two if you use the battery everyday but we can get simple Solar powered charging stations for rechargeable lithium ion AA and AAA batteries. Africa has Lithium mines so we should try and use 3d printers to help manufacture home made african batteries and solar powered battery chargers but for now we should just purchase them from china as we cannot compete with their industrial capacity and efficiency! that is fine! China will make the hardware an Africa can specialize in entertainment and social media! AND Africa can specialize in FINANCE something NOONE would have expected! But Africa can leverage the gold and diamonds IN the earth an use Crypto currency to sell gold and oil! Imagine if Nigeria accepted Bitcoin or Steem to purchase Barrels of Oil!

I did purchase one of these solar powered battery devices as well that did have a battery and I used it down in south america in the Amazon Rainforest and it worked very well! II left it with someone downthere who needed to use it so it is probobly still being used to charge smartphones in ecuador to this day! Anyway these NEW solar powered battery chargers have lithium ion batteries that canbe ccharged from the sun in just one day and the battery can also be charged up from the wall outlet, so u can always have extra battery and it will charge your phone many times! And if africans sold these WITH smartphones or if we made a new smartphone case that had these attached and detachable for charging in the sun to not overheat the phone, we could have a great african product for u to design!

@tj4real and @ortigas100 and @xpency PLEASE make a post about this device and your need to get a couple! its only $9 with FREE shipping....u should buy 10 an i will help you get two to test your local shipping make sure noone steals it etc But i will definitely order one and have it shipped to you, and we will see how long it takes to actually ship and how long until you actually receive it and I will send you the money to pay the import duty taxes but we should eventually get an exemption from import duty taxes on these devices since we will be donating them to poor africans for humanitarian I am confident you can actually use this as a "Tax Write off" where you get credit towards your taxes by donating to a charity or something, like that!

To all of Steemit #Africa PLEASE make posts about this device asking for peoples upvotes and support and Resteem so u can afford to buy some of these for yourself and other Steemit #Africa members who have a problem with electricity! It will be SUCCESSFUl and steemit NEEDs to see cheap technology like this that can change lives! nd tag @xpency and @tj4real and I will also resteem it! You will never have to directly ask for any money! All you need are upvotes! People can help us achieve this goal of buying every steemit user in africa a portable solar panel battery charger to enable steemit #africa to always have a source of backup electricity in their pockets! Imagine branding these with a simple steemit Sticker!

HERE check THIS out! Water generating bttery powred BOTTLE that fills itself with condensation based on ancient oconceppt of "Air Wells" Like collecting morning dew

" following quote from @ReyminDeleon, @MarcoTortorici and @AustinSedlbauer

"According to the designers, this concept is based on ancient air wells, which could produce an estimated hundreds to thousands of gallons of drinking water daily. Originally, air wells were passive forms of technology related to, but distinct from fog fences. The polar polymer mentioned above is a synthetic material that is capable of slowing down molecules, refrigerating them once they are charged, thus creating condensation based on an average temperature difference of 20 degrees Celsius. By creating a scaled-down version [of an air well] and speeding up the process through the use of forced induction we are able to rapidly produce drinking water."

We should create packages with all of these life essentials! I believe we should create a steemit Wish List! let's make this dream of internet connection and electricity come true for every Human on planet Earth! This goal is within our grasp, ive done the math, we already have more android smartphones than human beings and there's enough internet and solar powered batteries for everyone! Let's end unnecessary human suffering by getting 800 million chronically undernourished and poverty stricken humans on steemit and really change the world! Steemit would become more important than bitcoin!

Here is an actual Industrial Backup Power company Ad youtube showed me just know while I was writing this post and googling these battery generators on google shopping LOL because Google is basically analyzing alll the data I send them (its not really "spying" on us yeet till its sentient) but it knows what I am doing and know i would be interested in an advertisement for backup power generators that "Keep the power on no matter what" for hospitals and stuff LOL just saw this had to add i, tripped me out!

I LOVE YOU STEEMIT! Heres some funny GIFs that ended up being true for steemit!

classic GIF , if any of you knows how to add a steemit logo into this please do! Old Tacky Ads like this for steemit would be so awesome! So funny! XD

How i feel about steemit

How steemit is making me develop

I need a suit now, so I can look as good as this suit

True statement about steemit!

