in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dennis Lee, an American inventor sent to prison without a trial for inventing a free energy system based on the heat pump technology.

This video shows the government's free energy suppression.

is this the real deal? if this really works it can fix the number 1 problem of the world which is free electricity 2nd to clean water and food..

Whats your thought about this?

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This is terribly unfair

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Yeah I know all about this "technology". I was scammed by this man many years ago. The "technology" never made it to the market place because it never truly worked.

so this is all bogus??

The guy was full of it. He was selling the dream of selling free energy. He was tried. He did go to jail. We all lost money

omg sorry to hear that.. i wish he rot in jail!

This is horrible and greed at its worst! We should no way be denied free energy. Next thing you know they will outlaw the use of solar power. :(

sad to say but its the reality were livin in. :(

I agree....

May you have a lovely evening :)

you too @artedellavita
take care always :)

Similar story to Nicola Tesla when he invented free energy.

yeah what i know is tesla was killed by the government.. :(

This guy is no where near Tesla! This guy was and probably still is a scammer.

Tesla was a victim of his own naivete. He was not killed by the government he partnered up with JP Morgan. JP Morgan was forced to withhold money for further research by his other wealthy business partners like Westinghouse and Edison. He died a broken man not trusting anyone after being beaten by Morgan.

wow thanks for the information
i didnt know this..

Tesla a victim of his own naivete?

To some extent, this may be true for Tesla's belief that no one among us should or would have an issue with humanity receiving what the Universe offers FREELY already in abundance: Free Electricity.

You see, Tesla had developed a method of transmitting electricity through the air (I imagine it would work similarly to the way in which radio works today: If you have a receiving antenna of some sort --perhaps a Tesla coil-- then you'd be able to receive electrical energy and thus have power in, let's say, your home). However, Tesla's method of transmitting electrical energy posed a problem for J.P. Morgan, Tesla's financier at the time: There was no means available to measure the energy output. And, J. P. Morgan, forever an unabashed capitalist and a very powerful banker of his day (circa the turn of the 19th century into the 20th), was interested in only making money, NOT giving away electricity, despite its natural abundance in nature.

In Morgan's view, this meant that such a technology could not be implemented and WOULD not be implemented, if he had anything to do with it, to be given freely unto the world. Morgan wished to "capitalize" on the technology, and thus make money. After all, he was indeed Tesla's financial backer and principal investor at the time.

In any event, the destruction of Wardenclyffe Tower, a facility designed originally by Tesla for the purposes of transmitting electricity, ensued in 1917.

In my opinion, I think it may be safely said that J.P. Morgan, forever the diabolical banker ("Competition is evil"), decided the fate of humanity virtually single-handedly when he destroyed any notion of the dispensation of free energy. It is the very reason we have power lines that oftentimes are eyesores in what are otherwise beautiful natural landscapes --our neighborhoods, our downtown areas, our parks--all because one man did not have it in his heart to see to it that electricity could be distributed freely.

What a tragedy.

There's a bunch of people runnin around doing this still today. There's one that goes on Project Camelot all the time named Keshe but he is always saying the same thing he needs more $$, more time, it's coming etc... & others have expressed sincere doubt about him.

i wish someone in the future will really invent free energy..
that would help us all especially on the poor country

It will be revealed & disclosed soon. My magic 8 ball says...

i dont believe your magic 8 ball
i believe spongebobs magic conch shell.. :)

hahaha I like your logo at the end, did you make it ? hahaha it looks great

@tioluis yes! :)

how! hahah I need a tioluis logo lol. I need to start working on it xD

send 5SBD im gonna make you ur own banner :P

ahhaha naaah, I'll make my own hahaha and save me 5SBF xD
D I mean

hahaha just kidding.. :)