Information on Database
The most common types of databases are flat, networks, relational XML and object-oriented. The flat databases are more simply and this is used to singles applications and using a small scale, the relationals are more efficient to deal with large volume information, also the object-oriented type, networks and XML they are used to organize even more bulky and more complex data.

The handlers or a management system databases (DMBS) is a software that has been created to allow the efficient used and managment of databases, whose function is to serve as an interface between the databases, the user, and the different applications used. Among handlers databases are, MySQL, Oracle, SQLserver, MycrosoftSQL server, Post Gree SQL among others handlers.
The first step to create a databases is knowledge about the subject and programming languages handlers. 2. Choose the handlers. 3. Determine databases purpose. 4. Determine the necesary tables to divide information. 5. Determine the necesary fields. 6. Determine the relationships between the tables or information. 7. Perfect design to find errors in the code.