Intels i9 Is Here - Some specs and power under the hood

in technology •  8 years ago 

Well here you have it the brand new i9 from Intel is here!

Just when you think you have the latest and greatest you get slapped in the face by technology.

The Release Date
The i9 was just released June 2017 for the core i9-7900x downwards, while the 12 -core i9-7920x will go on sale in August and the top chips some time in October(believed)

Models Of Chips
i9-7980XE - 18cores / 36 threads
i9-7960X - 16 cores / 32 threads
i9-7940X - 14 cores / 28 threads
i9-7920X - 12 cores / 24 threads
i9-7900X - 10 cores / 20 threads

In comparison I currently have a i7-6850k which is 6 cores / 12 threads even the smallest i9 chip is just about double the power as this brand new i7 I bought a few months ago OUCH! However it does come with a heavy price tag at the moment of $999.99 you know cuz some how that sounds much better then $1,000

Depending on the benchmarks you run depends on the results you are going to get. The most common usage is multithread which is where your using all cores processing work and how fast it can be done.

In benchmark testing from the core i7-7700K to the new core i9-7900K we are looking at 2.13x processing power all for a few more watts of usage coming in at 140 watts total.

Also a quick note is we can actually increase this even more (however most likely not needed or required due to the sheer power these new chips have) by overclocking these chips that have K at the end.

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Sounds like massive overkill for any machine that is not pulling server duty and getting hit constantly; would be hard to justify this much chip in fact.. but interesting that it exists.

I'm thinking only the most special exotic motherboards are available will support it; is that true?

It is total overkill I guess the biggest reason for it is to support VR it seems rather intensive and bound to become more so as it catches on more and developers program more graphic intensive games etc. This would be my guess.

Side note I look forward to the overkill apples new imac pro in December lol

Wow, the most useless CPU... Computers nowadays only use max 8 cores and 16 threads and everything works with no problems. There is no point in giving extra ~1000$ for cores that Windows won't use properly. If I am wrong, please correct me :)

It is total overkill, windows should support it fully as active live roll outs are always being pushed on windows 10 now. I believe the main reason for the new chips is because of VR and the extra amount of processing power they require or will require as they get better and better. I guess since 3D tvs pretty much failed VR is the next big push

I wonder when will the software that regular users use on a daily basis get updated for 10-18 cores. I know on server side many cores are really helpful. But eh. Cool. Tech is always advancing