eBay, here is the new AI-based tool that improves the chances of success of each salesteemCreated with Sketch.

in technology •  6 years ago 

The new tool introduced by eBay for the sale of products can increase the probability of success of each announcements. It is based on the combination of machine learning, predictive analysis and structured data, realizing a real-time screening of all similar products on sale on eBay and guiding the seller in creating the listing, advising how to set a winning announcement.

The tool announced by eBay suggests a competitive price for the listing, the most effective selling method (fixed price or auction), the words most sought by users and therefore to be included in the title and the most convenient shipping methods. The goal is to make the sales experience more effective, even on mobile, an increasingly important feature for sellers: every week, 13.5 million products are sold on the auction site via the app.

According to the company, over one billion listings are available on eBay at any time, and for non-professional sellers this is the best time to sell. The arrival of new smartphones is an ideal time to do business online: every six seconds there is a sale of a smartphone on the e-commerce portal, while every forty seconds ends a negotiation regarding the purchase of a pair of shoes.

"Online users demand ease of use and immediacy, both in the purchasing process and in the sales process.This request is even stronger on the part of private sellers who want to use all the potential of eBay to do business in an intuitive and quick ", were the words of Margot Olifson, manager of eBay Italia. "This is why we continuously invest in new technologies and their daily application: in this sense, the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence and machine learning are many and always evolving, our goal is to make available to all our users these and many other innovations to ensure an always better sales and purchasing experience ".

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Thats exactly the tool ebay sellers needs to get each items get sold.