Sex Dolls and Robots to Replace Human Intimacy, Connection and Relationships

in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Humans have long been motivated and driven by pleasure. It's a basic biological and psychological component of animal beings. The desire for sexual gratification is often not met by some who can't find a partner to be with. They have to masturbate, pay for pleasure, or take it by violent force.

Source, wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

The lack of sexual gratification in many lives has been a long time source and demand for a market to emerge. Brothels accommodate the sexual desires of many. Women have long been used for sexual stimulus. The deeper connection and intimacy is not present, but that doesn't matter when the focus is on lower consciousness pleasure gratification alone, or the reception of money for giving pleasure as a service.

Hyper-sexualization is present in society and has become a norm in many ways, with many ads using sexuality and symbols of sex and pleasure to stimulate and motivate consumers into buying their products, especially targeted at men. Some people are not adequately capable of being involved in a romantic relationship with another human for various reasons, and others have a high level sex-drive that isn't being fulfilled by their partner. Pornography is already rampant in our hyper-sexualized society and distorts the relationship with sexual pleasure.

Cheating on a partner with another person, or paying for sex happens for various reasons. In recent decades, sex dolls have been made to satisfy the desires for sexual gratification in the lives of many. Artificial intelligence is also being added to the dolls to make them respond in human-like ways so as to create the illusion of a human-like intimacy.

In a short documentary on the growing sex doll and sex robot phenomenon called "Sex Robots and Us", some brothels are incorporating sex robots into their business to gratify men. They think in 30 years that more humans will be having sex with robots/dolls than with other humans. I find this very sad for the psychological state of humanity.

"It felt so human. It was so weird.... If we have these complex robots being made, people are going to find them sexually attractive. And then when the technology is there with AI, they are going to be companions as well. I think you can just see it happening."

"It felt like I glimpsed the future. A future that would include super realistic, super intelligent, and super sexual humanoids."

Some see sex robots as a positive for older people too. They want senior citizen homes to have access to sex robots to deal with their loneliness and relieve a burden from the workers there. It would probably diminish the sexual harassment from some old perverts too.

People are so lonely that they are turning to robots to find some level of intimacy. People are buying dolls for so-called "relationships" that replace real human relationships and intimacy. Obtaining a relationship or sex with another is being supplied by artificial creations rather than the natural form of human-to-human relations, even if some of those are artificial relations through the form of paying for sex from someone who doesn't really care about you. They just want money and wouldn't be doing it without money. Plus, many are coerced into sex work for survival and from gangs, and many are conditioned into accepting that way of life as the only things they can do.

I find it's a sad state for humanity that we are already in, and the direction we are going towards for satisfying baser physical desires is removing the connection that a real human relationship can bring. I suppose for some they prefer the artificial fulfillment of their desires to the complications of interacting with another person. And I suppose that the removal of sex work from humans is good in terms of not having women exploited for sex like they currently are, reducing the need for evil people to exploit or enslave young girls and women, abusing them and making them dependent on a way of life that they would have otherwise not become dependent upon.

But isn't this part of a good "price" to pay for the pleasure of sex: to have to commit into a relationship and bond with another human for greater life satisfaction and intimacy as you share your life and grow together as a couple?

So many people are led by the pleasure trap and satiating their lower consciousness baser carnal physical desires that they don't want to put in the time, effort, energy, determination, dedication and persistence to find someone and make a relationship work. Human relationships will take a hit when your main motivation is sex, and not human contact or connection. Why bother trying to get into a relationship with someone when you can more easily just get off by paying for it, either form another human or using a sex doll or sex robot...

Paying for sex in either case is coming from a lower consciousness unconscious motivation and drive to satisfy sexual desires. What will the state of human relationships be like in years to come? Where will human companionship be? Will we have more artificial relationships with robots that simulate human contact and relations? What need will there be for real human relationships and romance when people can just get their sexual 'fix' more easily from artificial creations instead? Cue the Brave New World or Gattica style artificial insemination or human production society...

There is one manufacturer interviewed in Tokyo who makes a lot of sex dolls and interchangeable parts.

