Technology by Land, Sea and Air

in technology •  7 years ago 

CES 2018 brings innovative transportation solutions


Move better, faster, cleaner and cheaper. That is one of the big obsessions of CES, transport. Lyft, the competitor of Uber, also born in San Francisco, has shown his driverless car experimentally in Las Vegas. I only accepted fixed journeys through the application. The client did not know that it was an autonomous car that was going to take him until the driver told him at the pick-up point. Because yes, the cars were with a human at the wheel, even if he did not touch it.

The French Navya has presented what it considers will be the taxi of the future, with its own design in the form of a capsule and 100% electric. With space for six passengers, its range of motion was limited to Downtown Vegas, the old town where the current megaurbe began.

Byton, the Chinese electric that impacted the day before the opening of the fair, luxurious inside, is the opposite of the Mercedes Benz model, which dispenses with its traditional halo to show a prototype of Smart white chassis and details in blue Neon, the Vision EQ, is an electric that will be offered only for sharing, but not in possession.

In CES solutions have been proposed for the range that goes from the house to the point where the public transport is taken and after where it is left to the place of work. A stretch that is usually done walking or cycling, in the appointment has been seen with an explosion of skateboards with electric propulsion in most cases. UJet is presented as a folding and electric scooter that is charged through a household plug. It includes a small on-board computer and an application with notifications on the status of the motorcycle or reminder to know where it was parked.

Within the urban transport is also the one of the flying car, a term that Uber does use, but that the rest of the pioneers in the sector try to avoid. At Intel they call it Octocopter. It is a helicopter with the soul of a drone. It will operate without a driver and will have vertical take-off and landing. Sureflly exploits that same idea, but with less financial muscle. These helicopters can be considered the adaptation of drones to carry humans inside. Interestingly, in this meeting we have seen for the first time two innovations related to transport but in the marine environment. Artificial intelligence to make self-propelled ships beyond current navigation systems, as well as underwater drones to take images with names as disparate as FiFish or Poseidon.

The hyperloop, the transport system promoted by Elon Musk to connect cities, premiered several recreations of its potential interior entertainment. There was no plan to make it a reality, nor construction costs or tickets for consumers. The lack of this data after more than a year as an experimental project has begun to raise criticism within CES.

BMW, the Bavarian manufacturer, has been the exception to this whole wave of innovation with green dyes. Its test space was just below the monorail that connects the convention center with the hotel and entertainment area of ​​the city. They prepared a parking lot to make scenes of action movies with their sports cars burning the asphalt. A smell of rubber and smoke was left behind the fair. The last goodbye of the combustion engine or a select niche like today is the possession of a horse?

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