Decentralized and Blockchain Based Internet Coming Soon ?

in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)

This was in plans since long time, project closest to achieving this was MAIDSAFE.

The token trades on exchanges since longer time and network is in early alpha for this moment.

Yet the race has begun.

Current season of amazing show Sillicon Valley - a comedy about creating unicors in the hearts of VC world - is exactly about new idea of our heroes, the decentralized internet. I dont want to put spoilers here but if you never seen this show ASAP ride by seasons 01 and 02 to land on our beloved 03 where soon i feel we will meet blockchain. Richard says:

What if we use all those phones to build a massive network? We use my compression algorithm to make everything small, efficient, move things around. And if we could do it, we could build a completely decentralized version of our current internet with no firewalls, no tolls, no government regulation, no spying. Information would be totally free in every sense of the word.

Bitcoin has already been refered in previous episodes of this show ie two examples below.

Mozilla Offers 2 Millions USD

If you have ideas on how to decentralize the web, not necessarily full product or technology but good tech background, some MVP.. You can get this big prize from Mozilla right now.

Prizes will be available for both early-stage design concepts and fully-working prototypes.

Former Princeton Sciencist Are Working!

Blockstack is an addon for browsers that will allow you browse decentralized internet using blockchain technology.
Its in the works since over 3 years and has some users already. Product is far from being finished of course.

Bitttorents Maelstrom Project

This is a torrent based browser made by Bittorrent crew. The main idea here is to be able to watch movies of listen to music live based on streaming from torrents instead of waiting for full files like its now. The full plan is to make internet working in P2P system like torrents do using their distributed technology.
It has entered even Beta but now all links disappeared and you can only download the torrent client.

Revolution is Close

Worth to note that despite cryptocurrencies we already have decentralized blogging platform on our very own STEEM, decentralized exchange on Bitshares, decentralized file storages on SiaCoin/Storj, Ethereum based projects, IOTA and loads more.
So with all things moving this way and big companies working on our security and privacy protection we can assume soon we shall see some decentralized versions of internet that will be blockchain based and fully encrypted.
Until then we have to just watch mentioned projects and have weekly fun with Sillicon Valley tv show.

Im sure there may be more projects targetting decentralized internet - but this are the ones i`ve choosen for the article. Feel free to leave other names that you know of in comments.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

How could one talk about the decentralized internet and not mention Urbit or Ethereum? The most ambitious and most likely attempts at decentralizing the internet respectively.


Watch these videos:


People who believe in conspiracies or who obsess about the Bilderberg group are not work paying attention to. It's an unprofitable rabbit hole of poor critical thinking. Read A Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan to better understand critical thinking and how to avoid pseudoscience bullshit and conspiracy theory blabble.

You know, you give me hope, but just look around you. Why cant Vitalik Buterin answer a simple question? That question is soooo important. If you didnt catch it, watch it again. Also, why has Putin already started to itergrate ETH in their economy?

What I think is that all this crypto is just a learning tool for the ones who got in early. This will allow them to each the others when they HAVE to integrate into this digital monetary system that is forming around us.

Once this is implemented the Elites will have us by the balls.


Eye rolls forevs

Look what happened right after my post. I moved everything to Tether the day before and 3/4 is still there.

Read my past posts....


The way society works right now has made everyone paranoid beyond belief haha.

A true Digital Panopticon panopticon-image.jpg

Good point... Scary indeed.... Will any cryptos be safe from this all seeing digital economy? Are the likes of Monero and other 'anon' cryptos truly safe to use as an 'off-the-grid' user?

We beginning to see how volatile they really are....


Well done!
Question everything. Nothing is as it seems any more and the rabbit hole is deep and winding.

You see what happened to ETH right after I posted this? People should have taken notice on several fronts: 1. ETH was worth $7 in Jan. 2. It is our enslavement. 3. It will turn into the ·System of the Beast." 4. It is the "Internet of Things!"


I have to say, many conspiracies are fact. Critical thinking usually leads to suspicion of what's presented. Testing it against other information is vital in coming to some sort of conclusion. In the case of Ethereum, there are many great things about it that I think will benefit society as we fight against and tear down the current fiat system. However, just because we tear down one system, doesn't mean the new one won't have the tentacles of the elite cabal all over it.