He even makes models where the client can determine the age they want, making it more "kid-like"...

"We have to leave it to the customer's imagination for the actual age setting.... But there might be some kind of sentiment to petite, kid like size"

I already don't like the sexbot trend, but this is troubling as well. It's all legal, so the manufacturer does whatever they can get paid to do and within the legal framework.

The documentarian says he "wasn't expecting that."

"I walked into that place, and see them all laid out in these positions, and it becomes really apparent... that's a female form being printed out, ready to be abused or used however. Then you see the child body, and yeah, id doesn't seem... suddenly it seems very... I don't know... it doesn't seem quite the same...
I felt pessimistic about what kind of future we are creating for ourselves
The development of the sexbot industry seemed unstoppable
I struggle to see what benefit sex robots can bring to society.
For men it's actually something you can interact with and enact fantasies on, which seems potentially risky, psychologically, we don't really know the impact of this kind of thing.
It seems we're steeping backwards in our progress."

The projected future that many are desiring and creating seems rather sad and pathetic in many ways, and a testament to how low we are going in our state of consciousness being ruled by unconsciouses biological desires to rule our behavior; to abandon the complexity and deeper connection with others in a real romantic relationship and receiving all the benefits it provides, which includes sexual intimacy.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Intentionally or not, the animosity of militant third wave feminism for men, the blatant misandry and demonization of men in modern politically correct "culture" has trickled down to significantly damage personal relationships between men and women.

Many young men would rather masturbate or play video games than engage with women they believe have been taught to view them as violent, defective or emotionally crippled oppressors. Entertainment media has all but erased the depiction of a strong, intelligent, courageous family man and loving father from public consciousness. We are subjected to endless iterations of evil men, moronic heroes, weak fathers and androgynous cowards - none of which are positive male role models and leave young men feeling alienated and misunderstood.

These aspects have given rise to multiple men's movements that focus on men. These movement include MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) in which men completely disavow women and refuse to have anything to do with them whatsoever. Neomasculinity, in which men do not reject women (but are not that concerned about them) and focus instead on improving themselves as individuals while staying single. And the Dionysian PUA (Pick-Up Artist) scene, which treats women as conquests rather than partners. All of these have been decried as "toxic masculinity".

The advent of the sexbots is likely the death knell of reproduction rates in the West, which will - I believe - be a major crisis for women. The reproductive cycle for women is a natural part of womanhood and a healthy expression of a woman's humanity. Motherhood is the gift of self to the world and the completion of the circle of life. Many men also want children, but not being the bearer of life changes the intensity of the experience, making it easier - I believe - for men to age without children (plus men can procreate far later in life, reducing the anxiety and pressure to do so before the biological clock runs down).

When women, raised in a culture than demonizes men, have to compete with sexbots that are ideal in form (i.e. customizable) and don't have the emotional complications, nor can take half in a separation, many men will, sadly, choose the path of least resistance, leaving women to fend for themselves. The illusion of companionship will make it easy to reject the natural order. It is already happening.

Bar a major sea change in the relationship between the sexes that emphasizes that men and women are complementary and should be considered equal in human dignity and rights, despite their demonstrable biological differences and all that entails, the triumph of the sexbots is all but guaranteed.

You nailed it. Neo-feminism has created animosity towards men, and they feel it. It's such a hassle that many revert to juvenile behavior and attitudes towards women in general as a consequence.

In addition to the removal of strong men, there is a push for the warrior strong women who can apparently kick men's asses... lol, Divergent series, Star Wars, Hunger Games, and more.

MGTOW I find rather ridiculous. It's sad. In addition to the exclusion of women and PUA , this creates a downfall of western society and population reduction.

Sexbots are just going to pay right into the existing schisms. Yes, rejecting the natural is bad for humanity. Men + women is the natural order for survival of the species, and is the healthiest dynamic for humanity. Many women don't care, since they can just go get sperm injected into an egg and reproduce without a man in their life.

Thanks for the feedback.

