Ambani said, "In the case of mobile broadband usage a year ago, India was at number 150 in the world, but now it is on top after the launch of Jio."
Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani on Friday (December 1) said that India is the first in the world in terms of use of mobile broadband. He told that more people than US and China are using mobile broadband in India. In the HT Leadership Summit, Ambani said, "In the case of use of mobile broadband a year ago, India was at number 150 in the world, but after the launch of Geo, it is now at the top."
He said that if the data is destined, then the new India is literally ready for interview with destiny. Referring to the economy, the head of the Reliance Industries said that the country's gross domestic product (GDP) could increase from US $ 2.5 trillion in the next ten years to seven trillion US dollars and in the case of the highest GDP, Can come from the sixth place to the third place. He insisted, "Can we increase it (GDP) three times in the next ten years to seven trillion US dollars and become the world's third largest economy? Yes, we can do it."
Ambani said, "Thirteen years ago when I said here that the Indian economy is worth 500 billion US dollars and in the next twenty years this will be five trillion US dollars, today the prediction seems true. Will achieve before 2024. " Mukesh Ambani emphasized that energy and technology are important for human progress and said that emerging India as a global power has adopted new technology.
Ambani said, "No country has adopted new technology without the whole mind and it has not become the global power to adopt new generation sources of energy." He said, "The fourth industrial revolution is for us now, contact, computing, data, artificial intelligence is the foundation of this revolution."