I outlined some things in a video in my second post ever on steemit (which was today), and you actually commented on that post as look for the rest of my response there.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Most conspiracies are not fact. Conspiracies are incredibly difficult for human beings to pull off because human beings are weak and fallible and not omnipotent. Sigh. It's really sad to see someone write: "conspiracies are fact."

I've zero interest in"debating" you on this because if you think that, you're lost relative to anything I'd ever find interesting.

Truly, good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.

@eeks Big difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory..for anyone to beLIEve anything is a bad practice, notice the root word of knowledge is to know:) Saying who's worth paying attention to is subjective, opinions are subjective I like rock music you don't who's wrong or right? All subjective, cheers!

Your arguments are those that missed the age of enlightenment, which is what the US, modernity, and science are built on. Science is literally "knowing" and it's built on facts, on what's provable, importantly, on what's disprovable", and on doing the work.

The root of "science" is "Scire." It's not "Credo." There's a difference, and that difference is crucial. Man's goal should be Scire, not giving up or being lazy and just focusing on Credo.

Next time I will agree with your subjective the fact you didn't like not the fact I gave constructive feedback and you didn't up-vote me almost like your rubbing in my face nanana bobooo i have power to say im right and your wrong! Anyhow congrats your steem power won this ego battle..cheers!!!

Yes, you do have the power to decide what you think. I don't think science is a "subjective" view though -- I mean one can make that argument it is and you can deconstruct everything semiotician style and say that communication between two people is impossible, technically, and also nothing can ever be objective. But that time of circlejerk conversation is pretty boring and it's more of a useless debating tactic than something that can allow some to live a more enlightened or more profitable life.

I will say that looking into your profile, you're doing fascinating things. I hope you make on American Ninja Warrior, and when you're on it, I'll root for you. Cheers.

Thank You, Will Do My Best On There!!!

Haha and then he mentions Carl Sagan

Your comment is unclear. Can you clarify it? What's the significance of highlighting my mention of Carl Sagan.

Carl Sagan is working for fake news. Do some research on his early years.

Right. Uhm. Good luck in life. no ... he is not ..... are you actually serious? Spend 5 minutes reading about his life and you'll figure out his goals were aligned with spreading scientific awareness .... not 'fake news' lol....

Do you believe in any conspriacies? I mean history is one conspriacy after another why would the present be any different?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My mom was a history professor, I was a history major, and I have immersed myself in more history study and reading of all kinds than almost anyone I've ever met. I reject "history is one conspriacy after another" [sic] as very poorly informed. What a weird twisted way to conceive of history. It's simply not.

Well then. We have nothing more to say to each other. Best wishes

Thanks now I'm following pressfortruth as well :)

And the videos confirmed my research that indeed BitShares could really work, so thanks again!

Nice presentation, except for the enslavery hype.

I think the the first building block of "internet of things" is "blockchain"....Blockchain is going to be involved in every aspect of our lives.


Forget internet of things, the future is internet of everything! Security is going to be paramount, and if anything can secure the internet it is strong encryption and blockchain technology.

EDIT: Also, Silicon Valley is a great show, if you haven't watched it yet it's worth it!


Im ready for blockchain to take over everything....That is why we are lucky because we are one of the early ones in the platform.

@eeks ETH is mentioned in last paragraph - did not want to make article about something that everybody knows already :) Urbit is not - will read on it now, thanks!

@evanrvoss theres project called IOTA (wrote about it some articles ago) which already got huge marketcap, its targetin IoT so yes we are close here!

Urbit is the real deal. They are building everything from zero. The design seems absolutely great, but it also requires a lot of work and that's why they have very little to show even after years of development.

The next crowdsale will be in the near future, if anybody happens to be interested in it. Subscribe to the mailing list to get notified:

Blockchain and decentralized internet represents a new way of tackling problems. When a decentralized internet brings value to people in any capacity, then things will continue to take off. I think we are moving closer to a more sharing economy versus a more consumption based society, a block chain based, decentralized internet can help enable this.

