I think its possible and inevitable we create self aware AI. If we do create it, I think its more than likely we could be in a simulated reality. I believe it was Elon Musk that said if that's the case, probability is one in billions that we are a base reality. But you didn't want to get into that so I'll move on.
I think your estimate of in 5 years it will be hear is entirely possible as well. Have you seen stuff on quantam computers? Ive seen several videos of the head of D Wave (https://www.dwavesys.com) talking about how quantam computers will make self aware AI a reality. Its crazy stuff. Not to get off topic but they say d wave will be able to crack block chains, but they think they will be able to use quantum entanglement to create a uncrackable alternative.
I wish I was optimistic about AI. Really who knows what will happen, I'm hoping for the best , but it makes sense to me that us creating something considerably smarter than us could be our downfall. I have also heard the theory that our purpose could just be we are the evolutionary stepping stone for AI. Either way its really exciting, I cant stop thinking of different scenarios of how its going to play out.