On a related note, the push of the warrior woman as a realistic depiction of women's capabilities in the realm of the physical is beyond absurd. Together with the deconstruction of chivalry as a cultural good by labeling it "toxic masculinity" (which includes the principle of not striking a woman or initiating violence for non-defensive reasons) this puts women at an increased risk of physical confrontations with men.

Recently I was privileged enough to engage in a conversation about women in law enforcement. In most regions, female police officers are not allowed to patrol in F/F pairs, there must always be a male police officer with the female police officer. I opined this was a reasonable precaution, because two women simply are not enough in most circumstances to restrain a single male, even an untrained one. This of course resulted in a heated debate about my biases.

I politely told them they were mistaken and that media depictions of women had inaccurately colored their understanding of the differences between men and women in the physical realm. I was denounced. Accused of being sexist. Of course women can fight as well as men! I asked them if two female police officers could restrain one man as they claimed, how easy would it be for three? A unanimous chorus of "super easy!"

I showed them this. I pointed out that a single case doesn't prove the rule of course, but it is still wiser to pair male with female officers for the female officers' safety. In the ensuing silence, I made good my farewells.

Yeah, the bias of recognizing the male body is inherently constructed to be more physically strong... how dare you :P

So many people are led by the pleasure trap and satiating their lower consciousness baser carnal physical desires that they don't want to put in the time, effort, energy, determination, dedication and persistence to find someone and make a relationship work. Human relationships will take a hit when your main motivation is sex, and not human contact or connection. Why bother trying to get into a relationship with someone when you can more easily just get off by paying for it, either form another human or using a sex doll or sex robot...

you have a point but when you are actually coming out of a relationship ? when you actually are over a long term toxic relationship ? the last thing you want is another one. but yet you still want a sex life and all the arguments in what I have quoted from your article become a challenge that many male/female won't try to achieve if there is a solution like AI robot partners.
men or women can be quite traumatised from relationships that would lead them to use such services.
IMO, society put a lot of pressure on females from a very young age, to look a certain way to be attractive with their look good attitude. The consumerism society and marketing strategies have built an empire of beauty products, perfumes, fashion closes, hair styles etc... on girls, pushing them to look a certain way to achieve happiness and success.
Boys on the other hand are pressured to act a certain way avoiding any contact with their feminine side or studying "feelings" in a manhood perspective, sexuality for boys is all related to what their penis says.

How many ppl use drugs (legal or illegal) to escape reality, jobs, family dramas, religion, state rules, death, schools, shopping malls ? You live in a not so healthy world of relationships between humans and relationship with the earth altogether, your arguments might apply for you and I do understand where you coming from with this, it's sick but that's what a lot of ppl are.

A song like "I'm in love with the shape of you" is the stereotypical symptom of what I am talking about here, and therefore when a song makes a hit like this I'm not surprise to read that one day a AI robot could be your sexual and even emotional partner, and imagine now that the AI wants to experience sexual intercourse with a human ? and what about AI<>AI orgies that would change the porn industry for ever. Fancy a 3some with my robot do you ?

Talking about porn, it's a huge activity online, alongside money games.
To me many healthy people are out there but for some reason they are not necessarily active online, many ppl with an healthy mind find their reality away from screens, healthy kids find their childhood outside not watching mainstream propaganda, listening superficial "shape of you" like songs, but I'm going to stop here before someone start labelling me as a hippy.

I agree. The pressure to conform to socially engineered images of an ideal man or women, and to escape from the tension and stress in life of various kinds through drugs or the most popular alcohol is prevalent. So much crap comes from superficial focus in life, on appearances, and not on substance and right living. Conflict breed as we are somewhat lost walking on different false paths instead of walking on the path of truth. Thanks for the feedback.

As much as I feel that our society already heavily promotes detachment and lacks empathy, I think having these dolls further dehumanize each others sexuality is much like you said "sad and pathetic in many ways."

We may get to WestWorld. If the robot is good enough are you sure you will know it is a robot.

Yeah, now others aren't even good enough to be sexual or relational companions, gotta get that fix from a robot... :/

Who are you calling robot? That's "Animatronic American!" LOL I can hear the political outrage from the robot rights people now...