Won't EOS be able to achieve a decentralized internet?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

EOS won't even launch for a year and is designed to put as much money in the hands of Dan Larimer and his investors as possible with no responsibility for delivering anything. Promise everything, deliver nothing, uncap it and let people pour in their own imagination, FOMO and dollars.

I see no reason to bother at all. If one plans to bother, tactically I would wait 6 months and then start dollar cost averaging in. A constant dribble of supply will wear on the market and is a technical overhang on the EOS price. Also, surely there will be better times to buy crypto than today's frothy/FOMO environment.

But by the time it launches EOS will have a dozen or more more seasoned, more tested, more ingrained competitors including Steem itself.

These are possibilities but from what I know about Dan I see him as being honest and having bigger and praiseworthy goals than making money for the sake of making money.

As for the EOS launch I haven't seen anywhere whether the launch would be during the ICO of after. I'd really love to see a confirmation either way.

Thank you for your input though I think some of your reflections on the current markets outlook might make me more cautious about investing in EOS early.

Honestly, I don't think an honest person would design a crowdsale structure like Dan has, which is uncapped, easily manipulated by EOS itself (and I expect it will be by buying into certain periods themselves, buying in supply, jawboning the price), and runs for a year.

Actions speak loud. His past actions speak loudly too, in a bad way.

hi please follow me right now i'm following you bro.


I believe at some point the in the future most companies will clone pre-existing technologies such as Ethereum and render the current ones obsolete. They are more or less prototypes that have no other significant use so far other than making ico's.

I agree, that is the inevitable result of competition. However, those that continue to innovate will continue to reign. I explain blockchain tech to EVERYONE. Recently got a bartender back into cryptos after a decade because I wrote "Google Ethereum" on his tip ( gave him cash tip too :] ). Sometimes I just want to yell it to everyone and go......( see link @ 2 min 18 sec. )

If a business copies a blockchain technology, the community will copy it back. More devs and brain power in open source than is a closed environment setting.

I relate so much with you here



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A well written article . It will happen soon via blockchain technology and it will help all to have access to uninterruped internet especailly businesses like mine that use to go offline when provider server is down. Good post indeed, thanks for sharing. Upvoted and glad that I am following you..will continue sending in my support.

Well i think that day is not very far, but we have still a long way to cover, steemit a step in the right direction and when this platform gets more attraction from users then we will see a true decentralized internet. thanks for the nice share @kingscrown

thanks for your comment.. I am following you now.. Please follow me if like my posts.

What then is everyones preaching the gosple according to STEEMIT right here in Africa..lets make Steemit a better place...its possible

The same here, I agree. Keep steeming and stay in touch

I find all this revolution that we are living similar to what happens in Mr Robot the tv series starred by Rami Malek (main actor). Wealth redistribution, a thriving will of changing the world while new techs grow at a great pace.
Exciting times!


Awesome stuff man! I am going to check out silicon valley now!

yeah you should. A nice movie, enjoy!. I knew decentralised internet was close to reality since i saw it in the show.

It's a new one on me so I am defo checking it!!

cool......following you, please follow back


My darling meep!! Oh how I have missed you!! Meep meep!


My enthusiasm about a decentralized internet lies with the hardware infrastructure needed to liberate all of our packets.

I personally believe this is where the focus should be, even up to the point where there's a massive crowdfunding to send satellites up into space to provide coverage.

Until then, development of mesh networks using mobile phones would be interesting. Even if you used a power-saving store-and-forward (think the old FIDO network) strategy, I think it would be a utility that people would embrace.

It may not charge out of the gate with boundless bandwidth to give to everyone, but just meshing up large urban centers with long-haul connectors via strapped-to-something raspberry Pi nodes would be cool.

I'd write up something more technical if I had the time, but I'm sure there are others thinking along the same lines who may have already done the legwork for me.

Work on the infrastructure first, the protocol level can wait.

I think the potential for a free market blockchain based solution here is huge. It would give incentive for people to solve the long distance gap in creative ways as being the first person in town to bridge your city means you get paid for every packet flowing from the local area.

For me the current projects fall short in this area, its not a new decentralized internet if its still using ISPs to bridge those gaps.

hi please follow me right now i'm following you bro.

