Cellular Data and You

in technology •  8 years ago 

Cellular Data and You

"Why am I using so much data? "
This is a common question I hear from friends and family. They blame the service provider, but in truth, most of them just don't understand what data is or how its used. Here in Canada and many other countries, we have low plans and few are unlimited, caps are around 10-15GB with 5GB being the most popular.

"I don't use my phone any different, why am I using so much data?"

You might be using the same apps, but those apps have probably updated to keep up with technology, in-app ads are more video than static pics. Websites consume more mbs as we technology improves, we can do more and we can do it faster, prettier and with more memes. Your new device is capable of doing more than the old device, it's faster, modern and covers more content than before. Everything is connected to the network now, and data is how you stay connected.

"Why does my kid use so much data?"

Our lives are online, mostly on our phones. Most young adults and teens don't even use a computer or laptop unless required for school as everything is on their phones. And when data gets used up, they don't know why.

Watching Video

The younger generations consume a TON of video; Netflix, Twitch, Youtube are common daily use for most and video uses a TON of data. Remember the 'ole days where you would download a movie and it was 700mb and then HD and blueray downloads came out and they where a few Gigs... well now you are getting those over your device in real time, munching away at your data. Even though you are just using Youtube for music, that video is still pulling from the network.

On most video apps you can change these settings to save on data - remember WiFi is your friend. And for you iphone users Wifi Assist is not your friend (unless you have the wicked data plan)

Social Media

Lets not forget Social Media - those feeds you mindlessly scroll through are the new skimming the news paper. You glance and only read, click or consume those that interest or pop out at you. But those videos playing while you scroll and browse are eating up data...and you are not even watching them. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc all have settings to not play those data hungry videos and gifs unless you click them. All these settings are found in the app themselves

And lets not forget pictures and gifs, those use alot of data if you are on an online album; Imgur, Instagram and other picture and meme heavy apps will use quite a bit of data, you can lessen it in the settings as well.

Let's Chat about Chatting.

Sure, your plan includes "Unlimited Text, Video & Picture Messaging" but these SMS/MMS messages that are included and 'unlimited' only count if you use the native messaging app that comes with the phone. That's right, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Signal, Messenger may have more options but they are all using data, even though they pull from your factory installed messaging app they still use data to work. That means those pics, gifs, emotes, memes, phone calls, videos and live face-to-face chats are all using data. As with most apps you can limit this in the app settings themselves.

Most cellular capable devices will let you track data used in the phone settings themselves (usually under cellular or data settings). This allows you to monitor how much data is being used and which apps are using it. Your service provider cannot see this information, its for your use to help you monitor your device. In iphone it will calculate use until you re-set it yourself, in android you can set the dates for it to reset - best day for both devices to reset data tracking is your bill date, your service provider resets your data on your bill date so you will get the best results for billing.

Remember - Wifi is your friend, but if you are apprehensive about signing in over a public wifi (coffee shops, restaurants, malls) then remember to check app settings for data saving options.

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