Research on how to reduce the sizes of Solar panel

in technology •  7 years ago 

This thought always crosses my mind whenever there is an installation of solar energy. this is mainly because of the large sparse of land it does occupy.
I have made a lot of findings to know if there are researches on how to actually get these panels reduced into a size that will still keep the wattage same or even higher.
I think to achieve this,the efficiency of solar panel has to increase for the solar cell efficiency to also increase. Due to the efficiency of solar cell depends on material used, sillicon(Si) is used for crystalline cells.

Other opinions are welcome

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They already have ways to make the panels more efficient . But the companies have to consider cost factors also . For the majority of people getting into solar . They are looking into when the panels will break even . If a the average person dont see any break even period . Most wont even consider this panel and will drop to the lower efficient panel. There are scenarios that high efficient panels are much better like consider a large solar farm . In theory if the company was purchasing the panels from them selves . The positive cost of the more efficient panel may be off set by the amount of aluminum and labor involved for assembly of panels .
Panel efficiency has been increasing through the years though . Slowly but surely .

yes, you are ryt

Yes, you are right.
If a solar panel was 100% efficient it would generate 1000 watts per square meter. Typically solar panels are around 20% efficient so they only produce 200 Watts per square meter.
Getting this up to 35% is possible (and has been done in labs) but the technology costs too much to be commercial at the moment.

Yes,technology cost is too much