I like

I love the blockchain technology I think this is going to be the future for our self and new generations. What is coming and what we are witnessing today is just the beginning of an amazing journey.

So true, we live in exciting times

It will bring a lot of freedom of movement. Taking away centralised actors and stiffling bureaucraty enables players to make more connections to others; the exponential effect thereof and the results of rigurous testing of all new ideas (by trial and error subject to free market forces), will propel us into a new age.

omg i love that show. been watching with @heimindanger since i came to france, i can't wait for the next episode!

Luckily its in less than 48 hours ;)

hoolicon is turning out to be a great event :p

Same here

My friends works on something like that - called meshnet.

Yeah meshnet is big also theres thing called hyperboria which is some kind of clone, not sure exactly

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We used hyperboria, but performance was low. The new engine should greatly improve network performance (much lower pings and higher throughput)

Following :)

hi please follow me right now i'm following you bro.

"we could build a completely decentralized version of our current internet with no firewalls, no tolls, no government regulation, no spying. Information would be totally free in every sense of the word."
Count me in. I hope I get to experience it in my lifetime. Big government has been turning into Big Brother. Decentralization and block chain technology is how we fight back and regain our liberty.

Thanks for sharing. I already watched that show for the last season :)

Very well work.. I am so much impressed.A well written article . It will happen soon via blockchain technology and it will help all to have access to uninterruped internet especailly businesses like mine that use to go offline when provider server is down. Good post indeed, thanks for sharing. Upvoted and glad that I am following you..will continue sending in my support

Hey @kingscrow

I like the way you eleborated everything in blockchain ...
Ireally like to be crypyo trader . I love to do crypto currency trading ... I used to do trading through polonix and BTC-E ...

I Being a new commer I think your really old man doing a lot on Block chain I would like to discuss about blockchain and Mining of Bit Coin.

If you help me to give me knowledge about Bitcoin Future
It will be really apprecited ..

You can check my post of introduction on my blog with title ** My Name is Sophia Olive**

In the introduction I attached my Facebook ID you can check that and Lets have a discussion on Blockchain.....

You Can See me Here

Sophia Olive . The Bitcoin Newbie


i like it

Don't forget SHIFT. Also a good time to look at buying it this weekend :)

Yeah Shift is still pretty unknown but looks promising, they will release their product next week. Looking foward to that

I read the text on the homepage. The homepage does not clarify much but the promise of a permissionless decentralised Internet blockchain application sounds good.

It's quite hollow on the page. I'll try to write up a critical analysis soon.

super glad you used stuff from Silicon Valley, thats my show right there!!!

Oh yes i love it, its decent from the start

We certainly do live in interesting times don't we?!

I just published an idea for actually removing most computing etc from the phone, and rewarding others for making a massive blockchain-based computing network. That way computing is kept cheap and efficient as possible and no viruses or upkeep on device.

Still such a phone/device could still pass on internet. But more realistic is for everyone to put up their own cell towers, for blockchain pay.

Bitshares ist the best Proyect.

"we can assume soon we shall see some decentralized versions of internet that will be blockchain based and fully encrypted" - I would love it <3

@kingscrown Did you already heard about ?

A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

Are you really believing that this is going to end up being decentralized? If that were true there would only be about 50,000,000 Americans left because that is what it is going to take to take power from these Psychos!!!

Take the time to review these videos:


Grate videos. Thanks

still hope

MAIDSAFE always in my portfolio

YES!!! Maidsafe will surprise a lot of people! They just need more time for greatness! A lot of people are impatient and want their riches like yesterday. Believe me good things come to those who can wait it out!

Absolutely! Things like Ethereum can be considered the second coming of the Internet. It could also be considered what the internet should've been^_^ thanks for sharing!

Blockstack looks crazy. cant wait for this one

Blockchain is internet 2.0, it's gonna happen.

Point, I agree

good project

So glad I got here on time and met you and the team! Good suggestions for my holidays!

Hey, I looked at your blog and they seem so interesting :) I followed you, please return the favour :) WE NEED TO BE FRIENDS!!


Great Post! Thanks for your informations!

