Learn Python Episode #1: Introduction

in technology •  8 years ago 

Hello everyone and welcome to the first video of this Python tutorial series. This tutorial series is going to be aimed at somebody who may have basic knowledge about what a programming language is, but this would be your first programming language.

Python is a great programming language to start with! It does have it's limitations, and sometimes it is not the right tool for the job, but Python offers people who have no experience programming a great way of understanding what a programming language is and how to use one.

Throughout this series of videos we will discuss what Python is, how to get it installed, how to run a Python script, the basic syntax, and then get into the language itself. We will finish by writing a fully functional program. I hope everyone enjoys this Python tutorial series and finds it useful!

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Joseph Delgadillo
Web: https://josephdelgadillo.com/
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keep it up! this is all good tutorials!

Thanks! I will upload one episode each day.

Do you have any paid courses too or you just post all tutorials here for free?

Yes, I have paid courses available for sale through my website and on Udemy. I post a small portion of each course on YouTube.

Got it, thanks.

I know nothing about code, so I'm going to follow this series and see if you can teach an old dog something new

I am sure you will pickup a thing or two :)

I've been following you for a while but haven't had the chance to look at the videos yet.

I've added this to my watch later.

Would you recommend taking them in bite size chunks as they are released or is there any benefit to watching a bigger playlist once a few more or released

I am going to post two installation videos next, so you may wish to wait until after I post those so you can get Python setup properly. After that, I will be posting videos explaining individual concepts.