Hello Steemit: Give me a minute to introduce myself

in technology •  8 years ago 

I am Mohamed Ibrahim Bangura. My friends call me MIB- I'm not a fan of Men In Back though:)

I from Sierra Leone and I'm studying electrical power systems engineering in Mauritius island. I am passionate about education, and automation. I also have an interest in leadership. I am a member of Kelvin Doe Foundation (The wonder kid who thoughts himself engineering and was invited by MIT and Havard) Through this foundation I help to identify kids with talent or an interest in technology and expose them to opportunities and resources to further develop them. I will be sharing some of the work we do and hopefully, you will help us identify more talented kids out there. I was also featured in UNICEF's 2015 State of the World's Children's report.( Find link below)

In my extra time, I build electronics ( Sometimes I actually break electronics to see what is inside>).

I'll be sharing my work with you. You can also ask me to build a customize toy for your kid.

Thank you for your time

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