[Internet Access] TIL World Is Not As Connected As We Think.

in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today I learned that only half of the world's population (51.7%) has access to internet. These are individuals who are connected, via #computer or #mobile device, within the home where they live. I was blown away by this. I've definitely taken high-speed #internet for granted, and it's mind numbing that as long as the internet has been around, and with the current state of technology, it has only reached about 50% of 7.6 billion people. Isn’t that insane?

Statistic: Global digital population as of January 2018 (in millions) | Statista
source: Statista

I can’t even imagine living my life without internet.
l think I would just become an empty shell of a human.
I know I don’t NEED internet to live, but I really don't think it will be enjoyable or intellectually stimulating...

So now you know how I feel about internet, imagine my shock today. I’ve been so tunnel-visioned in my little previleged life that I’ve become so desensitized. Cryptocurrency/ #blockchain has opened my eyes to so many problems in our society that I hadn’t been aware of or cared much about, and I am literally working full-time researching and learning about all these issues.

Anyway, what I am thinking is,'how is this not a pressing priority? How are we gonna stop #poverty, or prevent diseases without freaking internet?’ Access to internet is access to #money, markets, opportunities to work, #education, and #information. It is a human right. Right to internet access has already been a thing since like 2003.

How can I help this situation?

With the blockchain technology advancing rapidly, there will be countless ways to participate in the global #economy and make a living on the internet, regardless of physical or geographical limitations people may have. However, it’s useless if people don’t have the necessary hardware. At the same time, it’s not just a computer people need, it's electricity, internet service access, and affordability are some of the things that must co-exist. If we want to make crypto available for everyone, this needs to be rectified soon.

How can we make this better? What are some efforts that exist now that address this issue?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights. Please feel free to leave comments below!

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There are many initiatives to try and expand the level of internet access to the non-served or under-served areas. I recently was able to upgrade to 1gbs internet service at home, but there are many rural places in the US that have no, or limited access to internet services today


Microsoft has been working on their white space technology to try to bring broadband to the more rural areas worldwide -


Goole has Project Loon looking to bring internet access to remote areas.

Airborne Wireless Network (AWN)

They have plans to utilize commercial planes in the sky to create a worldwide mesh network to provide internet access

Thank you for your thoughtful response and research.

Microsoft, Google and AWN should be commended for their efforts in making internet more accessible. I recently learned about Facebook's initiative internet.org, as well, they are doing something similar. These companies are truly changing people's lives and that's great.

My main concern is net neutrality. I am worried about a corporation taking control of people's data and profiting off them, like they all do now. Internet.org's Free Basics provides certain websites and content for free or charge in places where data is not affordable. It sounds cool on the surface, but it's actually pretty sinister. It means that Facebook has a control over which content, apps, and information people can access, and it will very lucrative for Facebook's advertising revenue.

Here's an open letter from concerned citizens to Mark Zuckerberg regarding net neutrality written in 2015.

I see that nothing really changed in 2017.

Also check out information on the alliance for affordable internet https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_for_Affordable_Internet?wprov=sfla1

In my opinion, it is in the best interest that every person on the planet has a minimum access to the internet as it is becoming more and a critical life resource in the information age.

Yes, definitely a step in the right direction, although it's gonna be an uphill battle. Thanks for sharing your opinion and information:)