The best Tech blogs of 2023

in technology •  2 years ago 

Apriori Algorithm-

Apriori algorithm helps find frequent or repetitive item sets in a database based on associations between the presence or absence of items.

Admissible heuristic-

Admissible heuristics are used to estimate the cost of reaching the goal state in a search algorithm, always finding the cheapest path solution.

Speech-to-text Translation-

Speech-to-text conversion is converting spoken words into written texts. It lets you type with your voice, to improve your workflow and efficiency.

Non-deterministic algorithm-

A nondeterministic algorithm is an algorithm that exhibits different behaviors on different runs, as opposed to a deterministic algorithm.

Temporal difference learning-

Temporal Difference Learning is a learning technique commonly used in reinforcement learning to predict the total reward expected over the future

Lexical-Functional Grammar-

Lexical functional grammar (LFG) is a constraint-based grammar framework in theoretical linguistics used for analysis of language.

Ridge Regression-

Ridge regression is a fundamental regularization technique, but it is not used very widely because of the complex science behind it.

Brute-force search-

Brute-force search is a problem-solving method that uses computing power to test every possible solution to improve system efficiency.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)-

Human-Computer Interaction is the study of people interacting with computers. With academics, HCI can be used in the field of User Experience too.

Bag of words Model-

The bag-of-words (bow) model is used to preprocess the text by converting it into a bag of words or fixed-length vectors, using machine learning algorithm.

Chatbot Avatar-

Chatbot Avatar is a computer-generated character representing a real-life person, concept, or an artificial entity on the website.

Approximation Error-

Approximation error in some data is the discrepancy between an exact value and some approximation to it. It can happen due to measurement issues.

Predicate logic-

Predicate logic is a mathematical model that is used for reasoning with predicates. Predicates are functions that map variables to truth values.

Average Response Time-

Average Response Time is the time taken by a representative to respond to a customer after they have voiced a request or a concern.

Rule-Based System-

Rule-based systems are the simplest forms of AI. A rule-based system uses rules since it has the data illustration for knowledge coded into the system

Computational statistics-

Computational statistics or statistical computing focuses on the bond between statistics and computer science to transform raw data into knowledge.

Autonomic computing-

Autonomic computing refers to the self-managing characteristics of distributed computing resources while hiding intrinsic complexity to operators.

Discourse analysis-

Discourse analysis is a research method that is used for the purpose of studying written or spoken language in relation to its social context.

Logical Deduction-

Deductive reasoning, also know as deductive logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logical conclusion.

Lazy learning-
Lazy learning refers to machine learning processes in which generalization of the training data is delayed until a query is made to the system

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