Yeah this is the real deal! Awesome post , resteemed!

This post is definitely worth the current $1,426.58 it is valued! This information is worth millions of dollars if it points you in the direction of becoming more aware of these infant technologies being potentially huge investment opportunities. The day I found out about IOTA for example I immediately purchased 500 coins. Same thing with Peercoin and Golem and Bitbay. Got me a 100 MAID coins. Got some UBQ and PVX too. These are currencies that I'm placing my bets on to go BIG. Even if just one or two go to the moon I'll have made a fortune on just one of them by itself!

Great informative post. Keep up the great work.

Kingscrown - thanks a lot for the post. Did you have a look at Siacoin? What is a fundamental difference between MAIDSAFE and Siacoin?

Very useful informations! Thanks man

Have you seen - pretty much entirely my work though I give credit to where I got the ideas. That isn't the actual content monetisation system, just the core, which has 4 parts

  • the network membership discovery protocol
  • the replication protocol (ensuring everyone has the same data in their database)
  • an account registry (similar to Steem, pseudonymous, but accounts will not require a minimum balance)
  • a messaging protocol for short, immediate messages and bigger, slower transmitted (email and IM) - this one ostensibly will use clusters of rendezvous nodes to cache messages for a specific nearby node

These elements are fundamental, before you get to a protocol for opportunistically caching data redundantly on the network. The part that is relevant to this topic, specifically, is my 'agoric routing' system, which nodes generate 'proof of service' certificates which the validator nodes judge to determine if they are valid and using network distance algorithms, scaling the payment according to how distant the new connections are (ie, it will pay you less to watch your friends video than someone who is tens of degrees of separation from you, as shown in the ledger.

So beyond the 4 elements above, which I believe are essential, you then have the token ledger and a means to being paid (like here on steem, but not with votes, just by assessing network distance between nodes that could collude to manufacture false proof of service - most pertinently in the situation where you are pulling the content off a server within your own LAN or - well, I haven't fully elucidated the abuse potential completely, and how to stop it, but I already have described how the payouts reduce if the account that signs the receipt of delivery and the caching node and/or the uploader of the content, are too closely interacting in their financial dealings.

I'm going to be continuing to work on it but I think that I've gone far enough to be elegible for one of those prizes... And I think that getting the right ruleset for how to monetise is critical. I don't think voting is necessarily a good mechanism for tracking content consumption and rewarding creators for creating viral content.

People, like with facebook, happily expend their resources to no reward for just the reward of sharing, so, just like Steem, I think that if you could generalise the definition of content (although ultimately there must be a little base text in any content, think of video cover blurbs or the backs of books), and accurately discover real 'hits' on the content, and then issue new tokens based on this, it would be revolutionary, even more than Steem, and in fact form the basis of a 'distributed web'.

But the gen pop still is barely grasping what a blockchain is (it's just a distributed database, ultimately) let alone a 'inflation tax based monetisation system'. Dan Larimer was a genius coming up with this idea. I just think he overcomplicated some parts and we see now that the system has dispensed with a lot of his poorly formed ideas about how it should work, though the general principles are there. Distributed web will obsolete steem, but I think that steem is also positioned to migrate to the new model, if the governance system manages to work and people pay attention to the ideas that the platform itself enables people to not just propose but be compensated for it...

I have just recently got the taste of what it means to actually not have to work (a good surplus and a few mining rigs) and I don't really care if I am not the one who builds the system but I'll be more than happy to chew your ear off about how I think it should be built :)

Cool stuff!

my 'agoric routing' system, which nodes generate 'proof of service' certificates which the validator nodes judge to determine if they are valid and using network distance algorithms, scaling the payment according to how distant the new connections are (ie, it will pay you less to watch your friends video than someone who is tens of degrees of separation from you, as shown in the ledger.

Wow. Blockchain technology is on a bull run on inovation =) . Following and resteming. Hope we can see more info on decentralized internet projects . Gonna explore a bit more on this . THX 4 the grate article!

This post received a 1.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kingscrown! For more information, click here!

This would be nice if it comes to fruition!

Congratulations @kingscrown!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 3 with 786 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 208 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 5 with $ 1423,11

Does other cryptocurrencies can use it ?