HAHAHAH someone PLEASE edit this GIF and add a steemit logo! hha "This website FORCES the internet to pay you money!" LOL i cant believe I just found this! haha we need more funny Gifs

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza

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I've had one of these chargers and they are okay if charging using the mains, but struggle to charge with solar. I would recommend flexible fold away solar panels cost me £30 can charge my phone direct or rip up a charger 😊

yes but i wanna try the new versions of these small ones! they work just as good!!!! u ever tried one of these? i did years ago and it worked great so i can only mimagine these new ones are great see homeeless ppl with em on heir backpacks all the time

The one I had worked but slowed down after a few months but that was 2 years ago!
Might have improved them 😊



I gotta order some and i dont have an ebay account. I will send you the BTC or SBD if u wanna order it if u got ebay! u can order itto my house and pick it up whenever if u want ill buy u one @higomex we can make videos and pics with em

lets also order one for @ortigas100 and @tj4real and @xpency and @mcsaam in fact ill just gget u one and lets order some for the africans too ills end u the bitcoin to cover cost of the ebay or if u have aliexpress account to orer these in bulk we can buy 1 sample and thengeet a big box and also we need to RELALY try shipping these to both ghan and nigeria and see if maybe nigeria has an advanced enough port and tax duty import sstem....the $10 item wont cost more thanfive dollars for a tax i mean even if they did a fucked up 100 percent tax we would only be paying $10 and we can get the PORT to accept bitcoins in Lagos Nigeria and in Aceh coastal port in ghana we can get the local government tax officials to accept BITCOIN tO TRACK AL THE MONEY COMING IN TO THE PORT HAHHAH

and we can allow Officials to take photos of people cming in and give them a 10 percent tax discount if they pay with steemit to a offical Government Steemit Account for Ghana it will be the most advanced most accountable sstem and it will bring mony to africa its RADICAL and JUSt what africa needs! BBlockchain will solve the corruption problem in africa n replace bribery with a reward system for FOLLOWINg the law we will let africans recrd everytie they do a GOOD thing! see what i mean?

Right now u only get PUNISHED for doing BAD things, you dont get REWARDED for doing many GOOD things unless you can make profit and that profit comes at the expense of too many limited resources and directly from people in teh form of inflated prices and Inflation of paper central banker counterfeit fake monopoly money...a sickness given to africa from the days oof the colonies and the BRITISH reptilian like banking cartel haha bbut BUT the Uk can NOW be a GREAT source f good for africa in teh form of investment

ALL european nations can now invest in africa in ways to really help tem and afriicans can beginto attract the RIGHT YPE of investment

cryptocurrency and blockchain for government education and healthcare can be Experimented inside Africa like NOWHERE else! the opportunities to change society in africa i am speaking of are like how the FIRST commercial Drone Deliveries are happening in Nairobi Kenya BECAUSE the FREEDOm people get as a result of a lack of a strong central government...sure u may end up with a little more chaos maybe more violent crime and criminals are much Bolder...but u also get this sort of Freedom which can allow BUSINESS to LET LOOSe and GROW and africa NEEDS to make it "cool" to let business not pay taxes! they need to See how Small African Owned Business is SO Important an the big government CANOT perch ontop of the small business people demanding tax mony....take thetaxes froom the extremely wealthy , leave the middle clas alone! U can lower taxes on everyone and actually COLLECT MOREMONEY for the government IN taxes! if yoU LOWER taxes one year, the NEXT year you will collct more tax reciepts becaue the ecnomy will grow so large from the extra money peopel have to spend, that MORE poeplw ill actually Earn Enough money to PAY taxes and the government will actually ear more money from the LOWER tax rates !!! they will collect MORE tax dollars than thyw ould witha IGEHR tax rates! becaus ethe tAxes are something that STOPS economic growth! they should always be kept at anextremem minumum! ALl hospitals can be kept runing froom HUMAN capital! Hospitals do not require alot of money unless they are CORRUPT! With a free amrket society the goevrnment can collect 10 times the amount of taxes when the GDP goes up 10 times and theyll be able to affod 10 times as many Hospitals as they currently have!

Crypto currency is the HOPE for #Africa and #Asia and #LatinAmerica as REAL money and REAL solid VALUE based Money that IS NOT based on CREDIt and DEBT like the Fiat Illuminati paper monopoly money

The fiat illuminati paper money was over our heads like the sword of damocles, forever hanging over us as this nightmare of potential hyperinflation and this CONSTANt hidden secret tax on the poor called INFLATION! NOW we can AVOID inflatioN! when we save our money the vallue of the money INCREASES with IInterest! Money Savers are REEWARDEED agin!