Well political correct humans can't deal with each other anymore. They have rejected each other. Bring in the robots!

it is an interesting quandry. there seems to be a reason this is trending and will certainly take away from human relationships but in some way it may stave off violence and abuse of women. I'm interested to see if the male sex bot catches on for women.

I was thinking the same thing. Could this new technology, however controversial, satisfy the lizard-brain needs of men that have trouble connecting with other people? Theoretically, now this man is no longer operating under a scarcity mindset, he can always go back to his trusty sex-bot. If his mindset now shifts to one of abundance perhaps he gains more confidence and is more easily able to make connections with people? I don't know... but it's a weird thought.

Females also have trouble connect with people since they ruin their bond ability if they have sex with many males. So it's a female problem as well.

Yeah, positive for the negative people who do immoral things, but negative for humanity overall maybe...

Not sure about sex dolls, but virtual reality will put us, humans, into a vegetable mode one day. A Matrix style plug in to the system of unlimited posibilities.

Haha, yes, escapism where unreality virtual "reality" matters more than the real objective external reality we exist in. Ready Player One touched on that at the end, that the real world matters more than the virtual world. Someone I've recognized myself years ago.

I only know I don't want to live that long to experience such world as there may be no escape from it when we plug our brains to the system and keep them alive forever. No dying - no escape. And imagine something goes wrong in such system with no escape and you suffer forever. That would be biblical HELL, wouldn't be?

We will have a smaller need to expand body energy that is true. Really not that much point with it!

Like Japanese Manga characters, big heads and small bodies walking (ups, rather sitting) around, ha!

Apparently, there was a whorehouse in Amsterdam that added some robots to their roster - and they became more popular than the real women! Go figure.

Personally - can’t deny I’m curious. lol. Though couldn’t see it as an actual substitute...

Western women are not really high quality lol, a robot can easily replace and have more Grace

A few years ago, I might have agreed with that. Now, would have to say that’s nothing more than cognitive bias, and the east, west, makes no difference in and of itself.

I first went to Thailand when 23... never really dug Asian women before, though when came back, oddly found I wasn’t into western women anymore and really dug Asian... fast forward another 7 months in Thailand, 5 years in Bali, and back to Canada with an Indonesian wife... can safely say: east/west is far too broad a generalization. There are good & bad, graceful and non-graceful, crazy bitches and true queens, etc, etc on both sides.

Quality is more dependent on the individual than culture.

Attempting to argue against that, you’re more less just resorting to racism.

Men preferring robots to a real women, even sadder than them using a whorehouse...

every day artificial life is dominating the technological world and now they manufacture sexbot as a sexual dildo, I agree with artificial life as a means of work that helps us make physical work easier ... but to use it as a toy sexual is the criterion of each one! Imagine that in the middle of the erotic act with the sexbot gives you an electric shock in your intimate part .. haha. It would be to die for.

The problem is that no one talks about what men need.
Especially feminists.

And now that feminists have made it abundantly clear that having a normal sexual relationship with a woman is courting imprisonment, then guys are left out in the cold.

Further, with the social welfare system and the acceptance of single mommies... It is now not 1 girl per guy. Because of female nature, it is now 5 girls per guy, who is hot. And 0 girls for any guy that is not.

20% of guys have sex with 80% of women.
40% of guys have sex with 20% of women.
40% of guys have no sex with women.

So, how can you make any kind of statement that this is soo sad?
What is sad is that our current feminist ideal world leave 40% of guys no female contact, with or without sex dolls.

And, no one i know of questions the validity of vibrators and dildos.

Because of female nature, it is now 5 girls per guy, who is hot

You are clearly projecting your own metrics on to all women. "Being hot" is the number one thing many men focus on. Women have much more diverse standards. I can't help but feel you are pulling these statistics right out of thin air.

OMG, Alpha-male took my women!

The patriarchy trains men (from birth) to be incompetent douche-bags when it comes to romance, relationships, and emotions. It's like it creates this polarizing effect where you're either afraid of women or you hunt/exploit them. Drop your sense of entitlement. Women don't owe you anything.

