in technology •  7 years ago 

Hola my Steemit friends. Ive had one of those mornings where you accidentally stumble upon something on youtube and it sends you into deep thinker mode.

I think most people are now familiar with the face of Sophia the AI lifelike robot.


Technology has advanced so quickly in the past 10 years. We certainly didn't foresee 10 years ago that we would be where we are now in terms of AI technology. Computers can work faster than humans at many tasks and its becoming increasingly concerning as to where this is all going in the future. What happens when AI surpasses human intelligence? Yup im talking Skynet, The Matrix, Terminator....

Im a huge fan of Elon Musk and I think we really should be paying a little more attention to his concerns on the future of AI.

This video is very thorough on the subject. If you watch it all please comment below your thoughts. I'd really like to start a discussion on this very important topic.

Happy Steeming today my amigos!


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Well there are two things artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligence augmentation (IA) ie Smart Machines Vs Super Smart Humans and both are dangerous for human(Homo-Sapiens) species.

I've been following the development of Sophia. It's pretty fascinating stuff. Facebook was also working on AI and they recently unplugged it because it was inventing its own language and writing software for itself in a language humans could not understand. So they unplugged it so they say.

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