This is what Interest rate is all about! when we have a high interest rate it encoruages peope to save money!

we neeed to be REWARDED for doing GOOD things! not PUNSIHED for NEGATIVE actions that doesntw ork! its called the difference vetwen Punsihment and Positive reenforcement! and no negative renforcement is not punishment, PPunishment is phsyical violence of Screaming vocal tthreats to try and "correct" bad behaviour, which only creates feedback loops of resentmenta nd makes the person siimply HATE the person "punishing" hi....Negative reinforcement is the ide of taking away something the person likes, like taking away a smartphone or Nintendo from a child when they fail a test to try and correect their behaviour! Its all Basic Behaviurism from BF Skiner and his Skinner Box its called Classical Conditioning (pavlov Dogs) and Skinners idea is caled OPERANT conditioning! the idea that u cannot only riing a belll to make a dog salivate but u can make a dog reing a bell, to Bring him the food! or u can make a rat push a lever to deliver himself food and an animals can be "programmed" to do things or "trained"...I meanlook dring ww2 BF Skiner worked for the US and British military to develop a Pigeon Powered Cruise Missile that used a pigeon to peck at a target and hit a piezo electric grid, where the direction of the pecking would send signals to the fins of the missle, steering it based on the pecking of the Pigeon, i am not making this up, the warheadof the missile had a little window like where theyput cameras and infraed seekrs at the tips of modern missiles?ya there was a Bird in there hahah and it serioulsy was case of a scientist realizing that birds fly and track stuff all the tiime and a bird canbe raineed to steer a missile through the sky

"During World War II, Project Pigeon (later Project Orcon, for "organic control") was American behaviorist B.F. Skinner's attempt to develop a pigeon-controlled guided bomb. ... The pigeons would follow the image, pecking at it, which would move the screen on its pivots."

Sometimes the littlest things that we don't really give importance to or we usually disregards is someone's treasure. Resteeming this.

thank u ! i am upvoting all ur posts right now !

You dont really need to do that,but thanks!

Too late! just upvoted all ur posts! heres a screenshot for proof!

Thanks for sharing this!

this is brilliant info and i wish you share it again in smaller blogs so more people get the ideas - i want to see those with no electricity and internet gaining access too

I actually have one of those solar chargers. After a week, it was not able to fully charge the battery. Maybe because it had a 20,000 ah capacity.

Better indeed to connect it to some other power source like solar panels. Or bicycles with generators. Or maybe some windmills if your place is windy.

I agree with you , some electricity and internet expands man's capacity to improve himself and earn more. Asian countries like China and India had the same problem and in remote parts still do. Hopefully, with little help from others, Africa will proper place in the world

was it the same type????

they still work well as batteries!! ill make sure they have wall chargers
i will have to order a better type of solar charger

Around 58 chinese yuan (8.5 usd) at

NICE and do t hey work better? they actually charge the battery well?? I wil send these to africa then instead, i will still love to test theese things out and i can never have enogh extra betteries to carge my own ipone and tablets!

anywway THANK yoou for that image! U should add a profile image so people will upvote you more!

I wouldlove to help chinese with my money! i have ALOT o small devices and electrinic t purchase! i ned these solar chargers AND i need cheap smartphones that can last a few years and have replacable batteries etc i need a cheapp smartphone oR tablet tat has thee STRONGEST wifi antenaee OR something like the #GoTenna which is bluetoothradio antennae expanding your wifi range 1 to 3 miles

i woud love some sort of large battery powered wifi device that can brodcastthe llargest wif signal

Haha, I’ll try to find a picture what will not scare people 
I’m always interested in those gadgets that helps extend technology to far unexpected places.
So far , my portable battery only workout is it to help my phone and ipad not die on long trip back to phillippines from China 
I did send one to my nephew who goes of field trips to the provinces. Hope his solar battery holds up
My father is old school. He has a 12V inverter which he uses with the car battery for those power outages that happens in the Philippines every year

I have heard of the GoTenna but have not seen it in use
I suppose you can use a mobile hotspot and use a wifi router as a repeater. My family has one of those mobile hot spots and its range only extends a few meters so you need something more powerful to amplify the Wifi

WOW they are only $3 now!!!

That water generator is mind blowing. I am currently setting up my house to be able to go off grid if I needed too and water is an important part of sustainability. I could only imagine the situation in Africa.

Great Post! I'm ordering one. :)