Can you imagine what the future is going to be like with decentralised blockchain based networks providing the infrastructure for virtual realities accessed using neural interfaces?

The next 20 years is going to be absolutely amazing

Thats some crazy stuff but i can imagine it :))

Until the AI takes over...lmao!

The singularity is approaching with events following up each other in an increasing pace; the power of the exponential curve.

I'm just finishing S2 of Silicon Valley. Looking forward to S3.

nice post!

The world of crypto gets better and better everyday. I would love to be a fly on the wall when the powers at be get together

I guess you would be amazed about the lack of awareness and/or realistic battle plan. Elites came and went. The fly stayed the same.

We're already on it Bro! By information being distributed via multiple block chains & our currencies being Cold Stored, even if the EMP Hits...we'd just plug & play to an alternate gateway/network & keep it moving 🤓🏌🏾😎

Nice post. Decentralized internet has several aspects which have formed the backcone of many cryptotokens now. The concept of affordable storage has give rise to Siacoin's Obelisk and other disk sharing platform, Ethereum and Ripple are accepted worldwide, with Chinese banks providing a strong boost for Ripple through Core banking and Decentralized monetization implementation. Internet decentralization is well on its way.

Even with all of he hype going on right now, all the ICOs and new advancements in blockchain technology, we are still in the alpha stage. But as more people get on board and come together, the collective mass will eventually sooner than later give birth to a decentralized internet. It's just that the average person either doesn't know about blockchain technology or the are too skeptical to get involved. We all here know better. We just need to all help spread the word to bring in more thinkers and more capital.

I agree that competition could come into internet/cloud computing space.

That's a bit surreal since one of the underpinnings of the Internet and the way it was designed was to be decentralized.
Interestingly, because of the era of when all this started to take form, the main motivation for a decentralized Internet was driven by the fear of a nuclear strike knocking off the servers. If the network is designed to move packets from node to node dynamically so that it would automatically route around destroyed sections, then it becomes impossible to shut it down other than destroying most of the country.
I've read the article and the motivation behind this initiative and I'm still at a loss about what they think that can come out of this project that's fundamentally different from the way the Internet already works today.

Decentralization is as exciting as the beginning of the internet.

Quantum networt may be the ultimate solution 🙃

Should be very interesting!

GOOD POINTS and very good comments

I'd say that there are several cryptos out there that are proposing this... One of the most popular projects in a similar field is GNT (Gnosis) they propose creating sort of a massive supercomputer where everyone combines and sells computing power to process complex AI and CGI projects...

OH WOW and thank you for all of this info and i upvoted and I will share it too

I'd love to see a service that will let me decentralize my problems :)))

I've been intent on buying BitCoin, ether etc for a month and all I found was very dodgy Exchanges and invasive pseudo-security. This is more stifled than ever:
"The list of exchanges i made was as long as the time spent researching.
My system is to rate exchanges as good in blue, bad in red.
Nearly all the long list is RED."

nice post

Not sure it's good that big companies start working on it.

Certainly, very interesting times to be part of. I was a kid when Internet boom was undergoing, but now I am glad to be fully aware of this revolution.

@kingscrown it is amazing the world that we are moving towards. Thank you for this good info. On an unrelated note, I was wondering what kind of articles you like to read on Steemit? I ask because I am doing research for an article on what the hot/trending bloggers are interested in reading.

Mozilla ferfox 💚

Really sounds interesting.. Yea to change

i can see the future on this planet is all chained up in blockchain
my goodness me its scary.

Resteemed voted thanx for this informative post

Yep, it will happen for sure. It is just a matter of time.

follow me I am following you

Great post love you work keep it up

same here

what you think of this guys? is this real? I think its too late.

I want to be able to understand the blockchain and cryptocurrency, that's why I followed you. I'm still in the process of wrapping my head around this and learning. Nevertheless, good article. d(* ̄o ̄)

You left out the best part, which projects do think will be the winners?

Oh man so hard to predict, the winner may be even born tommorow :) Look how IOTA got to 6th marketcap spot when most people did not even recognize it.