A feminist is someone who believes that women are not second-class citizens. Your warped view of feminists being angry prude cock-blockers is part of the problem. Everyone should be a feminist. EVERYONE.


Those males have to work on themselves. What is the problem? If females don't want you improve yourself!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So, how can you make any kind of statement that this is soo sad?

Because it is. You yourself just pointed out the sadness of how you view the current condition (although it may not be like that entirely), and then there is the sad state of the sex bot development as a result of the first sad state of things.

An interesting post on the sex bots, but I feel you are a little of base....

...90% of people who pay for sexual services are normally in a relationship with someone, who's sex tastes differ, and they use this avenue as a choice, rather than risk any emotional entanglement that will jeopardize their home relationship.
(in my experience),

I'm saying this from many years in the escorting industry and thousands of clients as relevant number of people to have a fairly good grasp on the motivations.

A shoulder to cry on because of a lack of communication with their loved one, is a major part of the job.

Just adding in my 2 cents worth..

There are hug and talk renting services with no sex that people pay for. The robots will be able to substitute both sex and relational needs. People who pay for sex are still not getting their sexual desires met, which is what I said, regardless of them being in a relationship or not, I mentioned both as well.

People who pay for sex are still not getting their sexual desires met,

How so?

Having talked to and met, literally hundreds of people who do pay for sex - and say that without that service - their sexual desire would not be met, and more importantly - it would detrimental to the rest of their life and relationships, so I would disagree with you there..

My experience of this is not academic, but from years of seeing exactly this, day in day out..

The first person to open a brothel and psychiatry service will make a fortune.
Now, lie down on the couch and tell me how you feel... with a happy ending.

I did the job as part of an 'escort couple' in the west end of London for years.

You would be truly amazed of how much of 'that job' is talking about these really deep personal issues.
Eye opening...

Yes, i would be amazed, and listen intently. And probably buy a few pints to keep you retelling tales.

It seems to me that the biggest demographic for purchasing sex dolls are actually dreamers.
Those men who bought the Dizney Koolaid. That there is that one women for them.
Nerds, geeks and the like. There isn't many women into that kind of guy, so these kind of guys get a doll and develop a imaginary relationship with it.

Its either that or spend years learning social skills, and then learning how to pick up a woman.
And that road is harder than getting a fat person into the gym (they know they are overweight and know the gym will help)

No need to buy me a pint, buy the book! (or keep watching my posts! - that time of my life will be a few chapters...fascinating shit, to be honest)

Do you know of anyone actually buying a sex doll? - I don't...

'cynthia, get back under the desk'

Yes, i know people buying and selling sex dolls.
The strangest thing is that they all get very attached to their dolls, like you see a guy get attached to a woman.
And some of these guys are not losers when it comes to women.


getting emotionally attached to inanimate objects? - How stupid. I know the feeling.


I don't think the problem is getting worse, it's just not getting any better. Prostitution was even more rampant in the past than it is today.

The oldest profession in the world is prostitution.

However, I will say that the advent of this new technology is on the fence. Will it be like violent video games that actually reduce violence? Or will it usher in a new group of people who self teach that their messed up behavior is acceptable?

Violence is going down just look at any statistics

Using technology to replace some tasks humans have previously been dependent upon might be an advantage, but replacing humans-to-human needs with technology seems like a problem for our ability to connect and find value in each other, both sexually and relationally. Sex robots to reduce sex? Or what did you mean? Sex crimes with robots reduce sex crimes against people? That makes sense. Rape-a-robot service for the pervs to leave humans alone... :/

Is the same fantasy with humans. power does not understand where the excess. I think that's not normal anymore

Is it normal to stare into a phone all the time? Times change you have to change along with it.

Right, because it doesn't matter the negative effects it can have, just go with the flow? lol

In future society will be ruined.

