AI-Assisted Fake Porn Is Here and We’re All Fucked

in technology •  7 years ago 

Someone used an algorithm to paste the face of 'Wonder Woman' star Gal Gadot onto a porn video, and the implications are terrifying.


There’s a video of Gal Gadot having sex with her stepbrother on the internet. But it’s not really Gadot’s body, and it’s barely her own face. It’s an approximation, face-swapped to look like she’s performing in an existing incest-themed porn video.

The video was created with a machine learning algorithm, using easily accessible materials and open-source code that anyone with a working knowledge of deep learning algorithms could put together.

Full Article on Motherboard:

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Thinking out of the box... Maybe it's a good thing? No-one need fear having a sex tape involving them stolen, they can just claim it to be faked with that algorithm. Who knows, some day robot / anime porn may be so realistic (and cheaper) the demand for real-life, human beings to be manipulated into making the real thing (by shitbag boyfriends) could also drop.

I don't know. Maybe pipe dreams but who knows? There has to be a limit to society's decadence. We can't be that far off now.

Where lawsuits arise, surely metadata can be used to prove the images have been altered by the algorithm (or at least, I hope so). I do very much doubt this will bring the end of days, anyway! ;)