If you have thoughts - share ;)

Good point on IOTA... agree it's impossible to pick. I will say this, I don't own any MAID. And I saw Blockstack present at Consensus... exciting, a project to follow.

Seems that the future is already here, and maybe the economy will be changed a little bit.

Your post is good ... i resteem .. @ musliadi

The futures bright, the futures decentralised and free!

My friend, this is far bigger than I could ever imagine. It seems that awesome times are ahead of us. Freedom might become achievable even outside our minds with this technology...

i really like your post! keep it up!

And maybe there will be something fundamentally new. After all, the etherium is also not perfect.

i love silicon valley, i love how mostly everything techy is legit :)

hi please follow me right now i'm following you bro.

Decentralized internet now thats awesome its about time we got close to gaining some of the privacy online back 90% of what we do is watched monitored and filtered by some central agency or something bitcoin truly has brought an opening to greater innovations to work against the central government way of running things AWesome Looking forward to this new internet erra

Very interesting,the very near future will be very exciting ,we must be near to an historical point in time we're technology will be life changing

the future is at our doorstep!!! finally getting rid of advertisments!!!

It's fun to wait and watch while you're in on the action and ahead of the curve so to speak. Being on Steemit and watching the rest of the internet decentralize. We're already reaping the benefits!

Open Source Everything!

I love Silicon Valley! A decentralized internet wow what a fantastic idea. Especially when there's certain idiot politicians/presidents talking about closing off sections of the internet for 'security' reasons 🙄. Not gonna mention any names here.

I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts @kingscrown. The future is near!

Wow, it's great to see a lot of projects racing for decentralization. Especially the Mozilla team, seeing as they're already apart of the cryptocurrency world. Not to mention, as you stated, cryptocurrencies are blowing up and already catching traction such as STEEM and Etherium. It'll be great to see what the future holds and how different the internet will become.

Wooow its Amazing news

I agree

Great read!

Lebaran🎉 makin dekat
Izinkan aku memohon beribu maaf🙏jika kesalahanku menyakitkan hatimu💔Utk apa menunggu lebaran itu tiba jika sekarang adalah waktu yg tepat utk mendapatkan maaf dr beribu ribu umat manusia👫👭👬

Buat pacar yg Aku sayangi😘 Mungkin kesalahan aku ke kamu banyak banget, tapi akuu minta maaf yaa atas semuanyaa, I Love You More. 😚😚

Buat sahabat yg kusayangi😍Mungkin pertengkaran yg terjadi diantara kita pernah membuat hatimu tersakiti💔walau aku tidak mengetahui nya😔😢

Buat teman2 dekat maupun jauh
Juga maafin aku kalau aku blm bisa jd teman terbaik😇😢

Buat mantan💔Maafin kalau pernah nyakitin kalian😳😔😿

Buat guru2👥Maafiiin banget atas kenakalan ku pernah membuatmu marah😿🌸

Walaupun lebaran adalah hari raya yg ditunggu2🙌Takkan lengkap rasanya jika sedikit maaf kalian tdk aku dptkan🙏
Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Bathin🙏😇

yanti dan keluarga({}) =*


this post is rich and very informative...keep it up...

thanks for your post

Blockchain based Internet will be another great revolution....Blockchaing technology has changed the world of technologies... Informative article...

Download a few websites, make a torrent of the file, distribute it via torrent sites.

There you have your distributed internet.

Can I have my $2 million USD please.

Interesting post! ty!

Decentralization of the internet has already start. Everybody is focuced on this. You already mentioned Mozilla, Maelstrom Project, STEEM, Ethereum e.t.c. Very good post that place many information together!

its such a great idea and am waiting to see how this decentralization is going to take.

All of us crypto enthusiasts know that this is the revolution of the payment industry

Very interesting, especially the decentralising the web and the browser parts thanks for posting this.

The geography in North America makes it difficult. Most of the infrastructure is hub-spoke.

Decentralized at a city level should be possible soon once the routers get away from table based routes.

Thanks! Nice and informative post!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

hi please follow me right now i'm following you bro.

Soon, all our data and hard drives all will be virtual, stored in a cloud. For our safety, of course :) Money too, as it will be a cryptocurrency :)