Thanks for being such a useful witness, I've included you in this post and I hope that you will do much more for steemit. ☺

When I first heard of it, I thought it was all a joke and then saw it on CNN and greatness, a brothel in Germany ordered for 4 of these Sex dolls and want to use it to replace humans.

I see no moral upright individual with good family home training getting this sex dolls.

The story was, not about replacing, it was that the customers preferred the sex doll.
And so they were getting more.

It's just a robot helping with pleasure. It's not a big deal. People already satisfy themselves with their hand

I say live and let live, if it's not harming any others. If someone needs a sex doll, it's their dime, their reasons - either they will find it fulfilling or they won't. People do figure these things out on their own. None of us can stop them anyway. The only ones who have a reasonable complaint are prostitutes - losing some of their business to a doll. As for me, as a woman, if a man can't be honest, self-responsible, reasonable and hold a conversation, he's not grown up enough for me to be around him long (yawn), and that's a prerequisite before sex enters the equation. What people do in private is none of my business unless they are in a relationship with me - then talk honestly and openly or I lose interest. Liars are not interesting people and bring on too much drama for my taste.

I've heard plenty of men stating they "can't talk to their wives/partners" so they go to a call girl or another woman for it (I haven't been in the industry, but I have a few close friends and talked openly with many who were). To me, it's a cop-out to blame the partner. For some men, it's truer that they "won't" talk to their wives - too scared (if that's not revealing about how much power a female partner can have over her man). For others it's true that they really "can't". How do you know the difference? Say nothing and listen carefully, then ask questions. Easy enough to weed out the self-delusional, fearful, liars who believe something based on nothing substantial (or have ulterior motives) and those who don't. But, if you can't talk to your partner honestly, then you're in the wrong relationship or you're the wrong person for that partner (you're living a dual existence, and it can't be both ways, not for long).

As for feminists in the media (a bit off-topic but it was mentioned in the comments): Ignore them, please! They don't speak for most of us and make very little sense. The younger women aren't being taught how to be a real women - many are still fumbling or believe b.s. A real woman loves and wants her man to grow up and improve his character and life, and should know enough to be able to support them through it, without the man betraying her trust. People get all upset over these crazy, dumb ideas being spouted publicly, including moral judgments and debates on sexbots. OMG, society will fall apart now. NOT.

Please realize that there's all sorts of media that overwhelms the populace for women be a sexy, skinny (even unhealthy) to be considered a "real woman". And for who and what? For a perceived "group" of lower, baser, immature males who can't think past their groin (they hope) for MONEY. That's their bread and butter. Too bad more mature adults aren't explaining the details of relationships directly to young men and women. It's been neglected in our western society since liberated women burned their bras, got on the pill and went back to work instead of raising their own children (Thank you, Gloria Steinem - sarcasm). Furthermore, I can't tell you how many young women struggle with body image issues that has invaded their peace of mind for having decent relationships with males. My observation says that the media is merely brainwashing through marketing with ideas that mostly don't exist in reality. Furthermore, I've known plenty of men who have physical "standards" for a perfect woman, near impossible ones at that, always to the detriment of the woman. Yes, shut up and get a sexbot and stop making real women miserable, confused and rejected with your unrealistic, self-serving, imperialistic, arrogant voiced preoccupation - hardly an equal and fulfilling exchange for 7 minutes of sex time and lack of real love.

Here's a simple fact: Men focus easily and more often on sex by nature, but that doesn't make them all deviant perverts with "standards", as I mentioned previously. So, if you disagree with using sex-bots, then YOU don't get one. If you do agree, then get your bitcoins or credit card and buy one. I prefer not to know what you do in private anymore than a gay person advertising they are gay. I don't need to hear or imagine what and how others have sex in private. Why do people want all this crap out in the open? Did anyone stop to think that we ALL don't need to know, imagine and accept everything about others' private affairs? Yuk. No.

Damn, I'm still yukking and spitting over that pus*** march. As if that did squat to dignify women in the eyes of the world. It's Hollywood, media, socially, and politically motivated, so it's probably b.s. As if those modes are a good track record for moral, intelligent words and behaviors. Hardly.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

this character like he thinks of pure marijuana